Current Affairs search results for tag: national
By admin: Feb. 22, 2022

1. Australia reopens for International tourist

Tags: International News

Australia has reopened its border for international tourists after nearly two years .

The country imposed some of the world's strictest travel bans after shutting itself off in March 2020 due to Covid-19.

From 21 February 2022  all  fully vaccinated international travellers, including those planning a holiday or visiting friends and relatives, or those intending to travel for business can enjoy quarantine free entry and won’t need to seek a travel exemption.

India was ranked seventh in the list of countries traveling to Australia before covid time. 

Fact File 


  • It is the smallest continent by area  on Earth after Asia, Africa, North America , South America, Antarctica ,Europe and Australia. 

  • It is the 6th largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, China, United States,  and Brazil.

  • Australia has been called “the Oldest Continent,” “the Last of Lands,” and “the Last Frontier.”

  •  Its unique flora and fauna include the only egg-laying mammals on Earth, the  Platypus and Echidna.  It is also famous for its Kangaroos,Koala bears. 

  • It is the second driest continent after Antarctica.

  • Its highest peak,  Mount Kosciuszko, rises to only 7,310 feet (2,228 meters).

Its Capital : Canberra 

Currency : Australian Dollar 

Prime Minister : Scott Morrison 

The United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of the State of  Australia.

By admin: Feb. 22, 2022

2. Government of India has extended the “Border Infrastructure and Management” (BIM) scheme till 2026

Tags: National News

The Government of India  has approved the continuation of the Central Sector Umbrella Scheme of “Border Infrastructure and Management” (BIM)  from 2021-22 to 2025-26, at a cost of Rs.13,020 crore

 Points to Know 

Border Infrastructure Management 

  • The Border Infrastructure Management  scheme is implemented by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

  • It is a 100% centrally funded scheme. It means all the money is spent by the Government of India .

  • The main objective of the scheme is to create infrastructure such as construction of border fence, border flood lights, technological solutions, border roads and Border Outposts (BOPs)/Company Operating Bases (COBs) to secure the Indo-Pakistan, Indo-Bangladesh, Indo-China, Indo-Nepal, Indo-Bhutan and Indo-Myanmar borders.

  • India shares a 3,323 km long border with Pakistan, including 775 km of the Line of Control. The length of the border with China is 3,488 km, 4,096 with Bangladesh, 1,751 km with Nepal, 1,643 km with Myanmar and 699 km with Bhutan.

For Exam 

India shares the longest land boundary with Bangladesh, 4096 Km 

Union Home Minister : Amit Shah 

By admin: Feb. 22, 2022

3. Russia recognises breakaway Ukrainian regions

Tags: International News

Russian President Valdimir Putin signed a Presidential decree to recognize two Ukrainian breakaway regions - the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic backed by Russian backed sepratist as an Independent countries . 

  • These two regions situated in Eastern Ukraine are dominated by the Russian speaking population. The regions have been locked in armed conflict with the Ukrainian government army  since a  Russia backed armed uprising in the region  following Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

  • Their independence, proclaimed following referendums, is not recognised by the international community.

  • In a televised address President Putin said that eastern Ukraine was part of ancient Russian land and demanded that Ukraine drop its long-term goal of joining the  North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).

  • Putin said that Ukraine had no history of Independence and ordered the Russian troops to move into the Eastern Ukrainian territory for a peacekeeping operation . This action of Putin has sparked fear in the Western countries that Russian troops  will soon cross into Ukraine, sparking a major war and conflict in the region .

  • Putin's announcement drew U.S. and European condemnation and vows of new sanctions.  American President Joe Biden, who  also spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, signed an executive order to halt all U.S. business activity in the breakaway regions and ban import of all goods from those areas.

  • The United States says Russia has massed a force numbering 169,000-190,000 troops in the region, including the separatists in the breakaway regions, and has warned of invasion at any moment.

  • Russia denies any plan to attack its neighbour, but it has threatened unspecified "military-technical" action unless it receives sweeping security guarantees, including a promise that Ukraine will never join NATO.

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  • It is the second largest country in Europe after Russia (area wise).

  • As an Independent country it emerged only after the disintegration of the Soviet Union  in 1991.

  • Ukraine had experienced a brief period of independence in 1918–20, but portions of western Ukraine were ruled by Poland,  Romania , and  Czechoslovakia  in the period between the two World Wars.

Capital : The capital is Kyiv (Kiev), located on the  Dnieper river  in north-central Ukraine.

