Current Affairs search results for tag: important-days
By admin: Dec. 14, 2022

1. National Energy Conservation day

Tags: Important Days

National Energy Conservation day

National energy conservation day is celebrated in India every year on 14 December and the day is organised by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) which operates under the Ministry of Power.

Important facts

  • The main objective of the day is to present India's achievements in the field of cost-effective energy production and resource conservation.

  • The day reminds people of the importance of energy conservation to plan ahead for the future, targeting holistic development towards climate change mitigation.

  • National Energy Conservation Day in India aims to create awareness among people about the importance of energy as well as conservation through saving and saving energy.

  • The Ministry of Power is celebrating the National Energy Conservation Day in New Delhi to showcase the achievements of the nation in energy efficiency and conservation.

  • National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated on 14 December since 1991.

What is Energy Conservation?

  • Energy conservation means- saving energy by using less energy by reducing the unnecessary use of energy.

  • Energy conservation is a conscious, individual effort, and on a macro level, it leads to energy efficiency.

  • The ultimate goal of energy conservation is to reach sustainable energy.

  • Energy Conservation Act, 2001 was enacted with the goal of reducing the energy intensity of the Indian economy. 

By admin: Dec. 13, 2022

2. Ministry of Power to celebrate “Energy Conservation Day 2022”

Tags: Important Days National News

“Energy Conservation Day 2022”

Ministry of Power to celebrate “Energy Conservation Day 2022” on the occasion of the National Energy Conservation Day on 14th December 2022.  The purpose is to showcase the achievements of the nation in energy efficiency and conservation.

Important facts

  • Droupadi Murmu, Hon’ble President of India will be the Chief Guest of the event. R. K. Singh, Union Minister of Power, New & Renewable Energy will address the event. 

  • Hon'ble President of India will felicitate the winners of National Energy Conservation Awards, National Energy Efficiency Innovation Awards, National Painting Competition Awards and also launch the EV Travel Portal on the occasion.

Major attractions of the event

  • National Energy Conservation Awards (NECA) 2022

  • National Energy Efficiency Innovation Awards (NEEIA) 2022

  • National painting competition for school children 2022

  • Launch of ‘EV-Yatra portal’ and mobile app

  • Session on emerging new technologies in the area of energy efficiency

EV-YATRA PORTAL and Mobile App

  • The Mobile application titled “EV Yatra” has been designed and developed to facilitate in-vehicle navigation to the nearest public EV charger. 

  • This mobile application can be easily downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple Store on Android and iPhone smartphones.

  • The Bureau of Energy Efficiency has developed this mobile application to facilitate in-vehicle navigation.

By admin: Dec. 10, 2022

3. IIT Delhi organised 4th edition of Industry Day

Tags: Important Days National News

IIT Delhi organised 4th edition of Industry Day

IIT Delhi's flagship industry-academia partnership event, Industry Day 2022, held on December 10, 2022. 

Important facts

  • K Ananth Krishnan, Executive Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer, Tata Consultancy Services, who is an IIT Delhi alum, was the chief guest on the occasion.

  • The fourth edition of the daylong event gives an opportunity to the industry to witness how IIT Delhi is working to develop technologies that will benefit both the industry and society.

  • The event was attended by top leadership of more than 15 large corporate and business houses.

  • The event was attended by industry leaders, scientists, IIT Delhi faculty, research scholars, and students.

  • Over 70 cutting-edge technologies developed by the researchers of IIT Delhi were showcased as product demonstrations on the Industry Day.

Themes of Industry Day 2022

  • Industry Day 2022 was focused on four themes that have been built into India's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • These topics are healthcare, electric vehicles, communications technology, and clean energy and the environment.

By admin: Dec. 10, 2022

4. Human Rights Day

Tags: Important Days

Human Rights Day

Every year December 10 is celebrated as Human Rights Day all over the world.

Important facts

  • It aims to promote equality, peace, justice, freedom and protection of human dignity.

  • Everyone is entitled to human rights irrespective of difference on the basis of caste, colour, religion, sex, language or social status.

  • This day is widely recognised to raise awareness about people’s social, cultural, political and religious rights.

  • The theme OF 2022 - Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All.

Background of the day

  • The day has been observed every year since 1950 in commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948.

  • World War II and it's serious aftermaths apparently necessitated the need to emphasize on the subject of human rights as the mass extermination of the Jews, people with disabilities, homosexuals and others by Nazi Germany shook the world. 

  • These darkest chapters of human history reinforced the need to protect human rights against the inhuman abuses of governments and rulers.

  • Eventually, the governments of various countries resolved to form an international body (the United Nations) to protect the rights of the people.

  • The member states of the United Nations established a commission on human rights on February 16, 1946.

  • The commission, headed by former US First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, drafted the UDHR, which was adopted by 56 member states on December 10, 1956.

What is the UDHR?

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) has established a set of common basic values regarding the humanitarian approach and the relationship between the state and the individual.

  • It contains 30 articles that outline a wide range of fundamental human rights and freedoms to which all people from across the world are entitled.

By admin: Dec. 9, 2022

5. International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide

Tags: Important Days

International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims

Every year on December 9, this day is celebrated for the victims of the crime of genocide and for the prevention of this crime and to honor and remember the victims of this crime.

Important facts

  • Unfortunately, our history is tainted by individuals or organizations that have attempted to wipe out large groups of people. This is known as genocide.

  • One of the most infamous incidents of genocide occurred when Nazi Germany killed 6 million Jews.

  • Along with the Jews, the Nazis attempted to exterminate other groups of people as well. These included people with disabilities, homosexuals, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Altogether 11 million people died.

  • Each year on this day, the UN hosts a special commemoration event.

