Current Affairs search results for tag: reports
By admin: Sept. 14, 2024

1. Delhi Airport Rises to 24th, Mumbai Drops to 44th in Mega Hub Rankings

Tags: Reports

Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi has improved its ranking, moving from 25th place last year to 24th this year.

An Overview of the News

  • Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport has dropped 10 positions, falling from 34th to 44th place.

Low-Cost Megahubs

  • IndiGo has become one of the largest airlines globally, with Delhi and Mumbai serving as its primary hubs.

  • Delhi's IGIA is ranked 5th in the world's top low-cost mega hubs, up from 6th place last year.

  • Mumbai has maintained its position at 11th in the same category.

OAG Megahubs 2024 Report

  • The OAG Megahubs 2024 report highlights the most internationally connected airports globally.

  • Rankings are based on the number of scheduled international connections and the variety of destinations served.

  • The report includes the top 50 most connected international airports and the top 25 most connected low-cost carrier (LCC) airports.

By admin: Sept. 7, 2024

2. India's UPI Hits ₹81 Lakh Crore in Transactions, Leads Global Digital Payments

Tags: Reports Economy/Finance

According to Paysecure data, India's Unified Payments Interface (UPI) processed nearly ₹81 lakh crore in transactions from April to July 2024.

An Overview of the News

  • UPI's transaction volume has exceeded that of the world's leading digital payment platforms.

  • This represents a 37% Year-over-Year (YoY) increase in transaction volume.

  • UPI processed 20.6 lakh crore rupees in July 2024, setting a record for the highest transactions in a single month.

Global Leadership in Digital Transactions

  • India leads globally with over 40% of its payments made digitally.

  • UPI is the dominant platform for digital payments in India.

  • UPI processed an average of 3,729.1 transactions per second, a 58% increase from 2,348 transactions per second in 2022.

Comparison with Global Payment Platforms

  • Skrill (UK-based) ranked second with 1,553.8 transactions per second and 49 billion transactions in 2023.

  • Pix (Brazil-based) ranked third with 1,331.8 transactions per second.

About UPI  

  • It is an Indian payment system, developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) in 2016.

  • Function: Facilitates instant P2P and P2M transactions via mobile devices.

  • Requirements: Mobile number registered with the bank, recipient’s UPI ID.

  • Tech: Runs on IMPS, open source API.

  • Regulation: Overseen by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

  • Launch: UPI-enabled apps available on Google Play from 25 August 2016.

By admin: Sept. 1, 2024

3. NSO Reports 6.7% GDP Growth for April-June 2024 Quarter

Tags: Reports

The Indian economy achieved a 6.7% real GDP growth for the April-June 2024 quarter.

An Overview of the News

  • The Ministry of Statistics' data highlights this as a significant economic performance.

Sectoral Performance

  • The manufacturing sector grew by 7%, contributing positively to job creation.

  • The construction and electricity sectors experienced double-digit growth.

  • Private Final Consumption Expenditure increased by 7.4%, and Gross Fixed Capital Formation grew by 7.5%.

Economic Outlook

  • Aggregate demand is gaining momentum with improved rural consumption and rising incomes.

  • This uptick in demand is expected to boost private sector investment and overall growth.

  • Despite this positive outlook, global economic concerns persist, including geopolitical tensions, recession fears in major economies, and financial market volatility, although inflation has moderated in many countries.

By admin: July 5, 2024

4. NCAER Report: India's Poverty Rate Plummets to 8.5% in 2022-24

Tags: Reports

Poverty in India decreased from 21.2% in 2011-12 to 8.5% in 2022-24, according to the NCAER report.

An Overview of the News

  • This decline persisted despite challenges posed by the pandemic, as per data from the India Human Development Survey (IHDS).

Rural vs Urban Trends:

  • Rural poverty dropped sharply from 24.8% in 2011-12 to 8.6% currently.

  • Urban areas also saw a decline, from 13.4% to 8.4%.

Impact of Economic Growth:

  • Economic growth contributed to poverty reduction, emphasizing the need for flexible social protection programs.

  • Long-term poverty drivers are shifting from "accidents of birth" to "accidents of life," such as natural disasters and changing occupational opportunities.

Government Surveys and Data:

  • NITI Aayog CEO indicated poverty has fallen to 5%, aligning with the latest consumer expenditure survey.

