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Question 1:

Which waterfall is formed, when Kaveri enters Tamil Nadu?

Question 2:

Which of the following is the largest waterfall in India?

Question 3:

The Bababudan hills located in the state of Karnataka are famous for the mining of which of the following minerals?

Question 4:

Which is the second most important metallurgical industry in India?

Question 5:

Where is Zinc and Lead mainly mined in India?

Question 6:

In which country is the Takla Makaan desert located?

Question 7:

Which is the largest desert in South Asia?

Question 8:

Which mountain peak is also known as "Everest of South India"?

Question 9:

Which of the following is not a peak of Aravalli mountain?

Question 10:

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(Water fall) and (River)