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Question 1:

Find the sum of first 20 even natural number ?

Question 2:

The divisor is 26 times the quotient and 9 times the remainder. If the quotient is 27 , then the dividend is:

Question 3:

How many zeros are there in the product $1^{50} \times 2^{49} \times 3^{48} . \times \ldots \times 50^{1}$ ?

Question 4:

For the number $987$x$ 54$, select the digit ' $x$ ' from the given alternatives. So that the number is divisible by 6 .

Question 5:

When $\left(2^{48}-1\right)$ is divided by 7 , the remainder is :

Question 6:

Find the unit digit in the expression $12\times16\times 123\times 2049$

Question 7:

Simplify and find the value of $x$ in the following questions:
$\sqrt{3481}+\sqrt{5929}=17 \times x$

Question 8:

If the number $123 P 868$ is divisible by 9, what is the least possible value of $P ?$

Question 9:

Correct expression of $2 . \overline{56}$ is (the bar indicates repeating decimal):

Question 10:

The LCM of $330,352,770$ and 990 is  $x$ , when  $x$  is divided by the HCF of the numbers, the quotient is 'y'. Find the value of ' $y$ '?