Current Affairs search results for tag: national
By admin: Feb. 15, 2022

1. S.Jaishankar visit to Philippines

Tags: International News

Indian external affairs minister, S. Jaishankar visited the Philippines from February 13 to 15 2022. It was his first visit to the Philippines after becoming the External Affairs Minister.

  • He met his counterpart, Teddy Locsin Jr ,Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines (Foreign Minister of Philippines).

  •  Philippines became the first country in the world to buy India -Russia developed Brahmos missiles from India. 

  • The $375 million deal was signed between the two countries on January 28, 2022. The Philippines Navy will receive the first of these missiles by the end of 2022.

Fact File 


It is an archipelago consisting of more than 7000 islands . It is a part of South East Asia in the Western Pacific Ocean.

Capital : Manila 

Currency : Philippine Peso

President: Rodrigo Duterte

Asian Development Bank  has its headquarter at Manila 

By admin: Feb. 15, 2022

2. First Global Summit on Reimagining Museums in India

Tags: Summits National News

Minister of Culture, Tourism and Development of Northeastern Region (DoNER), Govt. of India Mr  G. Kishan Reddy ,inaugurated the two day Global Summit on  ‘Reimagining Museums in India” in Hyderabad on 15 Janaury 2022.

  • The summit will be held on 15 and 16 February 2022.

  • The global summit is being organised by the Union Ministry of Culture 

  • The summit is being attended by the delegates of  India, Australia, France, Italy, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom online .

By admin: Feb. 14, 2022

3. India improves its rank on Democracy Index 2021

Tags: National News

India has improved its ranks by 7 places to move to 46 rank in the Democracy Index 2021 released by the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) on 10 February 2022. It was ranked 53rd in the Democracy Index 2020.

India  was categorised as aflawed democracy along with the U.S.

Highlights of the Index 2021

  • The Democracy Index 2021 ranks167 countries and territories  of the world .

  • The EIU democracy Index ranks the country on the rating of 0 to 10. Country which scores 10 is a perfect democracy and a country scoring 0 is an Authoritarian country.

  • The top ranked country was Norway with a score of 9.75 and Afghanistan was ranked at the bottom,167th  with a score of 0.32.

  • India is ranked 46 on the global index with an overall score of 6.91. It has the lowest score of 5 on political culture and the highest score of 8.67 on electoral process and pluralism. It scores 6.18 on civil liberties, 7.22 on political participation.

  • Economic Intelligence Unit has divided the world into four types; Full democracy, Flawed democracies, Hybrid regimes, Authoritarian regimes. 

  • The top ranked Democratic countries were (rank wise ); Norway, New Zealand,Finland , Sweden , Iceland.

  • The bottom ranked countries: 167 ranked Afghanistan , 166 th  Myanmar ,165th  ranked  North Korea, 164 ranked Congo and 163 ranked Central African Republic.

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EIU : Economic Intelligence Unit

By admin: Feb. 14, 2022

4. Germany’s President Steinmeier re-elected for second five-year term

Tags: International News

Frank-Walter Steinmeier was elected to a second term as Germany's president on Sunday after a special assembly vote on 13 February 2022.

  • He has been elected for a five year term.

  • The President in Germany has little power and the real power is with the Chancellor of Germany.

  • Currently the German Chancellor is  Olaf Scholz

  • The German president is elected by members of the German parliament Bundestag and the members of the Parliament of the 16 states of Germany 

By admin: Feb. 14, 2022

5. President unveils the Statue of Swarna Ramanujacharya

Tags: Person in news National News

President Ramnath Kovind visited Srirama Nagaram in Muchintal ,Hyderabad, Telangana on 13 February 2022. He inaugurated the 120-kg statue of Sri Ramanujacharya made of gold as part of the Sriramanuja Sahastrabdi Samaroh, marking the 1,000 years of the birth of the saint poet at Muchintal in Telangana.

  • Srirama Nagaram is a place in Muchintal, Hyderabad where 108 Vaishnavite shrines have been set up along with the Statue of Equality. 

  • Statue of Equality was Inaugurated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 5 February 2022. (For Statue of Equality  kindly see 5 February 2022 post) 

Important for Exam 

Place : 

Srirama Nagaram: It is a temple complex in Muchintal, Hyderabad. 

By admin: Feb. 14, 2022

6. ISRO launches first satellite of the 2022

Tags: Popular Science and Technology National News

The Indian Space Research Organisation-  (ISRO) successfully launched a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle -C52(PSLV-C52) on 14 February 2022 from the  Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

The PSLV-C52 rocket carried three satellites EOS-04 ,INSPIR Esat-1and INS-2TD)

Satellites carried by PSLV-C52

ESO-04 Satellite 

  • It is a Radar Imaging Satellite designed to provide high quality images under all weather conditions for applications such as Agriculture, Forestry and Plantations, Soil Moisture and Hydrology and Flood mapping.

  •  It is a 1,710 kg satellite which was built at the  UR Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru.

  • It will be deployed into a sun synchronous polar orbit of 529 km.


It is a micro satellite made by students of Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology ,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala  in association with Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics at University of Colorado, Boulder, Nanyang Technology University  (NTU), Singapore and  National Central University(NCU),, Taiwan.


It is a technology demonstrator satellite which is a forerunner to the India-Bhutan satellite INS 2-B

Fact about ISRO PSLV Mission 

  • Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle is a four stage rocket of ISRO which was launched on 30 September 1993 for the first time . 

