Current Affairs search results for tag: important-days
By admin: June 5, 2023

1. World Environment Day - 5 June

Tags: Important Days

World-Environment-Day---5-JuneWorld Environment Day is an annual event celebrated on June 5th to raise global awareness about environmental issues and encourage positive actions to protect the planet.

An overview of the news

  • World Environment Day 2023 is hosted by Côte d'Ivoire and supported by the Netherlands.

  • Theme of World Environment Day 2023 is 'Solutions to plastic pollution'.

  • The theme is chosen by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and serves as a guiding principle for activities and discussions worldwide.

  • World Environment Day is observed by individuals, communities, organizations, and governments in over 100 countries. 

  • It serves as an opportunity to engage people from all walks of life and inspire them to take action for a sustainable future.

  • The day is dedicated to increasing awareness about environmental challenges such as climate change, deforestation, pollution and loss of biodiversity.

  • It promotes understanding of the importance of environmental conservation and encourages individuals to make positive changes in their daily lives.

  • Each year, a different country is chosen as the global host of World Environment Day.

Background of the Day

  • World Environment Day was first celebrated by the United Nations in 1972.

  • Its celebration on a global scale began on 5 June 1974 in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, where an environmental conference was organised in the presence of 119 countries.

  • It was during this conference that it was decided to celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June every year.

By admin: June 3, 2023

2. World Bicycle Day - 3 June

Tags: Important Days

World Bicycle Day is an annual event celebrated on 3 June.

An Overview of the News

  • The day recognizes the bicycle as a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally sustainable means of transportation.

  • The theme for World Bicycle Day 2023 is "Riding together for a sustainable future".

  • The theme emphasises the collective efforts needed to promote a sustainable future through the use of bicycles.

History of World Bicycle Day

  • The day is celebrated to mark the anniversary of theinvention of the bicycle by Karl von Drais on 3 June 1817.

  • World Bicycle Day was established on June 3, 2018, following the adoption of a resolution during the 72nd regular session of the United Nations General Assembly in April.

  • The United Nations recognizes the bicycle as a direct, cost-effective, reliable, eco-friendly and sustainable means of transportation.

Important Days and Theme 2023:

May 28, 2023 - International Day of Action for Women's Health - Theme: "Our Voices, Our Actions, Our Demands: Uphold Women's Health and Rights Now"

May 31, 2023- World No Tobacco Day - Theme: "We need food, not tobacco"

June 1, 2023 - World Milk Day - Theme: "Showcasing how dairy is reducing its environmental footprint, while also providing nutritious foods and livelihoods."

By admin: June 1, 2023

3. World Milk Day - 1 June

Tags: Important Days

World Milk Day is observed annually on 1 June and was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) in 2001.

An Overview of the News

  • World Milk Day aims to promote the consumption and benefits of milk around the world.

  • The day aims to raise awareness and support initiatives related to the dairy industry.

  • The theme for World Milk Day 2023 is "Showcasing how dairy is reducing its environmental footprint, while also providing nutritious foods and livelihoods."

  • The theme highlights the dairy industry's efforts to reduce environmental impact and its contribution to nutrition and livelihoods.

  • Dairy products are consumed by more than six billion people worldwide.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):

Establishment - 16 October 1945

Headquarters - Rome, Italy

Director General - Qu Dongyu

By admin: May 31, 2023

4. World NoTobacco Day - 31 May

Tags: Important Days

World-NoTobacco-Day---31-MayWorld No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year on 31 May with the aim of making people aware about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption.

An overview of the news

  • The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2023 is “We need food, not tobacco”. 

  • The World Health Organisation honours governments, organisations and individuals every year for their efforts and contributions to prevent tobacco use.

History of the day

  • The World No Tobacco Day initiative was adopted by WHO in 1987.

  • After this, resolution WHA 42.19 was passed in 1988, in which 31 May was issued as 'World No Tobacco Day'.

  • Recently the Global Burden of Disease has published a study on the number of smokers around the world.

Smokers in India

  • According to this study, there were around 20 million smokers in the age group of 15-24 in India in 2019. This is the second largest number of tobacco smokers worldwide.

Global scenario

  • According to this study, the number of smokers increased to 1 billion in 2019.

  • Tobacco use killed 7 million people.

  • Among new smokers, 89% had become addicted by the age of 25.

  • There are 155 million smokers worldwide aged 15-24.

  • Top 10 countries with the highest number of smokers

  • The top 10 countries are China, India, Indonesia, USA, Russia, Bangladesh, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Philippines.

By admin: May 30, 2023

5. Goa Statehood Day - 30 May

Tags: State News Important Days

Goa-Statehood-Day---30-MayGoa Statehood Day is celebrated every year on 30 May.

An Overview of the News

  • Goa is the smallest state of India in terms of area.

  • Alfonso de Albuquerque conquered Goa in 1510, ending the rule of Adil Shah of Bijapur.

  • India regained control of Goa from the Portuguese after 400 years.

  • This year marks the 36th anniversary of Goa getting statehood.

  • On 30 May 1987, Goa was declared a separate state from Daman and Diu.

  • The official language of Goa is Konkani.

About Goa

Capital - Panaji

Chief Minister - Pramod Sawant

Official Sport - Football

Official Animal - Gaur

Governor - P.S. Sreedharan Pillai

By admin: May 29, 2023

6. International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers - 29 May

Tags: Important Days

International-Day-of-United-Nations-PeacekeepersThe International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers is observed annually on 29 May.