President : Volodymyr Zelensky 

Currency : Hryvnia 

By admin: Feb. 22, 2022

4. Vigyan Sarvatara Pujyate to showcase Indian achievement in science and Technology

Tags: National News

The Ministry of Culture ,Government of India is  organising a commemorative exhibitions at 75 locations across the country portraying 75 years of India’s achievements in science and technology as part of ‘Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate’.

  • It was inaugurated by by Minister of Culture, Tourism and Development of North Eastern Region of India Shri G. Kishan Reddy and Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology; Minister of State (Independent Charge) Earth Sciences; Minister of State  PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh  at New Delhi on 22 February 2022.

  • Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate is a week-long Festival of SCoPE (Science Communication Popularisation Extension) being celebrated from 22nd-28th February, 2022. ‘

  • The National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), an autonomous society under the Ministry of Culture, is an important partner in Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate.

  • NCSM forms the largest network of science centers and museums in the world under a single administrative umbrella.

  • The Ministry of Culture will also organise a series of lecture demonstrations under the ambit of Dhara – an Ode to Indian Knowledge System

By admin: Feb. 21, 2022

5. Indian Navy's 12th Presidential fleet review at Visakhapatnam.

Tags: National News

President Ram Nath Kovind participated in the Indian Navy's 12th Presidential fleet review at Visakhapatnam held on 21 February 2022.

  •  A fleet review is usually conducted once during the tenure of the President.

  • President Ram Nath Kovind  participated in the Presidential fleet review on an indigenously built Naval Offshore Patrol Vessel, INS Sumitra, which will lead the Presidential Column.

  • President Kovind, who is also the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, will be reviewing over 60 ships and submarines, and 55 aircraft of the Indian Navy.

  •  Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Navy Chief Admiral R Hari Kumar were also present at the review.

  • The first Presidential fleet review was held in 1953 for the first President Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

Important for Exam 

Indian Navy 

The headquarters of the Indian Navy is at New Delhi.

The other command centre of the Indian Navy are as follows 

Command             Headquarters

Western Command  :    Mumbai 

Southern Command:     Kochi(Kerala)

Eastern Command :    Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)

Tri service command : Port Blair (Andaman and Nicobar)

(It means Army,Navy,Air Force joint command )

Navy Day : 4 December 

By admin: Feb. 21, 2022

6. First foreign branch of IIT to be set up in UAE

Tags: National News

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) will establish its first branch in the UAE as part of the India-UAE trade deal signed on February 18 2021.

  • This will be the first time an IIT will be established outside India.

  • Presently, there are 23 IITs in India, which are located in various regions of the country offering undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate level programmes.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

  • In 1945 the British Government set up a committee headed by Nalini Ranjan Sarkar to study and recommend the steps to be taken for technological development in India.

  • It recommended setting up at least four ‘Higher Technical Institutes’ (HITs) one each in East, West, North and South.

  • After Independence the government of India set up the“ Higher Technical Institute in India” as the  Indian Institute of Technology.

  • The first IIT was inaugurated by the then Education Minister, Abul Kalam Azad, on 18th August, 1951 in Kharagpur.

  • On the recommendations of the Sarkar Committee, four campuses were established at  Bombay  (1958),Madra  (1959), Kanpur  (1959), and Delhi (1961).

  • They are governed by the  Institutes of Technology Act  1961.

  • At present there are 23 IITs in India .

By admin: Feb. 21, 2022

7. Prime Minister inaugurates Asia's biggest Bio-CNG plant 'Gobar-Dhan' in Indore

Tags: National News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated Asia's biggest Bio-CNG plant, Gobar-Dhan, in India’s cleanest city of Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Situated on the Devguradia trenching ground, the 550 MT per day capacity Bio-CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) plant is the biggest of its kind in Asia.

The Gobar-Dhan plant will have the capacity to treat 550 tonnes of segregated wet organic waste and produce around 17,000 kg CNG and 100 tonnes of organic compost per day. The plant is also expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide green energy along with organic compost as fertiliser.

The Prime Minister said that in the coming two years, work is being done to build such Gobar-Dhan Bio-CNG plants in 75 major municipal bodies of the country. This campaign will go a long way in making India's cities clean, pollution-free, clean energy.

By admin: Feb. 19, 2022

8. Atlantic storm Eunice pummels Europe

Tags: International News

An Atlantic storm with a speed up to 196 Km battered North -Western Europe on 18 February 2022 killing at least 9 people .

