Current Affairs search results for tag: national-news
By admin: June 21, 2023

1. Oman Creates History as First Foreign Government to Promote Country through Yoga

Tags: International Relations International News

First-Foreign-Government-to-Promote-Country-through-YogaThe Indian Embassy in Oman has introduced a unique video titled 'Soulful Yoga, Serene Oman' on the occasion of the International Day of Yoga 2023. 

An overview of the news

  • This initiative is considered pioneering and showcases the beauty of Oman while featuring yoga enthusiasts from different countries.

  • The video stands out as it is a collaborative effort between the Indian Embassy and 'Visit Oman,' a subsidiary of Oman's Ministry of Tourism. 

  • This partnership marks the first instance of a foreign government using yoga to promote its own country, highlighting the significance of this collaboration.

  • The video not only demonstrates the increasing popularity of yoga worldwide but also highlights its growing prominence in Oman. 

  • With a significant Indian community of 700,000 in Oman, yoga has gained considerable traction in recent years.

Promoting Yoga through Initiatives

  • The Indian Embassy has been actively involved in promoting yoga in Oman through various initiatives. 

  • In 2022, they organized the 'Muscat Yog Mahotsav,' a 75-day celebration featuring over 75 yoga events across major cities in Oman. 

  • This initiative was timed with the 75 years of India's independence celebrations.

Oman Yoga Yatra 

  • This year, the Embassy launched the 'Oman Yoga Yatra,' a five-month-long journey leading up to a large-scale celebration of the International Day of Yoga 2023. 

  • The event, scheduled for June 21, 2023, is expected to attract more than 2,000 participants from diverse backgrounds.

About Oman

  • Sultan - Haitham bin Tariq Al Said

  • Capital - Muscat

  • Official Language - Arabic

  • Official Religion - Islam

  • Currency - Omani rial

By admin: June 21, 2023

2. Number of refugees globally stood at 35.3 million by end of 2022: UNHCR

Tags: International News

According to the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), by the end of 2022, the global number of refugees will reach 35.3 million.

An overview of the news

  • This figure represents an increase of more than eight million refugees from the previous year.

Most affected countries

  • More than half of all refugees worldwide,52 percent, originated from three specific countries.

  • These countries are Syria with a refugee population of 6.5 million, Ukraine with 5.7 million and Afghanistan with 5.7 million refugees.

Definition of refugee

  • According to international law, refugees are persons who are forced to flee their home countries because of persecution or the presence of a serious threat to their life, physical well-being, or personal liberty.

  • These persons seek protection in other countries.

World refugee day

  • To draw attention to the plight of refugees globally, the United Nations designated 20 June as World Refugee Day.

  • This annual festival serves as an opportunity to raise awareness and highlight the challenges faced by refugees around the world.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

  • It is an international organization mandated to protect and support refugees, as well as finding durable solutions to their displacement.

  • It was established in 1950 to address the needs of refugees after World War II.

  • It operates in various countries around the world, providing protection, assistance, and advocacy for refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. 

  • Headquarter - Geneva, Switzerland

By admin: June 20, 2023

3. UK launches new landmark trading scheme for developing countries

Tags: Economy/Finance International News

UK-launches-new-landmark-tradingThe UK launched the Developing Countries Trade Scheme (DCTS) on 19 June.

An overview of the news

  • This trade scheme provides a significant opportunity for India and 65 other poor and developing countries.

  • The scheme simplifies trading rules and cuts tariffs on products entering the UK from 65 developing countries, including Bangladesh.

About Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS)

  • This is a preferential trading program that has been introduced by the United Kingdom.

  • The DCTS replaces similar arrangements that were previously in place during the UK's membership in the European Union.

  • The primary objective of the scheme is to support trade and promote economic growth for 65 poor and developing countries.

  • Through the DCTS, these countries are granted preferential treatment in terms of trade, with reduced or eliminated tariffs on certain products imported into the United Kingdom.

  • By providing favorable trading conditions, the DCTS aims to enhance market access for these countries, stimulate economic activity, and foster mutually beneficial trade relationships.

Benefits of the scheme

  • It creates opportunities for businesses and supports livelihoods by facilitating trade between participating countries and the United Kingdom.

  • By lowering trade barriers and providing preferential treatment, the scheme aims to create employment opportunities for individuals in participating countries.

  • It plays a role in diversifying local and international supply chains, which contributes to job creation and economic growth in these countries.

  • Through increased market access and favorable trading conditions, the scheme helps participating countries to access the UK market and expand their export capabilities.

  • By increasing exports, countries can diversify their economies and reduce their dependence on limited products or markets.

By admin: June 20, 2023

4. Center launches 'Dakshta' course suite on iGOT platform to enhance skills of young professionals

Tags: National News

DakshtaThe Central Government has introduced a new collection of courses called "Dakshata" on the iGOT Karmayogi platform announced by the Ministry of Personnel.

An Overview of the News

  • The course, known as "Dakshta" (Development of Attitude, Knowledge, Skills for Holistic Change in Administration), aims at enhancing the skills of young professionals.

  • To oversee the core objectives of the initiative, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has set up Karmayogi Bharat, a government-owned non-profit special purpose vehicle.

  • Karmayogi India is responsible for owning, managing, maintaining and improving the iGOT Karmayogi Platform.

  • Mission Karmayogi, which is the national program for civil services capacity building, aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of creating a developed and empowered India.

  • The mission aims to create a smart, citizen-friendly and future-ready public workforce in line with the government's thrust on skill development and holistic transformation.

About iGOT Karmayogi

  • It is an online platform for capacity building of civil service officers.

  • It combines five functional centres: online learning, competency management, career management, discussion and networking.

  • The platform enables officials to deliver more effectively, enhancing government execution capabilities.

  • It offers online, face-to-face and blended learning opportunities.

  • Occasional forums facilitate discussion among officers.

  • It helps manage career paths and provides reliable competency assessments.

By admin: June 20, 2023

5. National Workshop on “Water Supply and Treatment” by CPHEEO at New Delhi

Tags: National News

Water-Supply-and-TreatmentCPHEEO organized a two day National Workshop on “Water Supply and Treatment” in New Delhi.

An Overview of the News

Objective of the Workshop:

  • Finalization of a revised and updated manual on water supply and treatment.

  • Address challenges and incorporate technological advances.

  • The existing Rules of 1999 and 2005 served as guidance documents.

Cooperation and Committee:

  • Expert Committee headed by Adviser (PHEE), CPHEEO.

  • Cooperation with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).

  • GIZ appointed WAPCOS for manual drafting.

Manual Drafting:

  • The manual is divided into three parts: engineering, operation and maintenance, and management.

  • WAPCOS is responsible for drafting the revised manual.

Importance of Safe Water Supply:

  • Secretary Manoj Joshi stressed the need for safe water and meeting quality standards.

  • Aiming to reduce domestic combat costs.

  • Emphasis on direct water supply to households to eliminate excess storage and financial loss.

By admin: June 20, 2023

6. India gifts missile corvette INS Kirpan to Vietnam

Tags: International Relations Defence International News

India-gifts-missile-corvette-INS-Kirpan-to-VietnamDefense Minister Rajnath Singh on 19 June announced the gift of an indigenous in-service missile corvette, INS Kirpan, to the Vietnam People's Navy.

An overview of the news

  • The announcement is expected to significantly enhance the capabilities of the Vietnamese Navy.

  • The announcement was made during talks between Defense Minister Singh and Defense Minister of Vietnam General Phan Van Gang in Delhi.

  • During the meeting, bilateral defense cooperation initiatives between India and Vietnam were reviewed and both sides expressed satisfaction at the progress of the ongoing engagements.

  • The Ministers identified opportunities to further enhance cooperation, particularly in areas such as defense industry cooperation, maritime security and multinational cooperation.

  • Apart from the talks, the Defense Minister of Vietnam also visited the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) headquarters to explore ways to enhance defense industrial capabilities through research and joint production.

  • The strengthening of defense ties between India and Vietnam underscores the strategic partnership between the two countries and their shared commitment to regional security and cooperation.

About INS Kirpan

  • INS Kirpan is a missile corvette belonging to the Khukri class with a displacement of about 1,350 tonnes.

  • It was commissioned into the Indian Navy on 12 January 1991.

  • The length of the corvette is 91 meters and the beam is 11 metres.

  • It is capable of attaining speeds of over 25 knots.

  • Equipped with a variety of weapons including medium-range cannon, 30 mm close-range gun, chaff launcher and surface-to-surface missiles, INS Kirpan has the versatility to play multiple roles.

  • The roles performed by INS Kirpan include coastal and offshore patrolling, coastal security, surface warfare, anti-piracy operations and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations.

By admin: June 20, 2023

7. India, Sri Lanka to accelerate implementation of digital education project in Galle District

Tags: International Relations International News

Sri-Lanka-to-accelerate-implementation-of-digital-educationIndia and Sri Lanka have expressed their commitment to fast-tracking the implementation of a digital education project in the Galle District, Sri Lanka.

An overview of the news

  • The High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka, Gopal Baglay, and the Secretary of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Education, M N Ranasinghe, exchanged diplomatic notes to accelerate the establishment of modern computer labs and smart boards in 200 schools. 

  • These facilities will be equipped with customized curriculum software.

  • The project is aimed at promoting digital literacy among students in underprivileged areas of the Galle District. 

  • It is supported by a grant from the Government of India.

  • This digital education initiative is part of a broader set of grant projects in the education sector undertaken by the Indian government in Sri Lanka, highlighting their commitment to enhancing educational opportunities in the country.

India's development assistance to Sri Lanka 

  • India's development assistance to Sri Lanka encompasses a total amount of approximately USD 5 billion, with nearly USD 600 million provided as grants.

  • Across Sri Lanka's 25 districts, more than 65 grant projects have already been implemented, demonstrating the substantial support from India in various sectors.

  • The digital education project in the Galle District is among more than 20 ongoing projects that are at different stages of implementation, further illustrating the sustained collaboration between India and Sri Lanka in driving socio-economic development in the region.

About sri lanka

  • The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is a tropical island nation located off the southeast coast of the Indian subcontinent.

  • Sri Lanka is separated from the Indian subcontinent by the Gulf of Munnar and the Palk Strait.

  • Capital: Colombo (Executive and Judicial) and Sri Jayawardenepura (Legislative).

  • Official languages: Sinhala and Tamil

  • President – Ranil Wickremesinghe

  • Prime Minister – Dinesh Gunawardena

  • Currency: Sri Lankan Rupee

By admin: June 20, 2023

8. United Nations adopt first-ever treaty to protect marine life in high seas

Tags: Environment International News

United-Nations-adopt-first-ever-treaty-to-protect-marine-life-in-high-seasThe United Nations on 19 June adopted the first-ever treaty to protect marine life in the high seas, setting a significant milestone in ocean conservation.

An overview of the news

  • UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised the historic agreement and stressed its importance in providing a fighting chance against the many threats to the ocean.

  • Delegates representing all 193 member states expressed their happiness in accepting the treaty.

  • Addressing the delegates, Secretary-General Guterres stressed that the adoption of the treaty comes at a critical time when the oceans are facing many challenges.

  • He urged all countries to spare no effort to sign and ratify the treaty immediately.

  • The treaty aims to protect biodiversity in the high seas, which cover about half of the Earth's surface and lie beyond national boundaries.

  • Negotiations on this treaty had been going on for 20 years, facing many obstacles and delays in reaching an agreement.

Signing of Treaty 

  • On 20 September, during the annual meeting of world leaders at the General Assembly, the treaty will be open for signature, signaling countries' commitment to its principles.

  • The treaty will come into force after 60 countries have ratified it, indicating their willingness to abide by its provisions and actively contribute to marine conservation efforts.

Need of Oceans Protection

  • The ocean plays a critical role in supporting the livelihoods of three billion people worldwide and serves as a vital ecosystem that sustains human life and economic well-being.

  • The ocean is a fundamental source of food and economic security for millions of people. 

  • Its ecosystems, including fisheries and aquaculture, provide sustenance and income for communities globally.

  • It has absorbed approximately 93% of the heat generated by greenhouse gases, helping to mitigate the impacts of global warming.

  • It serves as a source of resources such as energy, minerals, and materials that are crucial for various industries and economic sectors.

By admin: June 20, 2023

9. Bureau of Indian Standards makes license mandatory for 24 footwear products

Tags: National Economy/Finance National News

Bureau-of-Indian-Standards-makes-license-mandatoryBureau of Indian Standards (BIS) license will be mandatory for 24 footwear products from July 1, 2023.

An overview of the news

  • Small-scale footwear manufacturers will have to comply by January 1, 2024, while micro-footwear industries will be subject to mandatory quality standards from July 1, 2024.

  • It aims to reduce sub-standard imports, especially from countries like China.

  • According to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), this Quality Control Order (QCO) will ensure production of high quality footwear domestically and curb substandard imports.

QCO for footwear and related products

  • The QCO for 24 footwear and related products was initially notified in October 2020.

  • The 24 footwear products covered by the quality standards include rubber gum boots, PVC sandals, rubber thongs, chappals, molded plastic footwear, footwear used for municipal cleaning work, sports footwear, derby shoes, riot-proof shoes and molded Includes solid rubber sole.

  • At present, 27 out of 54 footwear products are covered by QCO, and the remaining 27 more footwear products will be covered within the next six months.

  • BIS has revised five footwear specification standards, giving the industry an additional time of six months till January 1, 2024, to comply with the QCOs.

  • To support the implementation and testing of footwear products, testing facilities have been set up at two BIS laboratories, two Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) laboratories, Central Leather Research Institute and eleven private laboratories.

  • In addition, mandatory compliance of quality standards for "protective clothing for fire fighting" and "19 products related to geotextiles" will come into effect from October this year.

  • At present, 470 products are covered under mandatory quality standards, and BIS has shared additional 600 products with ministries to bring them under QCO.

‘Manak Rath' Online Exchange Forum

  • Additionally, BIS has launched an online exchange forum called 'Manak Rath' on its website, which provides a platform for users to connect and share their views.

  • Student members of Standard Clubs can participate in various activities and competitions, with the opportunity to win exciting prizes.

About Bureau of Indian Standards

  • Bureau of Indian Standards is the national standards body of India under the Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India.

  • Headquarter- Manak Bhawan, Old Delhi

  • Director General- Pramod Kumar Tiwari

  • Established- 23 December 1986

By admin: June 20, 2023

10. Joint Exercise 'Khaan Quest’ 2023'

Tags: Defence International News


With the participation of military contingents and observers from more than 20 countries, the multinational peacekeeping joint exercise "Ex Khan Quest 2023" began in Mongolia on 19 June.

An overview of the news

  • The ceremony was inaugurated by Mongolian President Ukhnagin Khurelsukh at the exercise site.

  • The exercise is jointly sponsored by the Mongolian Armed Forces (MAF) and the United States Army Pacific Command (USARPAC).

  • The Indian Army is being represented by a contingent of the Garhwal Rifles.

Purpose of the exercise

  • The 14-day exercise aims to improve interoperability among the participating countries, facilitate exchange of experiences and provide training to uniformed personnel for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO).

Significance of exercise

  • The exercise will help prepare participants for future UN peacekeeping operations, enhance peacekeeping capabilities and improve military preparedness.

  • It includes various activities like Command Post Exercise (CPX), Field Training Exercise (FTX), Combat Discussion, Lectures and Demonstrations.

  • This military exercise will strengthen defense cooperation between the Indian Army and the participating countries, especially the Mongolian Armed Forces, thereby enhancing bilateral relations between India and Mongolia.

About Mongolia 

  • It is located in North Central Asia.

  • Capital:  Ulaanbaatar 

  • Currency: Tugrik

  • President: Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh