1. National Nutrition Week
Tags: National Important Days
National Nutrition Week is observed every year from 1st September to 7th September by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- It is an annual nutrition program launched by the Food and Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.
The main objective of celebrating Nutrition Week is to raise awareness on the importance of nutrition for better health, which has an impact on growth, productivity, economic growth and ultimately national development.
The theme of National Nutrition Week 2022 is 'Celebrate World of Flavour' by the Government of India.
Background :
National Nutrition Week was first organised in March 1975 by members of the American Dietetic Association, now known as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, to raise public awareness of the need for nutrition education as well as to promote the profession of dietitians.
After this, in the year 1982, India adopted this new mode and decided to start National Nutrition Week every year from 1 to 7 September.
National Nutrition Mission (Poshan Abhiyaan) :
It was launched in 2018 by the Government of India with the aim of tackling the malnutrition problem prevalent in India.
Its objective is to reduce the level of under-nutrition and also enhance the nutritional status of children in the country.
Its goal is to remove malnutrition from the country by 2022.
It improves nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women and lactating mothers.
Aims :
To reduce stunting and wasting by 2% a year (total 6% until 2022) among children.
to reduce anaemia by 3% a year (total 9%) among children, adolescent girls and pregnant women and lactating mothers.
2. National Small Industries Day
Tags: Important Days
National Small Industries Day is celebrated every year across the country on 30th August to support and promote small industries for their overall growth potential and the opportunities they get for their development in the year.
- It is an annual festival dedicated to encouraging small businesses across the country.
The day is celebrated with an aim to encourage small businesses and provide job opportunities to the unemployed.
Background :
National Small Industry Day finds mention in its celebration since 2000 when the then government decided to give an expanded policy package to Small Scale Industries (SSI).
On August 30, 2000 the Ministry of Small Scale Industries announced that every year this day will be celebrated as National Small Industry Day.
World MSME Day is celebrated every year on 27 June by the United Nations.
The theme of World MSME Day for the year 2022 is 'Resilience and Rebuilding: MSMEs for Sustainable Development'.
Initiatives related to MSME Sector :
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act was notified in the year 2006 to address policy issues affecting MSMEs as well as the coverage and investment limits of the sector.
Prime Minister's Employment Generation Program (PMEGP) :- It is a credit linked subsidy scheme for setting up new micro enterprises and generating employment opportunities in rural and urban areas of the country. Commencement - 15 August 2008
Scheme of Fund for the Upliftment of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) :- Its objective is to organise artisans and traditional industries into clusters and thus provide financial assistance to make them competitive in the current market scenario.
Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises :- Under this scheme launched to facilitate easy flow of credit, guarantee cover is provided for collateral free loans given to MSMEs.
Credit Linked Capital Subsidy and Technology Upgradation Scheme (CLCS-TUS) :- It aims at facilitating technology up-gradation to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing 15% capital subsidy for purchase of plant and machinery.
CHAMPIONS Portal :- It aims to help Indian MSMEs to establish themselves as national and global champions by resolving their grievances and providing them encouragement, support.
3. National Sports Day
Tags: Sports Important Days Sports News
India celebrates National Sports Day on 29 August every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of hockey legend Major Dhyanchand.
- The day raises awareness about physical activity, sports and overall health.
The day is also dedicated to the eminent sports persons and sports champions of India, who have made a significant contribution to the sport to make the country proud.
The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports will organize the 'Meet the Champion' initiative in 26 schools across the country on the occasion of National Sports Day.
Some prominent athletes including Commonwealth Games and World Championships gold medalist Nikhat Zareen, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games medalist Bhavna Patel, Tokyo Olympic and Commonwealth Games medalist Manpreet Singh will be part of the initiative.
Theme of 2022 - 'Meet the Champion'
History of the day :
The first National Sports Day was celebrated in India on 29 August 2012.
Major Dhyan Chand, widely known as 'Hockey Wizard' and 'The Magician', was born on August 29, 1905 in Uttar Pradesh and National Sports Day is celebrated to commemorate his birthday.
