Free Practice Questions for Simplification in Maths

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Question 81:

The value of $60 \div[50+7-\{14+(24$ of $2 \div 3)-12 \div 4 \times 2+18 \div 4 \times 2\}]$ is 

Question 82:

What will be the value of $\frac{5}{7} \div 5 \frac{1}{3}$ of $\frac{5}{14}-\frac{5}{14} \times 6 \frac{3}{10}+\left(0 . \overline{57} \div 0.6 \overline{3} \times 5 \frac{1}{2}\right) \times \frac{7}{15}$ ?

Question 83:

Simplify the expression $45-[36-\{29-(25-\overline{7+4})\}]$.

Question 84:

What is the value of $\frac{\left[\frac{1}{9} \div \frac{1}{9} \text { of } \frac{1}{9}\right] \times \frac{1}{9}}{\frac{1}{9}+\frac{1}{9} \text { of } \frac{1}{9}}$ ?

Question 85:

What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following question?

$40 \%$ of $60+16.66 \% \times 54-20+13=?$

Question 86:

What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following question?

$25+41 \times(28 \div 7)-13^{2}=?$

Question 87:

What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following question?

$[(61 / 13) \times 91] \div 7+9-25=?$

Question 88:

What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following question?

$(40+24) \div 8 \times 18-?=126$

Question 89:

What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following question?

$\left(15^{2}-114\right) \div 3-40+2^{3}=?$

Question 90:

What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following question?

$(15+24) \times 3 \div 13+18-5=?$

Question 91:

What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following question?

$78+85-(13 \times 8)+(81 \div 3)=?$

Question 92:

What will come in the place of the question mark ‘?’ in the following question?

$48 \times 7 \div 12+3^{3}-7^{2}=\sqrt{?}$

Question 93:

$\frac{734 \times 734 \times 734-127 \times 127 \times 127}{734 \times 734+734 \times 127+127 \times 127}=$ ?

Question 94:

$11 \frac{2}{3} \div 9 \frac{3}{8} \times 5 \frac{3}{5}$ का मान है

Question 95:

$\frac{(931+138)^{2}+(931-138)^{2}}{(931 \times 931+138 \times 138)}=$ ?

Question 96:

$\frac{957 \times 957 \times 957+143 \times 143 \times 143}{957 \times 957-957 \times 143+143 \times 143}=$ ?

Question 97:

$\frac{15}{2+\frac{3}{\frac{5}{3} \div \frac{5 / 3}{2}}}$ का मान है

Question 98:

$1+\frac{2}{1+\frac{3}{2-\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{2}}}}$ का मान होगा

Question 99:

$\frac{(589+187)^{2}-(589-187)^{2}}{589 \times 187}=$ ?

Question 100:

एक संख्या के तीन चौथाई का $\frac{2}{5}$ यदि 174 हो, तो संख्या क्या है?