Current Affairs search results for tag: international-news
By admin: July 28, 2023

1. SpaceX launches 'Jupiter 3', world's largest private communication satellite

Tags: Science and Technology International News

On July 27, 2023, SpaceX launched the world's largest private communications satellite 'Jupiter 3' using a Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex-39A of NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

An Overview of the News 

  • The 'Jupiter 3' satellite, developed by Maxar Technologies in Palo Alto, California, holds the record as the largest commercial communications satellite ever built.

  • This upcoming launch marks the seventh mission of SpaceX's triple-booster rocket, the Falcon Heavy, which first attracted widespread attention during its debut in 2018.

About 'Jupiter 3'

  • Its size would be comparable to the wingspan of a commercial airliner, measuring between 130 and 160 feet (40 to 50 m). Its larger size will enable it to double current internet capacity to 500 Gbps, significantly improving connectivity in areas with limited cable and fibre options.

  • Hughes will integrate the 'Jupiter 3' into its existing satellite network, allowing HughesNet customers in the United States and Latin America to access high-speed satellite broadband at speeds of up to 100 Mbps.

  • The capabilities of satellites extend far beyond regular Internet access. It will support in-flight Wi-Fi, ensuring connectivity for passengers during air travel. It will also provide maritime connectivity, allowing internet access for ships at sea.

  • 'Jupiter 3' will play a key role in enhancing enterprise networks, meeting the connectivity needs of businesses across North and South America.

  • Additionally, the satellite will serve as a reliable backhaul solution for mobile network operators (MNOs), ensuring smoother and more efficient data transmission within the region's mobile networks.

  • One of its essential applications is providing community Wi-Fi solutions, which help bridge the digital divide and extend Internet access to disadvantaged areas in North and South America.

About NASA

  • NASA was formed on July 19, 1948, under the National Aeronautics and Space Act, replacing its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).

  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • Headquarters - Washington D.C.

  • Administrator - Bill Nelson

By admin: July 27, 2023

2. Italy inaugurates "VC Yashwant Ghadge Sundial Memorial

Tags: place in news International News

Italy-inaugurates-VC-Yashwant-Ghadge-Sundial-MemorialItaly inaugurated the "VC Yashwant Ghadege Sundiyal Memorial" in honor of the Indian Army's significant contribution during World War II.

An Overview of the News

  • The memorial, located in Monton, Perugia, Italy, commemorates the bravery and sacrifice of Naik Yashwant Ghadege, who lost his life in the Upper Tiber Valley.

  • The monument's motto, "Omines sub - eodem soul," translates to "We all live under the same sun" in Hindi.

  • The ceremony was attended by India's Ambassador to Italy and Indian Defense Attache, Dr. Nina Malhotra, along with numerous Italian citizens, distinguished guests, and members of the Italian Armed Forces.

  • Indian troops played a crucial role in the Italian campaign, with over 50,000 soldiers from the 4th, 8th, and 10th divisions participating.

  • Notably, Indian soldiers were awarded six out of the twenty Victoria Crosses given in Italy for their extraordinary valour.

  • The Indian soldiers suffered a total of 23,722 casualties during the campaign, and 5,782 of them made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

  • These brave soldiers are remembered and honoured in 40 Commonwealth War tombs scattered across Italy.

By admin: July 27, 2023

3. Pan Gongsheng appointed as the governor of the Central Bank of China

Tags: International News

Pan-Gongsheng-appointed-as-the-governor-of-the-Central-Bank-of-ChinaOn July 25, 2023, Pan Gongsheng was appointed as the Governor of the Central Bank of China, marking the ruling Communist Party's highly anticipated final major appointment in a decade.

An Overview of the News

  • Pan Gongsheng, a deputy governor of the central bank and a seasoned expert in China's government banking sector, assumed the position, succeeding Yi Gang, an American-trained economist who served in the role for five years.

  • The Governor of the People's Bank of China, Pan Gongsheng, holds a preeminent position within Chinese finance circles, as the bank is under the control of the ruling Communist Party.

  • Previously, in 2015, Pan was appointed as the head of China's foreign exchange regulator. Prior to that, he held the position of vice-chairman at Agricultural Bank of China Limited, one of the country's four major commercial lenders.

