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Question 1:

Consider the following statements about the Charter Act of 1833:

1.For the first time, decentralization was introduced.

2.The spirit of equality was accepted in government services.

3.Now The Governor of Bengal became the Viceroy of India. Thus the Queen started controlling the administration of India.

Which of the following statements are correct?

Question 2:

Consider the achievements of Lord Curzon:

1.He was the most popular Viceroy of India.

2.He passed the Cooperative Societies Act. Therefore, he is considered the father of cooperatives in India.

3.Under the cooperative, farmers could get interest-free loans.

Which of the following statements are not correct?

Question 3:

Consider the Ryotwari system of land revenue during the British period:

1.There was no middleman between the government and the farmers.

2.Land ownership was given to the peasants which they could not transfer.

3.Farmers had to pay a large amount of revenue.

Which of the following statements are correct?

Question 4:

Consider the following statements about Land Holders Society or Zamindar Association:

1.All members were Zamindars.

2.Dwarkanath Tagore and other associate zamindars were Its founders.

3.This institution criticized the Zamindari and raised questions for the farmer’s rights.

Which of the following statements are not correct?

Question 5:

Consider the following statements about Arya Samaj under the social and religious reform movement:

1.Dayanand Saraswati, the founder, supported the Varna system and idol worship as it was accepted in the Vedic period.

2.The word Swaraj was first used by Arya Samaj.

3.He advocates Hindi to be the national language.

Which of the following statements are correct?

Question 6:

Who was the founder of the British Empire in India?

Question 7:

Consider the following statements-

Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the third battle of Panipat.

Tipu Sultan died in the Third Anglo-Mysore War.

Mir Jafar conspired with the British for the defeat of Siraj-ud-Daulah in the Battle of Plassey.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Question 8:

Consider the following statements:

Robert clive was the first governor-General of bengal.

William Bentick was the first Governor-General of india.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Question 9:

Consider the following who along with Lord Wellesley had subsidiary treaties and the right of treaties made by them Find the chronological order from the code given below-





Question 10:

Consider the following events-

1. Clive's return to India

2. Treaty of Allahabad

3. Battle of Buxar

4. Warren Hastings to become the Governor of India.

According to the chronological order of occurrence of the above events, the following.