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Question 1:

Which one of the following is not an example of  a fine motor skill?

Question 2:

Who has given more stress on the philosophy of social construction?.

Question 3:

Self-motivated in terms of learning, by which of the following psychologist?

Question 4:

Under Constructivist language teaching, a teacher :

Question 5:

What does Self - reinforcement of learners' mean?

Question 6:

Which of the following is solve a problem correctly identifies the development?

Question 7:

A New born baby first gains control of its head in around two month followed by other organs. 

this type of development in human is called-

Question 8:

When students decide to do an activity over and over again to earn a reward then what are the possibilities in such a situation?

Question 9:

In a progressive classroom:

Question 10:

The underlying belief behind inclusive education is -