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Question 1:

According to the levels of Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which one of the following steps is given by him?

Question 2:

One of the main rules of learning is the 4th step?

Question 3:

A young child can engage in symbolic play but cannot as yet take perspective of another person and becomes easily upset by events he/she cannot control. Which of the following stages givey by Jean Piaget applies to this child’s level of development ?

Question 4:

In order to facilitate the learning process, a teacher should use strategies which emphasise on -

Question 5:

A child in a classroom faces a continual challenges in understanding mathematical operations despite adequate support. This could be because of-

Question 6:

Which of the following is primary agent of socialisation for children?

Question 7:

When a teacher supports the child in putting together a jig-saw puzzle by giving hints and cues she is using the construct of -

Question 8:

As per Lev Vygotsky's theory which of the following is an effective strategy of scaffolding the teaching - learning process?

Question 9:

To motivation learning in the classrooms, a teacher should:

(A) Help students to regulate their own emotions and motivation.

(B) Categorize and label students according to their performance and make ability-grouping.

(C) Promote dialogue and discussion among children to build multiple perspectives.

(D) Ignore diversity in the classroom and follow standard methods of instruction.

Question 10:

Which of the following is helpful in facilitating conceptual understanding of a task among students ?