  • The storm named Eunice developed in the Atlantic ocean and struck England, and created havoc there  . It led to the  closure of airports, rail and road networks and death of people .

  •  The storm also affected Wales, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands ,and Germany.

  •  The storm is now headed towards Scandinavian countries and Northern Europe.

  • The name Eunice was coined by the United Kingdom Meteorological office and the next storm which will hit the United Kingdom will be called Franklin .

What is the United Kingdom/Scandinavia/Nordic  Countries 

England , Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are together called the United Kingdom

While England , Wales and Scotland are part of Great Britain.

The Queen of England is the head of the United Kingdom and Great Britain.


It is a part of Northern Europe which consists of Norway, Sweden and Denmark . These countries were once part of a common Kingdom . 

Greenland, which is a Danish territory, and the Faroe Islands, which is a self-governing part of Denmark, are also included in the list.

Nordic countries 

The term Norden refers to Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. These form a group of countries having  similarities with one another and are distinct from the rest of Europe . They are also called Norse countries .

By admin: Feb. 19, 2022

9. First case of Polio in Africa

Tags: International News

The African country of Malawi has declared a wild polio outbreak after a case was identified in a three-year-old girl. This is the first case of wild polio in Africa for more than five years.

  • The continent was declared free of all forms of wild polio in 2020. For a country to be certified polio-free, it must have had no wild polio cases for three consecutive years.

  • Only two countries in the world have wild polio strains, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

  • The strain detected in Malawi is linked to the one found in Pakistan. 

There will be no change in the status of Africa as a polio free continent because this was an imported case where the virus was brought from Pakistan.

 Know about  Polio:  

  • Polio is a highly transmissible virus most often spread via the stool of an infected person, usually through contaminated water or food. It can also be spread via oral or nasal secretions. 

  • The virus mainly affects children under five years of age.

  • There is no cure for the symptoms of polio.

Polio  Vaccine 

There are two types of Polio Vaccines, IPV and OPV 

  • IPV or Inactivated Polio Vaccine  

The first inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was developed by American scientist  Jonas  Salk using a  dead virus  in 1953.

  • OPV or Oral Polio Vaccine 

It was developed by Polish American scientist Albert Sabin. He used a weakened live polio virus to produce a vaccine.


  • It is a landlocked country in South East Africa . It was earlier called Nyasaland.

  • Capital: Lilongwe

  • Currency :Malawian kwacha

  • President: Lazarus Chakwera 

By admin: Feb. 19, 2022

10. India Signs CEPA with United Arab Emirates

Tags: International News

India signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the United Arab Emirates during a Virtual summit meeting held between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and the deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Armed Forces, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on 18 February 2022. 

  • The agreement was signed by Minister of Commerce and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal and Minister of Economy of UAE, H.E. Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri in the virtual presence of the two Leaders.  

  • This is the first such agreement India has signed with a MENA / WANA country. Middle East North African Countries (MENA) or they are also called West Asia North Africa Countries (WENA).

  • Under the CEPA the tariff between the two countries will be reduced or eliminated on goods and services traded between the two countries. This will boost trade between the two countries.

  • The bilateral trade target between the two countries has been set up at $100 billion in the next five years from the present $60 billion.

  • India expects creation of 10 lakhs new jobs in labour-intensive sectors, like gems and jewellery, textiles, leather, footwear, furniture, agriculture and food products, etc.

India- UAE Trade Facts 

  • UAE is the third largest trading partner of India after China and the United States.

  • UAE is the second largest export market for India after the United States. China is the third largest export market for India. 

  • UAE was the second largest source of imports for India after China. The US is the third largest source of imports.

  • India ranks as the UAE’s number one trading partner for non-oil exports, accounting for nearly 14 percent of the UAE’s total non-oil exports globally. 

Source : Economic Survey  2021-22 

All the figures are for April to December 2021-22.

Fact Files UAE 

  • It is a federation of seven Emirates of  Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Khaimah, Ajmain, Fujairah, Umm -Al-Quwain. It is an Arabian country.

  • Abu Dhabi is the largest of the emirates and is the centre of UAE oil business.

  • It is situated in the West Asia /Middle East region of the world in the Arabian Peninsula.

  • UAE in its present form came into existence in 1971. 

Capital of UAE : Abu Dhabi 

Currency : Emirati Dirham 

President of UAE : Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. He is the king of Abu Dhabi and the supreme commander of the UAE Armed Forces.