Free Practice Questions for Coding-decoding-test in Reasoning

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Question 1:

In a code language, ORANGE is written as ISUOHY. How will MANGO be written in that language?

Question 2:

If FABULOUS is coded as 21125515458 and AMUSING is coded as 1145831320, how will TIRESOME be coded?

Question 3:

In a certain code language 'PRINCESS' is written as 'ECINRPTU'. How will you write 'SPICEJET' in the same code language ?

Question 4:

In a certain code language, 'NORVEY' is written as 'MNQUDX'. How will 'SYDNEY' be written in the same code language?

Question 5:

In a certain code SINGER is written as $42-30$ and GOALEE is written as $23-22$. How will FLEXEN be written in the same code language?

Question 6:

In a certain code language, 'PROTECTION' is written as 'QQPSFBUHPM'. What will 'ABSOLUTELY' be written as in this code language?

Question 7:

In a code language, PARROT is written as RLNMUI. How will CUCKOO be written in that language?

Question 8:

In a certain code language, 'go went gone' is written as 'da ma dof, 'he had gone' is written as 'ga dol ma', and 'he was good' is written as 'na ga ca'. How will 'had' be written in that language?

Question 9:

In a certain code language, 'SPIRIT' is written as 'WKMIMG'. How will 'GLOBAL' be written in that language?

Question 10:

In a certain code language, 'REACH' is coded as 85139 and 'SUN' is coded as 264 . How will 'SEARCH' be coded in that language?

Question 11:

In a certain code language, 'the lighthouse' is written as 'zu chi pin', 'house is big' is written as 'mo tim zu', and 'the big garden' is written as 'riz tim pin'. How will 'light' be written in that language?

Question 12:

In a certain code language, TAPE is written as EPAT and LOVE is written as EVOL. How will NITIN be written in the same language?

Question 13:

In a certain code language, TRICKY is written as CXLFQH. How will PICNIC be written in that language?

Question 14:

In a certain code language, 'MANGOES' is written as 'AEGMNOS'. How will 'FRIEND' be written in that language?

Question 15:

In a certain code language, 'SOIL' is coded as '38301824'. How will 'DECIMAL' be coded in that language?

Question 16:

"In a certain code language ‘LEJ’ is written as ‘XJT’ and ‘FAME’ is written as ‘LBZJ’. How will ‘CABLE’ be written in that language?

Question 17:

In a certain code language, 'RAT' is coded as '39' and 'DOG' is coded as '26'. How will 'YAK' be coded in that language?

Question 18:

.In a certain code language, ‘LAYOUT’ is written as ‘WRRVDI’. How will ‘CHETAK’ be written in that language?

Question 19:

In a certain code language, 'FLOAT' is written as 'ROU', 'CLAIM' is written as 'OAV'. How will 'ARMED' be written in that language?

Question 20:

In a certain code language, ‘LEMON’ is written as ‘ELMNO’. How will ‘CLUSTER’ be written in that language?