Current Affairs search results for tag: important-days
By admin: June 18, 2024

1. International Day for Countering Hate Speech - 18 June 2024

Tags: Important Days

The International Day for Countering Hate Speech is observed annually on 18 June.

An Overview of the News

  • The day serves as a reminder to address the global problem of hate speech.

  • Hate speech, amplified by communication technologies, contributes to violence, intolerance and fragmentation.

  • The International Day for Countering Hate Speech stresses the need for concerted efforts.

  • Its goal is to counter the spread of divisive language and promote mutual understanding, respect and inclusivity.

  • On June 18, 2024, the world observes the 3rd International Day for Countering Hate Speech.

    The theme for the International Day for Countering Hate Speech 2024 focuses on "The Power of Youth for Countering and Addressing Hate Speech".

History of International Day for Countering Hate Speech

  • The International Day for Countering Hate Speech is a global initiative.

  • In July 2021, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution stressing the need to combat hate speech.

  • The resolution recognizes that hate speech is a threat to human rights and social cohesion.

  • The day is based on the United Nations Strategy and Action Plan on Hate Speech launched on June 18, 2019.

June 2024 Days and Themes

  • World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - 17 June - Theme - “United for Land. Our Legacy. Our Future,”

  • World Blood Donor Day - 14 June - Theme - "20 years of celebrating giving: thank you, blood donors!"

  • World Day Against Child Labour - 12 June -  Theme - "Let's act on our commitments: End Child Labour."

  • World Accreditation Day - 9 June - Theme -"Accreditation: Empowering Tomorrow and Shaping the Future."

  • World Oceans Day - 8 June - Theme - "Awaken New Depths,".

  • World Environment Day - 5 June - Theme - "Our Land, Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration" 

By admin: June 18, 2024

2. World Father’s Day - Third Sunday of June

Tags: Important Days

Father's Day is a special occasion celebrated in many countries around the world to honor and appreciate fathers. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. This year Father's Day 2024 is being celebrated on 16th June.

An overview of the news

  • It is an opportunity to strengthen the bond between fathers and their children and to recognize the invaluable role fathers play in their families and society.

  • The themefor Father's Day 2024 centers around “Honoring Fatherhood: Strength, Love, and Sacrifice”.

Background of the day

  • The origins of Father's Day can be traced back to the early20th century in the United States.

  • Sonora Smart Dodd is often credited with the idea of establishing a day to honor fathers, inspired by Mother's Day.

  • The first official Father's Day was celebrated in 1910 in Spokane, Washington.

  • Over the years, Father's Day has gained widespread recognition and is celebrated in various countries around the world.

  • It was officially recognised by the U.S. Congress in 1972.

By admin: June 17, 2024

3. World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - 17 June

Tags: Important Days

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed every year on 17 June.

An Overview of the News

  • The day focuses on converting poor land into healthy or fertile soil to combat desertification.

  • The desertification of land is mainly caused by human activities and climate change.

  • This is due to dry land ecosystems that are extremely vulnerable to overexploitation and inappropriate use of land.

  • The day highlights the need for an early measure to avoid any disastrous consequences for humanity and the planetary ecosystem.

Theme of 2024:

  • This year, the theme of Desertification and Drought Day is “United for Land. Our Legacy. Our Future,” which focuses on:

    • The future of land stewardship

    • Recognizing land as our most precious resource

    • Ensuring the stability of billions of people globally

    • Promoting the prosperity of communities worldwide

History and Significance of the day

  • In December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly resolved to observe 17 June as the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.

  • Since then, the United Nations, NGOs and various countries have been organizing events to spread awareness to combat desertification and drought.

  • The purpose of this day is to convert degraded land into healthy land.

  • To combat this threat, groups and communities are working together to convert arid, semi-arid and arid wetlands into fertile soils.

By admin: June 15, 2024

4. World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) - 14 June 2024

Tags: Important Days

World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is globally observed every 14th of June to raise awareness about the importance of safe blood and blood products, as well as to express appreciation for voluntary, unpaid blood donors.

An Overview of the News

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) leads the annual observance of WBDD.

  • June 14, 2024, marks the 20th anniversary of WBDD.

  • The theme/slogan for WBDD 2024 is "20 years of celebrating giving: thank you, blood donors!"

  • Peru is the host country for WBDD 2024, and the events are organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Peru.

Establishment and Background of WBDD

  • WBDD was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004.

  • It commemorates the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, who discovered the ABO blood groups in 1901.

  • The first WBDD was observed on June 14, 2004.

Recognition and Adoption

  • In 2005, the 58th World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted resolution WHA58.13 titled "Blood safety: proposal to establish World Blood Donor Day."

  • This resolution endorsed the celebration of WBDD annually on June 14.

By admin: June 12, 2024

5. World Day Against Child Labour - 12 June 2024

Tags: Important Days

World Day Against Child Labour is celebrated every year on 12th June.

An Overview of the News

  • The day aims to inspire a global movement against child labour.

  • The theme for World Day Against Child Labour 2024 is "Let's act on our commitments: End Child Labour."

  • The International Labor Organization (ILO) is dedicated to eliminating child labour.

  • The ILO aims to protect all children, especially those vulnerable to child labour.

  • Ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for children is a priority for the ILO.

  • The International Labour Organization launched this program in 2002 to address the issue of child labour at the international level.

  • The day aims to inspire individuals, organizations and governments to combat child labour and work towards its permanent elimination.