  • NSSO data showed significant increases in per capita monthly household expenditure from 2011-12 to 2022-23.

Poverty Thresholds and Adjustments:

  • Poverty lines adjusted over time: from Rs 447 and Rs 579 in 2004-05 (Tendulkar Committee) to higher thresholds in 2011-12 adjusted by the Planning Commission.

By admin: June 29, 2024

5. India Becomes World’s Third-Largest Domestic Aviation Market

Tags: Reports

India has surpassed Brazil to become the world’s third-largest domestic aviation market, following the U.S. and China.

An Overview of the News

  • This ranking is based on data compiled by the aviation analytics firm Official Airline Guide (OAG).

  •  The growth has been driven by airlines like IndiGo and Air India expanding their fleets to meet the increasing number of air passengers.

  • India’s domestic airline capacity doubled over the past decade, rising from 7.9 million seats in April 2014 to 15.5 million in April 2024.

  • Comparison with Brazil and Indonesia: Brazil now ranks fourth with 9.7 million airline seats, followed by Indonesia at fifth with 9.2 million.

Growth Rates

  • Highest Growth Rate: India posted the highest annual average capacity growth rate among the top five countries at 6.9%, followed by China at 6.3% and the US at 2.4%.

Airline Dominance

  • IndiGo and Air India: These two airlines, which have more than 1,000 planes on order, dominate the market, accounting for 9 out of 10 domestic seats.

Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs)

  • According to OAG, India has experienced the most significant shift towards low-cost carriers (LCCs) among the top five countries.

  • As of April 2024, low-cost carriers (LCCs) represented 78.4% of India's domestic capacity. This was followed by Indonesia at 68.4%, Brazil at 62.4%, the US at 36.7%, and China at 13.2%.

By admin: June 25, 2024

6. India Surges to 3rd Largest Domestic Airline Market Worldwide: OAG Report

Tags: Reports

India Becomes World's 3rd Largest Domestic Airline Market: According to the Official Airline Guide (OAG) report, India has climbed to the 3rd position in the global domestic airline market, up from 5th in 2014. 

An Overview of the News

  • The country's domestic airline capacity increased from 7.9 million in April 2014 to 15.6 million in April 2024.

  • Global Rankings:

    • 1st Position: United States of America (USA) with 86.1 million capacities.

    • 2nd Position: China with 67.8 million capacities.

    • 4th Position: Brazil.

    • 5th Position: Indonesia.

  • Fastest Growing Market: India is highlighted as the fastest growing market among the top 5 domestic markets, with a capacity growth rate of seats increasing at 6.9% per annum over the past 10 years.

  • High Low-Cost Carrier (LCC) Presence: India has the highest proportion of Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) among the top 5 countries. As of April 2024, LCCs accounted for 78.4% of India's domestic capacity.

  • IndiGo's Impact: IndiGo has been a major driver of India's LCC growth over the last decade, with its market share nearly doubling from 32% to 62%.

  • On 19th November 2023, Indian airlines carried nearly 456,000 domestic passengers, the highest since the COVID-19 pandemic, surpassing pre-COVID averages by 7.4%.

  • The number of airports in India increased from 74 in 2014 to 157 in 2024.

By admin: June 22, 2024

7. WEF 2024 Report: Sweden Leads, India Ranked 63rd on Global Energy Transition Index

Tags: Reports INDEX

The World Economic Forum (WEF), in collaboration with Accenture, published its annual report titled "Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2024" on 19th June 2024.

An Overview of the News

  • According to the report, India has achieved the 63rd position on the global Energy Transition Index (ETI) 2024.

  • The report highlights that India has climbed 3 places from its 2023 rank of 67th, driven by notable enhancements in energy equity, security, and sustainability domains.

Top Countries on ETI 2024:

  • Sweden secured 1st place with an ETI score of 78.4.

  • Denmark followed at 2nd place with a score of 75.2.

  • Finland ranked 3rd with a score of 74.5.

Fastest Improving Countries (Last 5 Years):

  • Estonia, Ethiopia, and Lebanon identified as countries showing significant improvement.