  • Pan Gongsheng earned his PhD in Economics from the University of Renmin in Beijing and conducted research at both Cambridge and Harvard Universities. He received recognition for his role in effectively managing the currency crisis in 2016.

Bank of China:

  • In August 1905, the first National Bank of China, known as the Treasure Bank, was founded in Beijing.

  • Instead of being named 'Bank of Great King,' the institution adopted the name 'Bank of China' when it opened its doors in Shanghai on February 5, 1912.

  • On August 1, 1912, the bank's headquarters were established in Zijiaamin Lane, Beijing.

  • In 2006, Bank of China made history by becoming the first Chinese bank to achieve dual listing on both the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

By admin: July 27, 2023

4. Massive 'Talisman Saber' military exercise begins with 14 nations in Australia-US joint training

Tags: International News

Massive-'Talisman-Saber'-military-exercise-begins-with-14-nations-in-Australia-US-joint-trainingThe 10th edition of the multilateral military exercise, 'Talisman Sabre,' commenced on July 21, 2023, at HMAS Canberra in Townsville, involving Australia, the United States, and eleven partner nations.

An Overview of the News

  • 'Talisman Sabre is the largest military exercise of its kind, with over 30,000 military personnel participating. The exercise locations span across Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Region, and New South Wales in 2023.

  • Notably, this year's exercise will feature practice sessions around Norfolk Island, marking the first time this location is included in the training.

  • Alongside the United States and Australia, other participating countries include Canada, Fiji, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Republic of Korea, and Tonga.

  • Germany is taking part in the 'Talisman Sabre' exercise for the first time, adding to the international collaboration.

  • Additionally, personnel from India, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand will participate as observers, strengthening the exercise's cooperative and learning aspects.

Talisman Sabre: 

  • It is an exercise held every two years, commenced in 2005 from June 12 to June 27. 

  • It took place in Sholavatar Bay, Rockhampton, Townsville, and Coral Sea, involving the participation of 16,000 American and Australian troops.

  • The upcoming Talisman Saber exercise will witness the involvement of 13 nations in a comprehensive multi-domain war encompassing sea, land, air, cyber, and space domains.

  • The primary objective of this exercise is to foster closer cooperation and build strong relationships among the participating military forces.

  • The activities planned for this exercise include force preparation and logistics operations, amphibian landings, ground force maneuvers, field training exercises, and simulations of air and maritime operations.

By admin: July 26, 2023

5. Russia implements comprehensive ban on sex change and transgender marriages

Tags: International News

Russia-implements-comprehensive-ban-on-sex-change-and-transgender-marriagesRussian President Vladimir Putin has signed new legislation that significantly affects the LGBTQ+ community in Russia.

The law, passed unanimously by both houses of Parliament, includes a comprehensive ban on sex change.

An Overview of the News

  • Medical interventions aimed at changing a person's sex and changing sex on official documents or public records are strictly prohibited.

  • The new law allows medical intervention only to treat congenital anomalies.

  • The law also affects marriage and family planning, voids marriages where one partner has changed gender, and prevents transgender persons from becoming foster or adoptive parents.

  • The ban is rooted in the government's pursuit of what they consider to be the nation's "traditional values".

  • Lawmakers argue that the law is necessary to combat "anti-Western family ideology".

  • The crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights in Russia has been ongoing for a decade, with a number of restrictive measures introduced over the years.

  • The government's stance on promoting "traditional family values" was supported by the Russian Orthodox Church.

  • Various laws were enacted to suppress LGBTQ+ rights, including banning "non-traditional sexual relations" between minors and banning same-sex marriage.

  • Last year, a law was introduced to suppress the "promotion of non-traditional sexual relations" among adults, further tightening restrictions on LGBTQ+ rights in the country.

Key Points

  • Estonia is the first Central European country to allow same-sex marriage.

  • Edgars Rinkevic is the first openly gay head of state in the European Union.

By admin: July 23, 2023

6. Admiral Lisa Franchetti becomes the first woman to lead the US Navy

Tags: International News

US President Joe Biden has nominated Admiral Lisa Franchetti to lead the US Navy.

If confirmed by the Senate, Admiral Franchetti would become the first female member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

An Overview of the News

  • Currently serving as the 42nd Deputy Chief of Naval Operations from September 2022.

  • Previous roles include director of strategy, plans, and policies of the Joint Staff (2020–2022) and commander of the United States Sixth Fleet (2018–2020).

  • Made history as the second woman to be promoted to the rank of four-star admiral in the US Navy.

  • Education: Earned a Bachelor of Science degree with developmental honours in journalism and history from Northwestern University.

  • Further Education: Master's degree in Organisational Management from the University of Phoenix.

  • Awards and Recognition: Received numerous awards, including the Defense Vishisht Seva Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal (two awards), Vishisht Seva Medal, Legion of Merit (five awards), Meritorious Service Medal (five awards), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (four awards), and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (two awards).

By admin: July 21, 2023

7. Cough syrup kills six children in Cameroon

Tags: International News

Cough-syrup-kills-six-children-in-CameroonCough medicine has killed six children in the African country of Cameroon in the past months. In this context, the World Health Organization (WHO) has sought help from the Indian authorities to find out where it was prepared.

An Overview of the news:

  • The UN health organization WHO issued a warning on 19 July 2023 that the recent deaths of six children in Cameroon may be linked to a cough syrup sold under the name Naturcold.

Toxic chemical called diethylene glycol:

  • A large amount of a toxic chemical called diethylene glycol has been found in this cough syrup.
  • According to the World Health Organisation, the amount of diethylene glycol in the medicine should not be more than 0.1 per cent, but its quantity has been found up to 28.6 per cent in Naturecold.

Fraken International (England) mentions:

  • The manufacturer's name on the bottle of the drug is Fracon International (England), but health officials in the United Kingdom have told the WHO that there is no company with that name in their country.
  • After this WHO has contacted Indian authorities and requested to talk to Indian drug manufacturers and find out where this drug is being manufactured.

These medicines have also been related to India:

  • Over the past few months, several cases of toxic chemicals in cough medicines have been reported, some of which have been related to medicines made in India.
  • In the year 2022, more than 300 children in Gambia, Uzbekistan and Indonesia were reported to have died due to cough medicine. In most cases the drugs were manufactured by Indian companies.

Strict rules apply on these drugs in India:

  • In May 2023, the Government of India had issued an order that cough medicine to be exported would have to take a certificate. Which will be issued after very stringent tests and this test will be done in a government laboratory.
  • The Ministry of Commerce had issued this directive in May, which has been implemented from June 1.

India's $41 billion pharmaceutical industry:

  • The $41 billion pharmaceutical industry in India is one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world.
  • But for the past few months, India's pharmaceutical industry has been embroiled in international controversies as people have died due to drugs made in India in Gambia, Uzbekistan and the US.
  • In the year 2023 itself, poisonous elements were found in some medicines in Marshall Islands and Micronesia, but there was no case of death.

India leading in manufacturing of cheap toxic chemicals:

  • Many medicines of the world are manufactured by different companies of this type of cheap toxic chemicals, but in three out of four cases, the medicines are manufactured in India.

By admin: July 20, 2023

8. Deliberations in the 19th CGRFA Session

Tags: International News

Deliberations-in-the-19th-CGRFA-SessionThe 19th session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) is being held in Rome, Italy from 17-21 July.

An Overview of the News 

  • The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome.

  • Topics for discussion: Delegates and observers will focus on three main themes in the session: a review of work on the impact of biodiversity on nutrition and human health, access and benefit-sharing for food and agriculture, and digital sequence information for food and agriculture.

  • Director General of FAO - Qi Dongyu


  • It is the only permanent intergovernmental body that addresses all components of biodiversity for food and agriculture.

  • It was established in 1983 with the aim of reaching an international consensus on policies for the sustainable use and conservation of genetic resources for food and agriculture and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from their use.

  • The commission has 179 member states, making it a globally representative organisation.

  • India is one of the member states actively involved in the initiatives of the Commission.

  • The intergovernmental body guides the preparation of the Periodic Global Assessment of Genetic Resources and Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.

  • It is responsible for developing global plans of action, codes of conduct and other policy tools, and overseeing their implementation.

  • Important achievements of the Commission include the establishment of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), which is an important step towards promoting sustainable agricultural practices and ensuring the equitable availability of genetic resources for future generations.


ITPGRFA, or the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, was adopted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations on 3 November 2001. Its main objectives are as follows:

  • Recognizing the important role of farmers in maintaining crop diversity, which is vital to feeding the world's population.