  • On this day, special recognition is given to those who have taken initiatives that have contributed to the prevention of genocide and related crimes.

Background of the day

  • In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established this day.

  • 9 December recognizes the anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

  • In 2015, Armenia initiated the adoption of the relevant resolution by the UN General Assembly.

  • On December 9, 1948, the United Nations adopted the first human rights treaty, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, better known as the "Genocide Convention".

Most recent Genocide in history

  • 2017 – The Burmese Military killed up to 43,000 Rohingya people in Myanmar (also known as Burma)

  • 2014 – The Islamic State of Iraq killed 10,000 Yazidis in northern Iraq and Syria.

  • 2003 – Three Sudanese tribes in Darfur killed 500,000 people.

  • 1994 – A mass slaughter of over one million Tutsi people occurred in Rwanda.

By admin: Dec. 7, 2022

6. International Civil Aviation Day

Tags: Important Days

International Civil Aviation Day

Every year 7 December is observed as International Civil Aviation Day. This day is observed to raise awareness about the importance of civil aviation and its contribution in the world. The day honours civil aviation workers, air traffic controllers and everyone who works towards keeping flights and flying safe for passengers.

Background to the Day 

The first Civil Aviation day was observed on 7 December 1994 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Chicago convention. 

The Chicago convention held on 7 December 1944 led to the establishment of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).  The ICAO is a United Nations agency which was formally established on 4 April 1947.

Later in 1996, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution to observe 7 December as an International Civil Aviation Day. Since then, the day has been observed on a global scale.

Theme of the International Civil Aviation Day 

In 2019 the ICAO decided that till 2023 the theme of the International Civil Aviation Day will be “Advancing Innovation for Global Aviation Development”.

By admin: Dec. 7, 2022

7. Armed Forces Flag Day celebrated in India

Tags: Important Days National News

Armed Forces Flag Day celebrated in India

The Armed Forces Flag Day is observed on 7th of December every year to honour the martyrs and the Armed Forces personnel who safeguard the motherland. 

Important facts

  • The day is dedicated towards collection of funds from people for the welfare of the Armed Forces personnel.

  • The fund collected on this day is also used for the welfare of the serving personnel and ex-servicemen.

  • The day also pays tribute to the thousands of men who have died defending the country.

  • This day is observed to honour Indian soldiers, sailors, and pilots.

  • The day also reminds the citizens to care for the living heroes who were either wounded in action or retired from service at a fairly young age.

Background of the day

  • The Defense Minister's Committee on August 28, 1949, created the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund.

  • Hence, a committee was set up on August 28, 1949 that decided a Flag Day shall be celebrated annually on December 7. 

  • The reason it was called a flag day was because small flags were distributed across the country among the general population which served two purposes – collection of welfare funds and creating a sense of camaraderie and harmony between the Army and citizens.

By admin: Dec. 6, 2022

8. 51st Maitiri Diwas’ marking recognition of Bangladesh by India celebrated in Dhaka

Tags: place in news Important Days International News

51st Maitiri Diwas’

The 51st  anniversary of ‘Maitri Diwas’ marking the recognition of Bangladesh by the Government of India in 1971  was celebrated in the Bangladeshi capital  Dhaka on 6th December 2022 The event was organized by the Indian High Commission in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi Minister for Liberation War Affairs of A.K.M Mozammel Haque was the Chief Guest on the occasion. 

 Indian High Commissioner Pranya Verma said that the decision to observe December 6 as ‘Maitri Diwas’ was taken  by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina during the state visit of Prime Minister Modi to Bangladesh in March 2021.

However, Bangladesh which was known as East Pakistan was liberated on 16 December when the Pakistani forces led by Lt.Gen Niazi surrendered to a combined force of the Indian Army led by Lt. General Jagjit Singh Arora and Mukti Bahini  (Bangladeshi freedom fighters). As many as 93,000 Pakistani troops laid down their arms on 16-17 December 1971 in Bangladesh. It was the largest surrender in war after the Second World War.

By admin: Dec. 4, 2022

9. International Cheetah Day

Tags: Important Days

International Cheetah Day

Every year 4 December is observed as International Cheetah Day. The day is observed to raise people's awareness about safeguarding the cheetah from extinction. 

In India the International Cheetah Day was celebrated by the National Zoological Park, New Delhi (Delhi Zoo) in collaboration with the Central Zoo Authority.

Background of the Day 

American zoologist Dr Laurie Marker is credited with creating International Cheetah Day. Dr Marker founded the Cheetah Conservation Fund in 1991 and she designated December 4 as International Cheetah Day in 2010. Since that year, the world has been celebrating this day.

Cheetah is the fastest animal in the world and at present the majority of the animal is found in Namibia and South Africa.  It was declared as an extinct animal in 1954 by the government. 

The Government of India has started a project to repopulate India with Cheetah brought from Namibia and settled in Kuno National park in Madhya Pradesh.

By admin: Dec. 5, 2022

10. World Soil Day

Tags: Important Days

World Soil Day

World Soil Day is observed every year on 5 December to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems by addressing the challenges posed by soil management.

Important facts

  • The day aims to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being. 

  • The theme of World Soil Day, 2022 is 'Soils: Where food begins'. 

Background of the day

  • International Soil Day was recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences in 2002.

  • The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Conference unanimously endorsed World Soil Day in June 2013 and requested its official adoption at the 68th UN General Assembly. 

  • In December 2013, the United Nations General Assembly designated 5 December 2014 as the first official World Soil Day.

  • The date of 5 December was chosen because it is the official birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, who officially sanctioned the event.

  • The King Bhumibol World Soil Day Award and the Glinka World Soil Award are presented by FAO on this occasion.