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Question 1:

Creativity in a classroom can be encouraged by providing opportunities for students to:

Question 2:

Deep seated teacher prejudices about disadvantaged groups can often be revealed through an analysis of which of the following classroom processes ?

Question 3:

“Men generally think with their heads and women with their hearts”. This statement reflects:

Question 4:

It is important that the teacher does not segregate children into fixed groups based upon intelligence quotient (IQ) as-

Question 5:

The Classroom environment of progressive classroom will NOT have which of the following attitudes ?

Question 6:

The Kohlberg’s model of moral development has which of the following characteristics ?

Question 7:

Problem - solving skills can be enhanced by -

Question 8:

Which of the following is primary agent of socialisation for children?

Question 9:

A progressive classroom -

Question 10:

Language development among children gets influenced by -