Current Affairs search results for tag: important-days
By admin: April 6, 2023

1. International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP): 6 April

Tags: Important Days

 International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP)

The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP) is observed on 6 April and the day recognizes the importance of sport and physical activity in our individual lives and communities around the world.

An Overview of the News

  • The theme for the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace 2023 is "Scoring for People and the Planet".

  • The theme highlights the positive impact of sport on sustainable development and peace, stressing the importance of using sport as a tool to achieve these goals.

  • The United Nations General Assembly, during its 67th session, adopted resolution 67/296 on 23 August 2013, declaring 6 April as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace.

  • The day was inspired by previous United Nations resolutions that aimed to promote events such as the International Year of Sport and the Olympic Truce to harness the power of sport to promote a more peaceful world.

  • The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace serves as a platform to showcase the role of sport in promoting sustainable development, social cohesion and international cooperation.

About the United Nations General Assembly

  • It is an important component of the United Nations Organization and serves as its main policy-making and representative body. It was established in 1945.

  • It is one of the six primary organs of the United Nations and has the responsibility of being the primary deliberative, policy-making and representative body.

  • Chapter IV of the United Nations Charter outlines the composition, functions, powers and procedures of the General Assembly.

  • The General Assembly plays an important role in promoting international cooperation, dialogue and problem-solving within the United Nations on a wide range of global issues.

Headquarters - New York, New York, United States

Founder - United Nations

Established - 1945

President - Csaba Kőrösi

By admin: April 5, 2023

2. National Maritime Day: 5 April

Tags: Important Days

National Maritime Day: 5 April

National Maritime Day is a part of the National Maritime Week, which begins on 30 March and ends on 5 April and this year marks the 60th anniversary of National Maritime Day in India.

An Overview of the News

  • National Maritime Day (NMD) is celebrated every year on 5th April to commemorate the maiden voyage of the first Indian owned ship "SS Loyalty" (the first ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company Limited) that sailed from Bombay to London on 5th April 1919 .

  • The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways started this day in 1964 to commemorate the voyage of SS Loyalty, India's first commercial vessel.

  • The day celebrates India's contribution to the maritime industry and its history as a seafaring nation.

  • It is a day to express gratitude to the seafarers who work tirelessly at sea away from their families to ensure the smooth functioning of the industry.

  • The theme of National Maritime Week 2023 is 'Shipping Mein Amrit Kaal', which in English means 'Golden Era in Shipping'

  • The theme emphasises the potential for significant progress and growth in the Indian maritime industry over a period of 25 years from the 75th to the 100th year of India's independence.

World Maritime Day (WMD) is observed on 29 September.

By admin: April 5, 2023

3. International Day of Conscience: 5 April

Tags: Important Days

International Day of Conscience is observed each year on 5 April

International Day of Conscience is observed each year on 5 April to promote peace, justice and sustainable development, and the day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2019.

An Overview of the News

  • Conscience refers to the inner voice that guides our moral and ethical decisions, encouraging us to act with integrity and empathy toward others.

  • The theme for the year 2023 is “Building a Culture of Peace”.

  • The day emphasises the importance of promoting a culture of peace and non-violence, in which respect for diversity and human rights is given priority.

  • The International Day of Conscience was initiated at the United Nations by the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), a non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting peace and love around the world.

  • The Kingdom of Bahrain submitted a draft resolution titled "Promoting a Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience" to the United Nations General Assembly during its 73rd session declaring 5 April as the International Day of Conscience.

About the United Nations General Assembly

  • It is a fundamental component of the United Nations Organization.

  • It is one of the six primary organs within the United Nations, with responsibility for serving as the primary deliberative, policy-making and representative body of the United Nations.

  • Chapter IV of the United Nations Charter outlines the composition, functions, powers and procedures of the General Assembly.

  • Its role within the United Nations is important in promoting international cooperation, dialogue and problem-solving across a wide range of global issues.

Headquarters - New York, New York, United States

Founder - United Nations

Established - 1945, New York, New York, United States

President - Csaba Kőrösi

By admin: April 4, 2023

4. International Mine Awareness Day - 4 April

Tags: Important Days

International Mine Awareness Day - 4 April

International Mine Awareness Day is observed every year on 4 April to raise awareness about the danger of landmines and explosive remnants of war.

An Overview of the News

  • The day was first celebrated in 2006 after it was established by the United Nations General Assembly.

  • The theme for 2023 International Mine Awareness Day is "Mine Action Can Not Wait".