  • To establish a global system that provides farmers, plant breeders and scientists access to plant genetic resources for agriculture.

  • Ensuring that the benefits derived from the use of these genetic resources are shared by the recipients with the countries where the resources originated.

By admin: July 20, 2023

9. Events in China: Discussion on the conservation of the Hoolock gibbon

Tags: Environment International News

Events-in-China-Discussion-on-the-conservation-of-the-Hoolock-gibbonThe meeting took place in Haikou, Hainan province of China from 7 to 9 July. It was organised by the Global Gibbon Network (GGN).

An Overview of the News 

Hoolock Gibbon: The only ape of India

  • Previously, scientists believed that there were two species of ape in India: the western hoolock gibbon and the eastern hoolock gibbon.

  • A recent study by the Hyderabad-based Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology reveals that India is home to only one ape species, the Hoolock gibbon.

Features of Hoolock Gibbon

  • Belonging to the Hylobatidae family, the hoolock gibbon is one of 20 gibbon species on Earth.

  • Known for their energetic vocal performances, the population of these apes is estimated to be around 12,000.

  • They are the smallest and fastest species of apes, exhibiting high intelligence and strong family bonds.

Distribution and Accommodation

  • The hoolock gibbon is native to tropical and subtropical forests in the southeastern part of Asia, including Bangladesh, northeastern India, parts of Myanmar, and southwestern China.

  • In India, they are unique in the Northeast between south of the Brahmaputra River and east of the Dibang River.

  • Hoolock gibbon populations face a number of threats, including deforestation for infrastructure projects, habitat destruction, hunting for meat, and human encroachment.

Conservation Efforts

  • To protect Hoolock gibbons, conservationists have proposed setting up dedicated gibbon wildlife sanctuaries on the lines of Assam.

  • Legal protection, limited infrastructure development in their habitats and efforts to control human encroachment and poaching are also necessary.

Conservation Status

  • Since the 1990s, the Hoolock gibbon population has declined significantly, leaving all 20 gibbon species at high risk of extinction.

  • The IUCN Red List maintains the previous classification, with the eastern hoolock gibbon classified as vulnerable and the western hoolock gibbon as endangered.

  • Both species are included in Schedule I of the Indian (Wildlife) Protection Act, 1972.

Global Gibbon Network (GGN)

  • Established in 2022 in Haikou, China, GGN aims to protect singing gibbons and their habitats, which are an integral part of Asia's unique natural heritage.

  • GGN envisions promoting participatory conservation policies, legislation and actions for gibbon conservation.

By admin: July 19, 2023

10. India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway

Tags: International News

India-Myanmar-Thailand-Trilateral-HighwayThe India-Myanmar-Thailand (IMT) Highway is a regional connectivity project covering approximately 1,360 km (845 mi) that aims to connect India, Myanmar and Thailand.

An Overview of the News

  • The project was proposed by former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and approved in 2002. Its construction began in 2012 and is being implemented in several phases.

  • The Ministry of External Affairs in India, in collaboration with Myanmar and Thailand, is responsible for project implementation, with funds allocated from the Ministry of Finance.

  • The highway starts from Moreh in Manipur, India, passes through Myanmar and ends at Mae Sot in Thailand. The India-Myanmar Friendship Road is the first section connecting Tamu/Moreh to Kalemyo and Kalewa.

  • India's contribution to the project includes the construction of 69 bridges along with access roads on the 74-km Kalewa-Yagyi road section and the 70-km Tamu-Kyygon-Kalewa (TKK) road section in Myanmar.

About Thailand

  • It is officially known as the Kingdom of Thailand and historically known as Siam, located on the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia.

  • It is bordered by Myanmar and Laos to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the east, and Malaysia and the Gulf of Thailand to the south.

  • On the western side, it is bordered by the Andaman Sea, and also has maritime borders with Vietnam to the southeast and Indonesia and India to the southwest.

Capital- Bangkok

Official language - Thai

Emperor - Vajiralongkorn (Rama X)

Prime Minister - Prayut Chan-o-cha

About Myanmar

  • Capital - Naypyidaw

  • Official Language - Burmese

  • President - Myint Swe (Acting)

  • SAC President and Prime Minister - Min Aung Hlaing

  • SAC Vice President and Deputy Prime Minister – Soe Win