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Question 1:

Read the following statement and choose the correct option?

Assertion(A) – The empty paper cup catches fire and start burning. 

Reason (R)- The candle flame raises the temperature of the empty cup above ignition temperature so it catches fire.

Question 2:

Which of the following planets is closest to the Sun ?

Question 3:

Light year is a unit of measurement of -

Question 4:

Current carriers in solid conductors are

Question 5:

Calcium oxide reacts vigorously with water to produce slaked lime whose solution is used for white – washing walls . This slaked lime reacts with component A in air to form a thin layer of component B to give a shiny finish . What are the component A and B ?

Question 6:

A white salt (A)  on heating decomposes to give brown fumes and a yellow residue PbO is left behind. Name the salt.

Question 7:

 A compound X used in cement industry .Name the substance X  and its reaction with water is of which type ?

Question 8:

Which is the largest reptile In the World?

Question 9:

Consider the following statements:

  1. Blue foods are food derived from aquatic animals, plants or algae that are caught or cultivated in freshwater and marine environments.
  2. Blue foods are ranked higher than terrestrial animal-sourced foods in terms of their nutritional benefits and potential for sustainability gains.
  3. The production of blue food generates the fewest greenhouse gas and nutrient emissions and uses the least land and water.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Question 10:

Consider the following:

  1. Genetically Modified crops
  2. Quarantine system
  3. Germ warfare

Which of the above methods can be deployed as the Pest Controlling Methods?