About WEF:

  • Established: 1971

  • Founder: Prof. Klaus Schwab

  • Headquarters: Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland

  • Managing Director: Saadia Zahidi

Important Points 

  • India ranked 3rd in Global Unicorn Index 2024
  • India ranked 159th in World Press Freedom Index 2024
  • India ranked 129th in Global Gender Gap Index 2024
  • India ranked 39th in WEF's Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024
  • India ranked 126th in World Happiness Report 2024

By admin: June 11, 2024

8. India ranked 129th in Global Gender Gap Index

Tags: Reports INDEX

India has slipped two places to the 129th position in the Global Gender Gap Index.

An Overview of the News

  • Among South Asian countries, India ranks fifth, behind Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan, with Pakistan ranked last.

  • India demonstrates notable gender parity in secondary education enrollment and political empowerment.

  • India secures the 10th position for the number of years with female/male heads of state in the last 50 years.

  • However, India's overall gender gap closure has slightly declined to 64.1% in 2024 from 64.2% last year.

Top 10: The Global Gender Gap Index 2024 rankings

  1. Iceland

  2. Finland

  3. Norway

  4. New Zealand

  5. Sweden

  6. Nicaragua

  7. Germany

  8. Namibia

  9. Ireland

  10. Spain

Bottom 5: The Global Gender Gap Index 2024 rankings

  1. Sudan 146 Rank

  2. Pakistan 145 Rank

  3. Chad 144 Rank

  4. Iran (Islamic Republic of) 143 Rank

  5. Guinea 142 Rank

About Global Gender Gap Report

  • The Global Gender Gap Report, initiated by the World Economic Forum in 2006, evaluates gender equality worldwide.

  • It measures how resources and opportunities are distributed among men and women within countries.

  • The report aims to raise awareness and foster dialogue among policymakers by highlighting role model countries in equitable resource allocation.

  • According to the 2023 report, it will take 131 years to close the global gender gap.

By admin: May 10, 2024

9. India Surpasses Japan to Claim Third Spot in Global Solar Power Generation Race

Tags: Reports

According to Ember, India surpassed Japan in 2023 to become the world's third-largest solar power generator. This significant achievement reflects India's rapid growth in renewable energy.

An Overview of the News

  • The Global Electricity Review 2024 provided a comprehensive analysis of global power generation systems in 2023.

  • It included data from 80 countries, covering 92% of global electricity demand.

Record Solar Power Share:

  • Solar power's contribution to global electricity production reached a record 5.5% in 2023.

  • India experienced the fourth-largest increase in solar generation globally, with a rise of 18 TWh.

Leading Countries in Solar Growth:

  • China, the United States, Brazil, and India accounted for 75% of the overall solar power growth in 2023.

  • India's remarkable growth trajectory propelled it into the top ranks of solar power generation.

India's Solar Capacity Expansion:

  • India has significantly expanded its solar generation capacity since 2015.

  • Its share of solar power surged from 0.5% in 2015 to 5.8% in 2023.

Global Solar Power Acceleration:

  • Solar power generation globally increased sixfold between 2015 and 2023.

  • India experienced a seventeen-fold increase in solar generation capacity during the same period.

Future Projections:

  • The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that solar power will constitute 22% of global electricity generation by 2030.

  • Achieving this goal requires substantial efforts, including tripling global renewable capacity by 2030, as set at COP28.

India's Renewable Capacity Goals:

  • India aims to triple its renewable capacity by 2030, aligning with global targets.

  • However, Ember's analysis emphasizes the need for significant annual capacity additions to meet this ambitious target.

By admin: May 9, 2024

10. India Ranks 159th in World Press Freedom Index 2024; Norway Maintains Top Position

Tags: Reports INDEX

The World Press Freedom Index 2024, published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), ranks India 159th out of 180 countries, with a score of 31.28.

An Overview of the News

  • Norway maintains its top position for the 8th consecutive year, with Denmark and Sweden following closely in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively.

  • The lowest three rankings are held by Eritrea (180th), Syria (179th), and Afghanistan (178th).

  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) marked World Press Freedom Day 2024 on May 3rd by releasing a report titled "Press and Planet in Danger: Safety of Environmental Journalists; Trends, Challenges, and Recommendations."

About the UNESCO

  • Director-General : Audrey Azoulay

  • Headquarters: Paris, France

  • Establishment: 1945

  • Membership: Consists of 194 Members and 12 Associate Members