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Question 1:

A person buys 5 tables and 9 chairs for Rs. 15,400 . He sells the tables at $10 \%$ profit and chairs at $20 \%$ profit. If his total profit on selling all the tables and chairs is Rs.2,080, what is the cost price of 3 chairs?

Question 2:

If a shopkeeper gives 2 items free with every 8 items while purchasing, then what is the discount % he provides to customer?

Question 3:

A dishonest dealer professes to sell article at cost price but actually he makes a profit of $25 \%$. Find the weight he substitutes for 1$\mathrm{kg}$.

Question 4:

A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at 10% profit on Cost Price and also uses a false weight and gives 900 grams instead of 1 kg. Find his total gain?

Question 5:

A business man increases the CP of his stock by $20 \%$ to fix its MP. He sells half of the stock at MP, one fourth of the stock at $20 \%$ discount and the remaining at $40 \%$ discount. Find his overall profit $\%$

Question 6:

A shopkeeper obtains a profit of $25 \%$ on an item by selling it at marked price. If the cost price and the marked price of the product increases by $10 \%$, what discount should the shopkeeper give on the marked price, so that the overall profit comes down to $20 \%$ ?

Question 7:

A shopkeeper has two articles - P and Q. The cost price of the article P is 32.5% more than the cost price of the article Q. The cost price of article P is increased by 30% and it is sold in Rs. 8268 at a profit of 25%. If article Q marked up 40% above the cost price, then what is the marked price of the article Q in rupees?

Question 8:

By selling a book for Rs. 25.65 a trader makes a loss of $5 \%$. If he sold it for Rs. 31.05, then find his profit percent or loss percent.

Question 9:

Pawan sold an article at a loss of $12.5 \%$. Had he sold the article for $Rs. 56$ more, he would have made a profit of $22.5 \%$. What should be the selling price of the article to get $25 \%$ profit?

Question 10:

Ramesh sold a box to Suresh at $10 \%$ profit. Suresh sold it to Ganesh at a $20 \%$ profit. If Suresh earns a profit of Rs. 44 , then what is the purchase price of this box for Ramesh?