Free Practice Questions for Biology in General-studies

Practice questions here, for every subject and every exam. Unlimited questions for unlimited attempts, given with answers and explanations.

Question 21:

Which of the following is richest in Vitamin C?

Question 22:

Human body creates Vitamin____from sunlight.

Question 23:

Which vitamin is prepared by our body in the presence of sunlight?

Question 24:

There are three types of heterotrophs. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Question 25:

Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role in blood clotting, bone metabolism and regulating blood calcium levels?

Question 26:

Deficiency of which of the following nutrients is the most common cause of goiters?

Question 27:

Which part of the human body gets affected by the illness osteoporosis?

Question 28:

Potassium deficiency causes-

Question 29:

Which of the following body parts is directly affected by the disease called 'Jaundice'?

Question 30:

Pulmonary circulation is the blood flow between-

Question 31:

Which of the following is the largest endocrine gland of the body?

Question 32:

The second largest phylum of the animal kingdom is-

Question 33:

Match the following-

List I (Vitamins)

List II (Deficiency diseases)

A-Vitamin B12

I- Pellagra

B- Vitamin B1

II-Beri beri

C- Vitamin B2

III-Pernicious anaemia

D- Vitamin B3


Question 34:

Which one of the following is caused by a bacterial pathogen?

Question 35:

Consider the following pairs-

Scientists – Discovery

  1. C.D Duve                        – Lysosomes
  2. Dujardin                         – Ribosomes
  3. Theodor Boveri            – Protoplasm

How many of the above pairs is/are correct?

Question 36:

Which of the following is the smallest bone in the human body?

Question 37:

Which of the following gland is known as the biological clock?

Question 38:

What is the full form of OCD?

Question 39:

A/an ______ is any substance that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against it.

Question 40:

Which one of the following is a ruminant animal?