About International Labour Organization

  • Head: Gilbert Hongbo

  • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland

  • Establishment: 1919

By admin: June 3, 2024

6. World Bicycle Day - 3 June 2024

Tags: Important Days

World Bicycle Day is an annual event celebrated on 3 June.

An Overview of the News

  • The day recognizes the bicycle as a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally sustainable means of transportation.

  • The theme for World Bicycle Day 2024 is  “Promoting Health, Equity, and Sustainability through Cycling”.

  • The theme emphasises the collective efforts needed to promote a sustainable future through the use of bicycles.

History of World Bicycle Day

  • The day is celebrated to mark the anniversary of theinvention of the bicycle by Karl von Drais on 3 June 1817.

  • World Bicycle Day was established on June 3, 2018, following the adoption of a resolution during the 72nd regular session of the United Nations General Assembly in April.

  • The United Nations recognizes the bicycle as a direct, cost-effective, reliable, eco-friendly and sustainable means of transportation.

By admin: June 9, 2024

7. World Accreditation Day - 9 June 2024

Tags: Important Days

World Accreditation Day is a day celebrated annually on 9th June.

An Overview of the News

  • It is a global initiative established by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

  • 2024 Theme: "Accreditation: Empowering Tomorrow and Shaping the Future."

  • Objective: To raise awareness of the value and importance of recognition.

  • Promotes the quality, safety and reliability of products, services and systems.

  • Lowers trade barriers and promotes innovation.

  • The ILAC/IAF mutual recognition arrangement enhances supply chain efficiency.

  • Accreditation confirms that conformity assessment bodies (CABs) meet standards.

  • CABs provide services such as testing, inspection and certification.

History of World Accreditation Day:

  • World Accreditation Day (WAD) was established in 2008 by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

  • WAD aims to raise awareness of the importance of accreditation in ensuring quality, safety and reliability.

  • It is observed annually on 9 June, which marks the anniversary of the signing of the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) in 1994.

  • ILAC is an agreement between MRA accreditation bodies that enables mutual recognition of accreditation across countries.

  • ILAC facilitates international trade by fostering trust and confidence in MRA conformity assessment results.

  • The WAD serves as a forum for activities and initiatives to increase public understanding of recognition.

By admin: June 8, 2024

8. World Oceans Day - 8 June 2024

Tags: Important Days

World Oceans Day is celebrated annually on 8 June. It serves as a global reminder of the important role the oceans play in sustaining life on Earth.

An Overview of the News

  • Recognized by the United Nations, it promotes ocean awareness and encourages action to protect the marine environment.

  • This year's World Oceans Day 2024 theme, "Awaken New Depths,"underscores the critical need to preserve marine ecosystems as we recognize our profound dependency on the ocean and the imperative for urgent action.

  • Actions include supporting marine conservation, promoting responsible fishing practices, reducing marine pollution, and advocating for the protection of marine habitats and species.

History of World Oceans Day:

  • It was proposed by the ICOD of Canada and the OIC in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • Its purpose was to raise awareness about the importance of the ocean to the planet and humanity.

  • It was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2008.

  • It supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promotes public interest in ocean conservation and sustainable resource management.

Some important facts about ocean 

  • There are a total of five oceans on Earth. The Pacific Ocean (Pacific Ocean), Atlantic Ocean (Atlantic Ocean), Indian Ocean (Indian Ocean), Arctic Ocean (Arctic Ocean) and Antarctic Ocean or Southern Ocean (Antarctic Ocean).

  • The Pacific is the largest and deepest ocean. Its depth on the Mariana Trench is 11,033 metres i.e. about 11 kilometres.

  • The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest ocean.

  • The water of the Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest. Its water has a salinity of 3.7 percent.

  • The world's saltiest sea (Red Sea) and warmest ocean (Persian Gulf) are located in the Indian Ocean.

  • The Arctic Ocean is the ocean with the least salt.

By admin: June 1, 2024

9. World Milk Day - 1 June 2024

Tags: Important Days

World Milk Day is observed annually on 1 June and was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) in 2001.

An Overview of the News

  • World Milk Day aims to promote the consumption and benefits of milk around the world.

  • The day aims to raise awareness and support initiatives related to the dairy industry.

  • The central theme of World Milk Day 2024 revolves around "celebrating the vital role dairy plays in delivering quality nutrition to nourish the world."

  • The theme for World Milk Day 2023 is "Showcasing how dairy is reducing its environmental footprint, while also providing nutritious foods and livelihoods."

  • The theme highlights the dairy industry's efforts to reduce environmental impact and its contribution to nutrition and livelihoods.

  • Dairy products are consumed by more than six billion people worldwide.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):

  • Establishment - 16 October 1945

  • Headquarters - Rome, Italy

  • Director General - Qu Dongyu

By admin: May 31, 2024

10. International Day of Potato - 30 May

Tags: Important Days

The first-ever International Day of Potato was celebrated worldwide on May 30, 2024.

An Overview of the News

  • Its aim is to highlight the nutritional, economic, environmental, and cultural significance of the potato, which ranks as the third most consumed food crop globally.

  • The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) facilitates the annual observance.


  • The theme for the inaugural International Day of Potato 2024 is "Harvesting diversity, feeding hope."


  • On December 8, 2023, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted resolution A/RES/78/123, designating May 30 of each year as the International Day of Potato.

  • The initiative was driven by Peru, which proposed its adoption to the UNGA. This proposal was based on an FAO Conference Resolution from July 2023.

About FAO:

  • FAO is a specialized agency of the UN that leads global efforts to combat hunger.

    • Established:- 1945

    • Director-General:- Qu Dongyu

    • Headquarters:- Rome, Italy