Free Practice Questions for Percentage in Maths

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Question 21:

Sushma has invested 40% more than Reshma. Reshma has invested 30% less than Divya. If the amount invested by Divya is ₹ 6,000, then the amount invested by Sushma is:

Question 22:

Saurabh spends 20% of his monthly income on the education of his children. He spends 30% of the remaining on conveyance and clothes. Further, he spends 50% of the amount still with him on rent and maintenance of the house. After all the expenditure, he sends 50% of the amount still with him to his parents. He saves the remaining ₹ 11,200 . What is his monthly income?

Question 23:

Three years ago, the value of a flat was ₹ $65,00,000. Its value depreciated at the rate of 5%, 4% and 3% at the end of the first, the second and the third year, respectively. What is its present value?

Question 24:

Sazia's income is 20% less than that of Rehana. Rehana's income is more than that of Sazia by:

Question 25:

If X is 12.25 % more than Y, then Y is approximately less than X.

Question 26:

If $25 \%$ of $x$ is 40 less than $30 \%$ of (x+60), then $35 \%$ of $(x-40)$ is what percentage more than 120 ?

Question 27:

A number is decreased by 25 % and then increased by 25 %. The net percentage increase or decrease is:

Question 28:

 If $80 \%$ of $\frac{3}{4}$ of a number is 63 , then the number is:

Question 29:

Two numbers X and Y are such that the sum of 3% of X and 2% of Y is two-third of the sum of 2 % of X and 6% of Y. The ratio of three times of X to two times of Y is:

Question 30:

If the value of x is 25% more than the value of y, then the value of y is less than the value of x by:

Question 31:

A number is first increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%. Then the number

Question 32:

Numbers A and B are 30% and 50%, respectively, more than the number C. The ratio of A to that of B is:

Question 33:

What is $12 \%$ of $4 \%$ of $7 \%$ of $2 \times 10^6$ ?

Question 34:

Aman spends 74% of his income. If his expenditure increases by 30% and savings increase by 25%, then by what percentage will his income increase?

Question 35:

The income of A is 70 % more than the income of B, and the income of C is 80 % of the combined income of A and B. By what percentage is the income of A less than that of C ? (Correct to one decimal place)

Question 36:

If decreasing 90 by k% gives the same result as increasing 60 by k%, then k% of 120 is how much percent of [(k+20)% of 150] ?

Question 37:

Two candidates are contesting in an election. All votes are valid votes. A candidate who gets 38% of votes is rejected by 28,800 votes. The total number of votes polled is:

Question 38:

The price of a car increased by 25 % while its sales decreased by 16 %. What is the percentage change in the total revenue ?

Question 39:

Vignesh spends 42 % of his monthly salary on food, 16 % on house rent, 11 % on entertainment and 7 % on conveyance. But due to some family function, he has to borrow ₹ 12,000 from a money lender to meet the expenses of ₹ 18,000. What is his monthly salary ?

Question 40:

₹ 9,500 is divided among three friends A, B and C such that B gets 75% of the amount that A gets and the ratio between A and C's shares is 8 : 5. The amount (in ₹) that B gets is: