Free Practice Questions for Percentage in Maths

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Question 61:

The income of a company increases 30 % per year. If its income is ₹ 70,98,000 in the year 2018 , then the income in 2016 was:

Question 62:

How many litres of pure acid are there in 15 litres of 30 % solution?

Question 63:

A person invested $\frac{1}{2}$ of his capital at $6 \%, \frac{1}{4}$ at $8 \%$ and the remaining at $12 \%$. If his annual income is ₹ 528 , then find the capital.

Question 64:

If by subtracting 35% of a number from the number the result is 26 , then what is the number?

Question 65:

The savings of Rita is equal to 20% of her expenditure. If her income increases by 35% and expenditure increases by 38%, then her savings:

Question 66:

Reshma spends 84 % of her income. If her income increases by 30 % and savings increase by 40 %, then by what percentage will her expenditure increase (correct to one decimal place)?

Question 67:

Find the value of x in the following equation.

 45 % of 360+30 % of 400=25 % of x

Question 68:

What percentage of 4.5 kg is 18 gm ?

Question 69:

A person spends 75 % of his monthly income. If his income increases by 50 % and the expenditure increases by 80 %, then what is the percentage increase/decrease in his monthly savings ?

Question 70:

The income of x is 80% more than that of y, and the income of z is 60% of the total income of x and y. The income of z is what percent less than that of x (correct to one decimal place)?

Question 71:

Savita decides to donate 8% of her monthly income to a charitable trust. On the day of charity she changes her decision and donates an amount of ₹ 2,880 which is 20% less than the amount already earmarked for charity. What is his monthly income (in ₹)?

Question 72:

Two students A and B appeared in an examination. A secured 9 marks more than B and his marks were 60 % of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by A were:

Question 73:

If 280 % of 160 $-$ 25 % of 720=y % of 200 , then what is the value of y ?

Question 74:

The seats for Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science in a school are in the ratio 7:8:9. These seats are proposed to be increased by 60%, 50% and 70% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats ?

Question 75:

In a class, 20% of the students are under 10 years of age. The number of students who are more than 10 years old is one third of the number of students who are 10 years old. If there are 24 students who are 10 years old, then how many students are there in the class?

Question 76:

A is $30\%$ more than B and B is $20\%$ less than C. D is $20 \%$ less than A. Then which of the following option is correct?

Question 77:

Of the total students who appeared in an examination, 60% were boys and the rest were girls. The passing percentage of boys is $45\%$, and the overall pass percentage of students is $58\%$. What is the pass percentage of girls?

Question 78:

$35 \%$ of the students in a college are girls and the rest are boys. The total number of students in the college is 2800.  $75 \%$ of the boys and $85 \%$ of the girls passed the final examination. The percentage of total students who passed the final examination is:

Question 79:

A number is mistakenly multiplied by $\frac{7}{5}$ instead by being multiplied by $\frac{3}{2}$. What is the percentage change in the result due to mistake?

Question 80:

In a village, total number of voters was $5000. 8 \%$ of the total votes got rejected and the winner got $60 \%$ of the valid votes. Find the number of votes loser got.