Practice questions here, for every subject and every exam. Unlimited questions for unlimited attempts, given with answers and explanations.
finally approves the five year plans of India
Whose signature is on the one rupee note?
What was the annual growth rate in the population of India according to the 2011 census?
Which state has the highest number of poor in India?
NITI Aayog has published the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) report which measured “three equally weighted dimensions” of health, education and standard of living.
Poorest states
Bihar: 51.91 per cent
Jharkhand: 42.16 per cent
Uttar Pradesh: 37.79 per cent
Madhya Pradesh: 36.65 per cent
Meghalaya: 32.67 per cen
Which state of India has the lowest female literacy?
Rajasthan: Lowest female literacy
The female literacy rate in the state is 57.6% putting the state in the lowest rung among all the states in India with regard to the number of educated females. The overall literacy percentage in the state of Rajasthan, combining female and male literacy rates, is 69.7%. The male literacy rate in the state is 80.8%. However when you consider the overall literacy rate and the male literacy rate, Rajasthan fares better than Andhra Pradesh that has the nationwide lowest figures.
Which of the following state has maximum number of scheduled tribes?
What is considered the population divider decade in India?
Banks were nationalized for the first time in India on July 19, 1969. How many banks were nationalized at this time?
The words 'Bull' and 'Bear' are related to-
The words 'bull' and 'bear' are related to the stock market.
Important points:
"Narasimham Committee" is related to ?
"Narasimham Committee" is related to banking reform.
Important points: