Attempt now to get your rank among 78 students!

Question 1:

To motivation learning in the classrooms, a teacher should:

(A) Help students to regulate their own emotions and motivation.

(B) Categorize and label students according to their performance and make ability-grouping.

(C) Promote dialogue and discussion among children to build multiple perspectives.

(D) Ignore diversity in the classroom and follow standard methods of instruction.

Question 2:

Which of the following is not the correct way to motivate a student?

Question 3:

Which of the following stages is not the part of Bruner’s Cognitive Development theory?

Question 4:

Attaching importance to the home setting of students for understanding child's behavior and using this information for building effective pedagogy is related to which of the following theories of learning?

Question 5:

Which of the following is not developed in the sensorimotor stage of Piaget's theory?

Question 6:

Students having Autism can be identified by challenges they face in:

Question 7:

In Howard Gardner’s theory, persons high on intelligence have finer sensibilities regarding their identity, human existence and meaning of life.

Question 8:

Cognitive Development is the emergence of the ability to _______________ and _______________.

Question 9:

What do you mean by the concept of childhood?

Question 10:

Which one of the following is not an example of  a fine motor skill?