  •  This was the 80th launch vehicle mission from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota;

  •   It was the 54th flight of PSLV; 

  • It was the  23rd flight of PSLV in the XL configuration (6 strap-on motors).

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

  • ISRO was set up on 15 August 1969

  • Chairman of ISRO: S Somnath 

  • Headquarters of ISRO : Bengaluru, Karnataka

  • Space Station from where ISRO launches rockets 

  • Satish  Dhawan  Space  Centre  (SDSC)  SHAR,  Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

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  • ISRO: Indian Space Research Organisation 

  • PSLV  : Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle 

  • EOS : Earth Observation Satellite 

  • SDSC: Satish Dhawan Space Centre 

  • SHAR :Sriharikota Range 

By admin: Feb. 13, 2022

7. Government of India launches SMILE scheme

Tags: National News

Union Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment Dr. Virendra Kumar launched the  Government of India  scheme “SMILE: Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise” on 12 Feburary 2022 in New Delhi .

The scheme aims to provide welfare and rehabilitation facility  to the Transgender community and the people engaged in the act of begging. 

The SMILE  scheme includes two sub schemes :

  •  ‘Central Sector Scheme for Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Welfare of Transgender Persons’ and 

  • Central Sector Scheme for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of engaged in the act of Begging’ 

 ‘Central Sector Scheme for Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Welfare of Transgender Persons

The main features of the scheme are  :

  •   It provides Scholarships for Transgender students studying in IX and till  post-graduation to enable them to complete their education.

  • It has provisions for Skill Development and Livelihood under the PM-DAKSH(Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi) scheme. 

  • Through Composite Medical Health it provides a comprehensive package in convergence with Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana ( PM-JAY) supporting Gender-Reaffirmation surgeries through selected hospitals. 

  • The Housing facility in the form of ‘Garima Greh’ ensures food, clothing, recreational facilities, skill development opportunities, recreational activities and medical support etc. to the Transgender community and the people engaged in the act of begging. 

  • The Provision of Transgender Protection Cell in each state will monitor cases of offences and to ensure timely registration, investigation and prosecution of offences. 

  • The National Portal & Helpline will provide necessary information and solutions to the Transgender community and the people engaged in the act of begging when needed.

‘Comprehensive Rehabilitation of persons engaged in the act of Begging’ 

It  will focus on survey and identification, mobilisation, rescue/ shelter home and comprehensive resettlement of the persons engaged in the act of begging .

The  Government of India has launched pilot projects on Comprehensive Rehabilitation in ten cities namely Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Indore, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna and Ahmedabad.

Full form for exam 

SMILE : Support for Marginalised Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise;

PMJAY : Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana;

PM DAKSH : Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi; 

By admin: Feb. 13, 2022

8. Freedom Convey in France to protes Covid Restrictions

Tags: International News

Inspired by the truckers that shut down the Canadian capital Ottawa, thousands of demonstrators from across France made their way to Paris in a “freedom convoy” of cars, trucks and vans.

This is a latest protest which rocked many countries where people are protesting the covid related restriction. 

People have protested in the Australian capital of Canberra and New Zealand capital Wellington against the government rules of compulsory vaccination against covid.

Important for  exams 


It is a North Western European country 

Capital : Paris 

Currency: Euro

PresidentEmmanuel Macron

India has bought Rafale fighter aircraft from France for its Air Force . 


It is the smallest continent by area  on Earth after Asia, Africa, North America , South America, Antarctica ,Europe and Australia. 

It is the 6th largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, China, United States,  and Brazil.

Its Capital : Canberra 

Currency : Australian Dollar 

Prime Minister : Scott Morrison 

New Zealand 

It is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean .

Capital : Wellington  

Currency : New Zealand Dollar 

Prime Minister :  Miss Jacinda Ardern 

By admin: Feb. 13, 2022

9. WFP will handle Indian wheats in Afghanistan

Tags: International News

The Indian Government has signed an agreement with the United Nations World Food Programme((WFP)) for the distribution of 50,000 tonnes of wheat ,which will be supplied by India to Afghanistan as a humanitarian assistance .

  • India has committed to supply 50,000 tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan free of cost through Pakistan’s  land route.

  • Last year on October 7, India proposed to supply wheat to Afghanistan through the Pakistan road route and Pakistan agreed to it .  

  • India has also committed to  provide Rs 200 crore  for development assistance to Afghanistan.

  • Earlier, India has also supplied  six tonnes of medicine and  5 lakh doses of Covid vaccine out of the total 10 lakh vaccines promised by India to Afghanistan.

  • India does not recognise the Taliban government in Afghanistan which came to power after the Ashraf Ghani government fled from Kabul on 5 August 2020. Whatever assistance is provided by the Indian government to Afghanistan is through a neutral partylike the UN or its agencies. 


The World Food Programme(WFP) is the largest humanitarian agency of the United Nation. 

  • It provides food to people displaced by conflicts and made destitute by disasters.

  • It provides food to children in poor countries through school feeding programmes 

  • It helps countries and communities to prepare and cope with climate related changes.

  • It helps the small farmers in improving productivity. 

WFP headquarters : Rome 

It was founded in 1961 

It won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020.

Chairman : David Beasley 

By admin: Feb. 12, 2022

10. Australia and India signed an MOU on Tourism

Tags: International News

Australian minister of Trade, Tourism and Investment, Dan Tehan visited India on 10-11 February 2022.

He signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Tourism cooperation in the field of Tourism  with Shri Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution and Textiles  on behalf of the Tourism ministry on  11 February 2022.