An Overview of the News

  • It is a day dedicated to honouring the contribution and sacrifice of United Nations (UN) peacekeepers.
  • The day recognizes the efforts of peacekeepers in maintaining peace and security around the world.
  • It also serves as a tribute to those who have lost their lives while serving as peacekeepers.
  • The theme for the 75th anniversary of the International Day of UN Peacekeepers 2023 is "Peace begins with me".
  • The theme acknowledges the service and sacrifice of peacekeepers, both past and present.

History of International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

  • It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2002.
  • It aims to honour and remember the brave peacekeepers who lost their lives in the pursuit of global peace.
  • May 29, 1948, marks the establishment of the first UN peacekeeping mission.
  • On that day, the United Nations Security Council authorised the creation of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).
  • UNTSO's purpose was to oversee the implementation of the ceasefire in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
  • The establishment of UNTSO laid the foundation for subsequent peacekeeping efforts by the United Nations around the world.

United Nations Truce Supervision Organization

Headquarters: Jerusalem

Head: Major General Patrick Gauchat

Established: 29 May 1948

By admin: May 25, 2023

7. World Thyroid Awareness Day - 25 May

Tags: Important Days

World Thyroid Awareness Day is observed every year on 25 May.

An Overview of the News

  • The day aims to spread awareness about thyroid-related disorders, including their symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options.

  • It is dedicated to thyroid sufferers and those involved in the study and treatment of thyroid diseases.

  • World Thyroid Awareness Day aims to educate people about the importance of maintaining a healthy thyroid gland.

  • The day promotes collaboration among health professionals, organisations and individuals in the field of thyroid diseases.

History of World Thyroid Awareness Day

  • The day was first proposed in 2007 at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Thyroid Federation International and the meeting decided to celebrate World Thyroid Day on 25 May every year.

  • In 1965, the European Thyroid Association (ETA) was founded.

  • The year 2008 was chosen as the first year to celebrate World Thyroid Day.

About Thyroid

  • Location: The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck below the throat (Adam's Apple).

  • Function: It produces hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, development, and energy levels.

  • Hormones: The main hormones produced are T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), which control various bodily functions.

  • Hypothyroidism: When the thyroid produces too few hormones, it causes symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression.

  • Hyperthyroidism: Excessive thyroid hormone production results in symptoms such as weight loss, rapid heartbeat, and anxiety.

  • Diagnosis:Medical history, physical exam, blood tests, and imaging are used to diagnose thyroid disorders.

  • Treatment: Treatment options include medication, radioactive iodine therapy, and surgery.

By admin: May 24, 2023

8. World Turtle Day - 23 May

Tags: Important Days

World-Turtle-Day---23-MayWorld Turtle Day is an annual celebration held on May 23, founded by American Turtle Rescue (ATR).

An Overview of the News 

  • American Turtle Rescue (ATR) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and welfare of turtles.

  • The theme for this year's World Turtle Day is 'I Love Turtles', emphasising the critical need to protect these species and their future in the face of shrinking habitats.

  • The day aims to protect turtles, raise awareness of their disappearing habitats and encourage human action to support their survival.

  • American Turtle Rescue provides Turtle Day lesson plans and craft projects for classroom teaching.

  • World Turtle Day was established by ATR on 23 May 2000 and has its 24th anniversary in 2023.

  • Its founders, Susan Tellem and Marshall Thompson, established the day with the goal of raising awareness of the challenges faced by turtles.

Important Days and Themes 2023

  • March 3rd, 2023 - World Wildlife day - Theme:   “Partnerships for wildlife conservation”

  • March 22nd, 2023 - World Water Day - Theme: “Accelerating the change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.”

  • February 2nd, 2023 - World Wetlands Day - Theme: “It's Time for Wetlands Restoration”

By admin: May 24, 2023

9. Indian Commonwealth Day - 24 May

Tags: Important Days

Indian-Commonwealth-Day---24-MayCommonwealth Day of India is celebrated every year on 24 May.

An Overview of the News 

  • Commonwealth Day is a global celebration that is usually celebrated on 13 March, but India and some other countries celebrate it on 24 May.

  • The theme for Commonwealth Day 2023 is "Forging a Sustainable and Peaceful Common Future".

  • In 2023, Commonwealth Day aims to promote a sense of shared humanity and solidarity.

  • The occasion aims to bring together the 2.5 billion citizens of the Commonwealth to recognize their shared values and principles.

  • Commonwealth Day provides an opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the achievements of the 54 Commonwealth countries.

  • Focus areas include addressing climate change and promoting gender equality.

History of Commonwealth Day:

  • It was started in 1902 to pay respect after the death of Queen Victoria on January 22, 1901.

  • The first commemoration of Commonwealth Day took place on May 24, 1902, on the occasion of Queen Victoria's birthday.

  • In 1916, Commonwealth Day received official recognition as an annual celebration.

  • In 1958, Prime Minister Harold Macmillan changed the name of the event from Empire Day to Commonwealth Day.

By admin: May 23, 2023

10. International Day to End Obstetric Fistula - 23 May

Tags: Important Days

International-Day-to-End-Obstetric-Fistula---23-MayInternational Day to End Obstetric Fistula is observed on 23 May.

An Overview of the News

  • Obstetric fistula is a hole in the birth canal and it develops when a woman experiences obstructed labour for a long time without medical intervention.

  • Obstetric fistula causes lifelong physical and social problems for women.

  • Advocacy to increase investment in maternal health care is encouraged.

  • Access to quality obstetric care is emphasised.

  • The ultimate goal is elimination of the obstetric fistula.

History of International Day to End Obstetric Fistula

  • International Day to End Obstetric Fistula was established on May 23, 2013.

  • It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly and the day aims to raise awareness about obstetric fistula.

  • It promotes actions for the prevention, treatment and elimination of the condition.

  • The Campaign to End Fistula was launched in 2003 by UNFPA and its partners.