Current Affairs search results for tag: important-days
By admin: May 22, 2023

1. International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May

Tags: Important Days

International-Day-for-Biological-Diversity---22-MayThe International Day for Biological Diversity is observed on 22 May and aims to increase understanding of Earth's diverse ecosystems and encourage conservation.

An Overview of the News

  • Emphasises the importance of biodiversity and the need to protect and regenerate it.

  • The theme for the International Day for Biological Diversity 2023 is: "Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity".

  • The United Nations designated 22 May as the International Day for Biodiversity (IDB) to promote understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.

Importance of International Day for Biological Diversity:

  • Demonstrates the important role of biodiversity in sustaining life on earth.

  • Encompasses plants, animals, microorganisms and ecosystems.

  • Provides essential services such as pollination, nutrient recycling, water purification and climate regulation.

  • Have cultural, aesthetic and economic value, support livelihoods and contribute to sustainable progress.

Important Days and Themes 2023

March 3rd, 2023 - World Wildlife day - Theme:   “Partnerships for wildlife conservation”

March 22nd, 2023 - World Water Day - Theme: “Accelerating the change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.”

February 2nd, 2023 - World Wetlands Day - Theme: “It's Time for Wetlands Restoration”

By admin: May 20, 2023

2. World Metrology Day - 20 May

Tags: Important Days

World Metrology Day is celebrated annually on 20 May to commemorate the signing of the Meter Convention on 20 May 1875.

An Overview of the News

  • The theme for World Metrology Day 2023 is "Measurements supporting the global food system".

  • The Meter Convention established a framework for international cooperation in the science of measurement and its applications in industry, commerce and society.

  • The purpose of the Meter Convention isto ensure global uniformity in measurement.

  • The World Metrology Day project is a joint effort of BIPM (International Bureau of Weights and Measures) and OIML (International Organization of Legal Metrology).

  • The website provides resources for participants to locate and encourage countries and metrology organisations to join and participate in this year's event.

By admin: May 20, 2023

3. World Bee Day - 20 May

Tags: Important Days

World Bee Day - 20 MayWorld Bee Day is held annually on 20 May to raise awareness and recognition of the important role that bees and other pollinators play in our ecosystem.

An Overview of the News

  • Established by the United Nations, World Bee Day aims to emphasise the importance of bees in maintaining ecosystems and food production.

  • The celebration encourages efforts to protect bees and their habitats and highlights the importance of pollinators in conserving biodiversity and ensuring global food security.

  • The theme for World Bee Day 2023 is “Engaging in Pollinator-Friendly Agricultural Production,” promoting agricultural methods that prioritise the well-being of pollinators, especially bees.

History of World Bee Day:

  • The United Nations established World Bee Day in 2017 to raise awareness of the important role played by bees and other pollinators in the ecosystem.

  • May 20 was chosen as the date for World Bee Day to honour Slovenian beekeeping pioneer and expert Anton Jansa.

  • The main goal of World Bee Day is to encourage global recognition, mobilisation and cooperation in protecting bees and preserving their important contribution to the environment and food production systems.

United Nations (UN):

  • It is an intergovernmental organisation.

  • The objectives of the United Nations include maintaining international peace and security and developing friendly relations between nations.

  • It serves as a centre for harmonising the actions of the nations.

Establishment - 24 October 1945

Headquarters - New York

Secretary-General - Antonio Guterres

Deputy Secretary General - Amina J. Mohammed

General Assembly President - Csaba Kőrösi

By admin: May 19, 2023

4. World AIDS Vaccine Day - 18 May

Tags: Important Days

World-AIDS-Vaccine-Day-18-MayWorld AIDS Vaccine Day is observed on 18 May and it emphasises the importance of making a vaccine for HIV, an incurable disease.

An Overview of the News

  • World AIDS Vaccine Day is also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day.

  • Pays tribute to the scientists and researchers working on the HIV/AIDS vaccine and raises awareness.

  • According to the World Health Organisation, HIV has killed 40.1 million people globally.

History of World AIDS Vaccine Day:

  • On May 18, 1997, former US President Bill Clinton gave a speech at Morgan State University in Maryland.

  • President Clinton stressed the importance of a highly effective HIV vaccine to combat and eliminate HIV transmission.

  • In honour of President Clinton's speech, May 18 was designated as World AIDS Vaccine Day.

  • The first event of World AIDS Vaccine Day was held in 1998.

About HIV Infection

  • HIV weakens the immune system and can lead to AIDS.

  • Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is an effective treatment and prevention method for HIV.

World Health Organization:

Establishment - 7 April 1948

Head - Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Headquarters - Geneva, Switzerland

By admin: May 19, 2023

5. International Museum Day 2023- 18 May

Tags: Important Days

International Museum Day (IMD) is an annual international event organised by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) on 18 May.

An Overview of the News

  • Each year, IMD focuses on a different theme that reflects a relevant issue or theme affecting museums globally.

  • The theme for this year 2023 is Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing.

  • IMD aims to raise public awareness of the important role museums play in the development of society.

  • The day encourages dialogue and exchange of ideas among museum professionals.

  • The first International Museum Day was organised by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) in 1977.

  • The adoption of an annual theme for the IMD began in 1992.

