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Question 1:

The philosophy of "transientism" was propounded by

Question 2:

From which book is the evidence of the establishment of the city of Kashmir available?

Question 3:

What was the period of Ashoka's Kalinga campaign?

Question 4:

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched

Emissaries sent by Ashoka: Location


Question 5:

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched

Ashoka's small inscriptions : Location 

Question 6:

Who first discovered the inscriptions of Ashoka?

Question 7:

Who is referred to as Buddhashakya in the miniature inscriptions of Ashoka?

Question 8:

From which sources do we get information about the Maurya Empire?

Question 9:

Which of the following is not related to the reign of Chandragupta-

Question 10:

Which dynasty was started by Mahapadmanand?