Free Practice Questions for Percentage in Maths

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Question 41:

If two numbers are 12% and 48% of a third number, what percentage is the first number of the second number?

Question 42:

In a cricket test match, Anuj completed his double century with 15 sixes and 18 fours. What percentage of runs did he make by running between the wickets to complete the double century?

Question 43:

If $200 \%$ of $k-(k+2) \%$ of $50=k$, then what is the value of $k$ ?

Question 44:

A number $\mathrm{p}$ increased by $\mathrm{p} \%$ of 99 equals 99 increased by $99 \%$ of $\mathrm{p}$. What is $(\mathrm{p}+51) \%$ of $928+72 ?$

Question 45:

The expenditure of Renu is 150 % more than her savings. If her income increases by 20% and the savings increase by 50%, then by what percentage does her expenditure increase?

Question 46:

Reeta purchased an ornament of gold, weighing 15 grams, for ₹ 71820, which included GST and making charges of 12 %. The original price of gold per gram (in ₹ ) is:

Question 47:

If 60% of tax is deducted from Rahul's salary, then ₹ 12,800 is left to be paid as tax. The total tax to be paid by Rahul is:

Question 48:

Nine umbrellas are bought for ₹800 and sold at 7 for ₹800. What is the gain percentage (correct to 2 decimal places)?

Question 49:

In an election contested by two parties, Party D secured 12 % of the total votes more than Party R. If Party R got 176000 votes, by how many votes did it lose the election?

Question 50:

The population of a particular city is 5,00,000. If the annual birth rate is 5% and the annual death rate is 1%, then what will be the population of the city after 3 years?

Question 51:

A man wants to purchase wheat. Due to a reduction of $6 \frac{1}{4} \%$ in the price of wheat, he is able to buy $\frac{1}{2} \mathrm{~kg}$ more for ₹ 150. Find the difference between the original and the reduced rates of wheat.

Question 52:

3% of which number is the sum of 4 % of 12 and 6 % of 80 ?

Question 53:

The value of a machine depreciates at the rate of 25% each year. If the difference between its value at the end of the second year and the third year is Rs.24,000, then what is the value (in Rs.) of the machine at the end of the first year?

Question 54:

Henry is working in a company. From his monthly salary, 25 % is deducted as house rent, 15 % is spent on children's education and 18 % is spent on other heads. If his monthly savings are Rs. 7,560 , then what is his monthly salary (in Rs.)?

Question 55:

A candidate got 41250 votes in an election and defeated his opponent by a margin of 7500 votes. If no votes were declared invalid and there were only two candidates, then what is the percentage of votes obtained by the winning candidate?

Question 56:

If 78 % of a number A is equal to 32.5% of another number B, then what is the ratio of B to A ?

Question 57:

Sushant gave 30 % of the money he had to his wife. He also gave 18 % of the remaining amount to each of his two sons. Three-fourth of the amount now left was spent on miscellaneous items and the remaining amount of ₹ 19,600 was deposited in the bank. How much money did Sushant have originally?

Question 58:

The average attendance at a cricket stadium increased by 15% in 2012 in comparison to the previous year. If 2160 more people came to see the matches in 2012 , how many came in 2011?

Question 59:

The price of an article increases by 10% every year. If the difference between its price at the end of the first year and third year is ₹ 69.30, then its price (in ₹) at the end of fourth year will be:

Question 60:

Concrete consists of 9 parts of gravel, 2 parts of sand and 6 parts of lime. Out of 136 kg of concrete, how much is the difference (in kg ) between sand and gravel?