IMD's previous years' themes include:

  • 2022: The Power of Museums

  • 2021: The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine

  • 2020: Museum for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion

By admin: May 17, 2023

6. World Telecommunication and Information Society Day - 17 May

Tags: Important Days

World-Telecommunication-and-Information-Society-Day---17-MayWorld Telecommunication and Information Society Day is observed on 17 May and is organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

An Overview of the News

  • The event was earlier known as World Telecom Day.

  • The day emphasises the influence of the Internet and communication technologies.

  • It aims to address connectivity challenges in various regions.

  • The theme for 2023 is “Enabling the least developed nations through information and communication technologies.”

  • The event is held at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and raises awareness of the role and impact of telecommunications and information technology.

  • The day highlights the transformative power of communication tools such as the Internet and mobile networks.

History of World Telecom Day

  • It was established on May 17, 1969, and on this day in 1865, the ITU (International Telegraph Union) was established.

  • ITU was originally known as International Telegraph Union and later became International Telecommunication Union.

  • In 1947, the ITU became a specialised agency of the United Nations and the United Nations General Assembly declared 17 May as World Information Society Day in 2006.

About the International Telegraph Union

Established - 17 May 1865

Headquarters - Geneva, Switzerland

Parent Organization - United Nations Economic and Social Council

Secretary General - Doreen Bogdan-Martin

By admin: May 17, 2023

7. World Hypertension Day - 17 May

Tags: Important Days

World-Hypertension-Day-17-MayWorld Hypertension Day is observed annually on 17 May to raise awareness about hypertension (high blood pressure) and promote preventive measures, early detection, and management of this global health issue.

An overview of the news

  • The day serves as a platform to educate individuals, communities, health professionals and policy makers about healthy blood pressure levels and the risks associated with high blood pressure.

  • The day plays a crucial role in raising awareness about hypertension, its causes, risk factors, and the importance of regular blood pressure monitoring. 

  • It seeks to dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding hypertension and promote accurate information.

  • Theme of 2023 is 'Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer'.

Background of the day

  • World Hypertension Day was first established in 2005 by the World Hypertension League (WHL), 

  • WHL is an umbrella organization composed of hypertension-related societies and leagues from around the world. 

  • The day was created to address the increasing prevalence of hypertension and its associated health risks.

By admin: May 15, 2023

8. International Day of Families - 15 May

Tags: Important Days

International Day of FamiliesInternational Day of Families is observed on 15 May to raise awareness about the importance of families and their role in society.

An Overview of the News

  • It is a global observance observed by countries around the world, including the United States.

  • The theme for International Day of Families 2023 is 'Demographic Trends and Families', while the theme for 2022 was 'Families and Urbanisation'.

  • The significance of the day lies in raising awareness about the importance of families as the basic unit of society.

History of International Day of Families

  • This day was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993.

  • It aims to promote awareness of the importance of families as the basic unit of society and to address issues related to the global family.

  • The first International Day of the Family was observed in 1994, and is observed annually on 15 May.

  • The United Nations recognizes the challenges that families face around the world, such as poverty, inequality and social exclusion.

  • International Day of Families provides an opportunity to raise awareness of these challenges and advocate for policies and programs that support families.

By admin: May 14, 2023

9. World Migratory Bird Day - 13 May

Tags: Important Days

World Migratory Bird Day 2023 was observed on 13 May this year with an aim to focus on the conservation of migratory birds.

An overview of the news

  • Migratory birds are those birds that migrate to other parts of the world other than their native places to escape the winter season.

  • Migratory birds travel thousands of miles each year, often facing numerous challenges such as habitat loss, climate change, and illegal hunting along their journey.

  • Many migratory bird species are declining in population, and their disappearance can have significant ecological and economic consequences.

  • World Migratory Bird Day aims to promote international cooperation to conserve migratory birds and their habitats through awareness-raising, education, and conservation actions.

  • Individuals can contribute to the conservation of migratory birds by taking simple actions such as reducing their use of plastic, supporting bird-friendly policies and practices, and reporting any illegal activities related to migratory birds.

  • Through collective efforts, we can help ensure the survival and well-being of migratory birds, which play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and sustaining biodiversity.

  • Theme of World Migratory Bird Day 2023 is ‘Water and its importance for migratory birds’.

Background of the day

  • The day was first initiated in 2006 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).

  • Since its inception, World Migratory Bird Day has grown to become a global event celebrated in over 100 countries, involving various organizations, governments, and individuals.

By admin: May 12, 2023

10. International Day of Plant Health -12 May

Tags: Important Days

International Day of Plant Health is observed every year on 12 May.

An overview of the news

  • The day was announced by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2019 to raise awareness about the importance of protecting plant health for the well-being of people, the environment and the economy.

  • Plant health is important for ensuring food security, protecting biodiversity, and preventing the spread of pests and diseases that harm plants, animals, and humans.

  • The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is leading global efforts to promote plant health and prevent the spread of pests and diseases.

  • FAO works with governments, farmers, researchers and other stakeholders to develop and implement strategies to manage plant pests and diseases and to ensure the health and productivity of crops and forests.

  • The theme for International Day of Plant Health 2023 is "Plant Health for All: Protecting Plants, Protecting Life."

Purpose of the day

  • The day aims to raise awareness of the importance of protecting plants from pests and diseases and to encourage action at all levels to improve plant health.

  • It also recognizes the work of plant health professionals, scientists and farmers in protecting the health of plants and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Background of the day

  • The day was announced by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2019.

  • The first International Day of Plant Health was observed in 2020.