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Question 1:

The following three aspects of intelligence are dealt by Sternberg's triarchic theory except-

Question 2:

Identify the reasoning that underlines the stage of 'Social Contract orientation' in Lawrrence Kolhberg's theory of moral development.

Question 3:

You are a teacher who believes that "children learn at varied paces and in different ways". In your class, you will plan assessment which :

Question 4:

Which of the following is an important aspect of the process of meaningful construction of knowledge?

Question 5:

Attaching importance to the home setting of students for understanding child's behavior and using this information for building effective pedagogy is related to which of the following theories of learning?

Question 6:

Teacher beliefs about success/failures of students often influence learning and motivation of students especially form the disadvantaged group. Which of the following statements is correct in this context ?

Question 7:

Which of the following is a correctly matched pair of influencer and source of motivation?

Question 8:

In the context of a primary school classroom what does active engagement mean-

Question 9:

Good problem solvers often have which set of the following characteristics ?

Question 10:

Characteristics of Learning :