  • The theme was chosen by the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) to draw attention to the urgent need to address long-standing problems caused by explosive mines in countries such as Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

  • Explosive mines are a major humanitarian and security issue in these countries, where they have caused thousands of deaths and injuries over several decades.

  • The "Mine Action Can Not Wait" campaign aims to emphasise the urgency of addressing these problems and encourage action to prevent further damage.

  • The UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) leads the mine action community and plays a key role in achieving the goals of mine action.

  • The day is significant because it aims to create a world that is free of landmines and explosive remnants of war, thereby ensuring the safety of individuals and communities.

  • On this day, 12 different departments and offices of the United Nations Secretariat, as well as specialised agencies, funds and programmes, come together to support mine action programs in 30 countries and 3 territories.

About United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

UNMAS is based at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Established - October 1997

Head - Ileen Cohn

By admin: April 2, 2023

5. World Autism Awareness Day 2023

Tags: Important Days

World Autism Awareness Day 2023

World Autism Awareness Day is observed every year on 2 April to raise awareness about autism disorder.

An overview of the news

  • The purpose of this day is to make people aware of autism and to support those who are struggling with this disorder.

  • According to the United Nations General Assembly, the day aims to "highlight the need to help improve the quality of life of autistic people so that they can live full and meaningful lives as an integral part of society."

  • People with autism are very dependent on others. That's why the United Nations has urged people to come together and support autistic people.

  • World Autism Awareness Day 2023 theme is "Transforming the narrative: Contributions at home, at work, in the arts and in policymaking".

What is Autism?

  • Autism is a neurological condition that lasts a lifetime in a person.

  • It usually appears for the first time in infancy.

  • This condition can develop early in life, regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic status.

  • The exact cause of autism is still unknown.

  • The term autism spectrum refers to a number of characteristics.

  • A child who suffers from autism mainly includes social impairment, difficulty in talking, restricted behavior, repetition of behavior and showing a pattern.

Background of the day

  • At the 76th plenary meeting held on 18 December 2007, the United Nations designated 2 April as World Autism Awareness Day.

  • It is celebrated every year since 2008.

By admin: April 2, 2023

6. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Foundation day - 1st April

Tags: Important Days

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Foundation day - 1st April

The Foundation Day of the Reserve Bank of India is celebrated on 1st April every year.

About Reserve Bank of India

  • RBI was established on April 1, 1935 as per the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

  • It started functioning from 1 April 1935.

  • The central office of the Reserve Bank was established in Kolkata which was permanently shifted to Mumbai in the year 1937.

  • It was nationalized in 1949 and now the government of India is the owner of RBI.

  • It has the power to regulate Banks under the Banking Regulation Act 1949.

  • It has the power to regulate the Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) under the RBI act 1934.

  • RBI is also the regulator of the digital payment system under the Payment and settlement act 2007.

  • Before independence till 1942 RBI used to issue currency not only for India but also for Myanmar which was then known as Burma. However, it was discontinued after 1947.

  • Headquarters of RBI: Mumbai 

  • Governor of RBI : Shaktikanta Das

Major functions of RBI

  • Formulation, implementation and monitoring of monetary policy.

  • To maintain price stability keeping in view the objective of growth.

  • Sir Osborne Smith was made the first Governor of RBI.

  • To lay down broad norms for banking operations.

  • To protect the interests of the depositors and to provide affordable banking services to the general public.

  • Administration of Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.

  • Issuance and exchange of currency.

  • Role of merchant bank for central and state governments.

By admin: April 1, 2023

7. Odisha Day or Utkal Day: 1 April

Tags: Important Days

Odisha Day or Utkal Day: 1 April

Odisha Day or Utkala Divas is celebrated on 1st April and this day is significant for the people of Odisha as it marks the formation of the state on 1st April, 1936.

An Overview of the News

  • Odisha has its 88th foundation day on 1st April 2023.

  • The state celebrates the day with cultural programmes, parades and flag-hoisting ceremonies.

  • The event provides an opportunity for the people of Odisha to come together and celebrate their cultural heritage and the progress made by the state.

  • The Jagannath Puri Temple and the Sun Temple at Konark are popular tourist attractions in the state.

About Odisha

Capital- Bhubaneswar

Governor- Ganeshi Lal

Chief Minister- Naveen Patnaik

  • In 1803, the British East India Company took over Odisha.

  • In 1827, the Orissa Medical School was established.

  • In 1876, the formation of the political organisation Utkal Sabha.

  • In 1936, Odisha became a separate state.

  • In 1950, the Jagannath Temple Act was passed.

  • In 2019, Odisha became India's first "open defecation free" state.

By admin: March 31, 2023

8. International Drug Checking Day: 31 March

Tags: Important Days

International Drug Checking Day: 31 March

International Drug Checking Day is an annual event observed on 31 March since 2017 to promote harm reduction initiatives to reduce the risks associated with drug use and educate people about drugs and their effects .

An Overview of the News

  • The primary purpose of the day is to raise public awareness of the availability of drug testing services and organisations around the world and to emphasise the importance of drug-related harm reduction actions to reduce drug-related risks.

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 11.8 million deaths were linked to drug abuse in 2017, and more and more teenagers are falling prey to substance abuse.

  • International Day of Drug Checking is an effort to collectively reduce drug abuse and create a drug free world.

  • Drug supply is often linked to organised crime and syndicate networks, for example the Taliban in Afghanistan use opium smuggling to finance their operations.

About World Health Organization

Established- 7 April 1948

Headquarters- Geneva, Switzerland

Head- Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

By admin: March 30, 2023

9. International Day of Zero Waste - 30 March

Tags: Important Days

The United Nations General Assembly has announced that March 30 will be observed as the International Day of Zero Waste every year from 2023 and the day aims to encourage sustainable consumption and production practices and help achieve the goals of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. To increase understanding of ways to help waste efforts.

An Overview of the News

  • Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri organised the "Swachhotsav - 2023: Rally for Garbage Free Cities" in New Delhi.

  • The theme of International Zero Waste Day 2023 – 'Achieving sustainable and environmentally sound practices to reduce and manage waste'.

  • The United Nations has provided data indicating that approximately 2.24 billion tons of municipal solid wasteis produced each year, of which only 55% is disposed of in management facilities. In addition, an estimated 931 million tons of food is wasted annually, and 14 million tons of plastic waste enter aquatic ecosystems each year.

  • The International Day of Zero Waste provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the negative effects of waste on the environment, including landfills, pollution and resource depletion.

  • The proposal to establish an International Day of Zero Waste was co-sponsored by Turkey and 105 other countries, and is part of a series of proposals dealing with waste.

About United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

  • It is a global organisation focused on protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development.

  • It addresses a wide range of environmental challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and sustainable consumption and production.

  • UNEP works in more than 150 countries and is committed to promoting environmental justice and the rights of marginalised communities.

  • Some of UNEP's major achievements include the development of the Montreal Protocol, the creation of the Global Environment Facility, and the establishment of the IPCC to assess the science of climate change.

By admin: March 24, 2023

10. World Tuberculosis Day

Tags: Important Days

World Tuberculosis Day

World Tuberculosis Day is observed every year on 24 March to raise awareness about tuberculosis and encourage timely action to combat the global TB epidemic.

An overview of the news

  • The theme of the year 2023 is - "Yes! We can end TB!".

  • It aims to urge leaders from around the world to act to stop the TB epidemic. 

  • The theme emphasizes the importance of increased funding, rapid action, multi-sectoral collaboration, rapid adoption of new WHO guidelines, and adoption of innovation to eliminate tuberculosis.

What is Tuberculosis (TB)?

  • It is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  • The bacteria generally attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body, such as the kidneys, spine, and brain.

  • Tuberculosis infections began increasing in 1985 because of the emergence of HIV.

  • HIV weakens a person's immune system, so it can't fight the TB germs.


  • Its bacteria spread from person to person through the air.

  • When people with pulmonary (Lung) TB cough, sneeze or spit, they spread TB germs into the air.

Symptoms of TB

  • Cough for three or more weeks

  • Coughing up bloody sputum

  • Chest pain, pain with breathing and coughing

  • Weight loss, Fatigue, Fever and Night sweats etc.

Government Initiatives to Combat TB

  • National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination (2017-2025)

  • Nikshay Poshan Yojana (NPY- financial support)

  • TB Harega Desh Jeetega Campaign

  • Universal Immunisation Programme

  • The government of India aims to have a TB-free India by 2025.

  • Revised National TB Control Program under National Health Mission

  • Ending the TB epidemic by 2030 under United Nations SDG target 3.3.

  • Every year World TB Day is celebrated on 24 March.

  • TB Burden
    Every year one crore people fall ill with TB and 1.5 million people die from TB every year.

  • About half of all people with TB are found in eight countries – Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and South Africa.

  • It is one of the top 10 leading causes of death worldwide.

  • India accounts for 30 percent of the world's TB cases, the highest in the world, followed by Indonesia and China.