Significance of the day :
Its primary objective is to promote awareness about the importance of sports in the daily life of all citizens and to be physically active.
Various programs, seminars etc. are also organized by the government to increase awareness about the importance of physical activities and sports in life.
The day is used as a platform to launch various sporting schemes.
About Major Dhyan Chand :
He was a member of the Indian Men's Hockey team.
He was born in Allahabad (Prayagraj) in Uttar Pradesh on August 29, 1905.
He was instrumental in helping India complete its first hat-trick of Olympic gold medals with victories at the 1928, 1932 and 1936 Summer Olympics.
4. Women's Equality Day
Tags: Important Days
Every year 26 August is celebrated as Women's Equality Day with the aim of strengthening the status of women all over the world and giving them equal rights and respect as men in every sphere of society.
- Celebrating this day started in America but now many countries including India celebrate Women's Equality Day.
On August 26, 1920, in America, women got the right to vote for the first time through the 19th Constitutional Amendment.
Earlier there women had the status of second class citizens.
From the year 1971, 26 August was celebrated as 'Women's Equality Day' due to the efforts of Bella Abzug, a woman lawyer who constantly struggled to get equal status for women.
New Zealand is the first country in the world to introduce 'Women's Equality' in the year 1893.
Women rights in india :
1- Equal pay right :-
There can be no gender discrimination in the payment of income or wages under this law. That is, any working woman has the right to get a salary equal to the man working in that post.
2- Maternity Benefit Law :-
Under this Act, implemented in 1961, a working woman has the right to take 6 months leave from office in the event of becoming a mother. The company cannot deduct the salary of a female employee on maternity leave or leave during pregnancy.
3- Right to Property :-
Sons are considered to be the total lineage of the father and the family in India. However, under the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 both the son and the daughter have equal rights over the father's property or ancestral property.
4-Right not to be identified :-
The Indian law gives women the right to protect their privacy. Under this, if a woman is a victim of sexual harassment, she can keep her identity confidential and can record her statement alone in the presence of a district magistrate and a woman police officer.
5. 38th Ministerial Meeting of India-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission
Tags: International Relations Important Days
The 38th Ministerial Meeting of the India-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission was held in New Delhi on August 25, 2022.
- The Indian delegation was chaired by Union Minister of Jal Shakti Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and the Bangladesh delegation was led by Minister of State for Water Resources Zaheed Farooq.
The two countries discussed a wide range of issues related to Ganga, Teesta and several smaller rivers during the meeting.
The two sides also discussed the exchange of data and information related to floods, river-bank conservation works, general basin management and India's river interlinking project.
Bangladesh requested for the early completion of the long pending Teesta water sharing treaty.
Both sides also finalised a draft Memorandum of Understanding to share the waters of the Kushiyara River on an interim basis.
Both sides welcomed the finalization of the design of the Feni River Water Drawing Site and its technical infrastructure to meet the drinking water requirements of Sabroom Town in Tripura.
It is noteworthy that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two countries in this regard in October 2019.
This meeting was held after a gap of 12 years
Rivers between India and Bangladesh :
India and Bangladesh share 54 rivers.
All are part of the drainage system of the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) basin.
The Padma (Ganga), Jamuna (Brahmaputra) and Meghna (Barak) and their tributaries play an important role in maintaining food and water security in Bangladesh.
The dispute between India and Bangladesh regarding water resource allocation dates back to the time when Bangladesh was East Pakistan.
In 1961, India began construction of the Farakka Barrage which was to be operational by April 1975.
When India began its preliminary planning for the project, Pakistan expressed concerns over the potential effect of the project on East Pakistan.
Joint Rivers Commission (JRC) :
It was constituted in 1972 between India and Bngladesh.
It is a bilateral mechanism to address issues of mutual interest on common / border / transboundary rivers.
About Kushiyara River :
It is a distributary river in Bangladesh and Assam.
The water of Kushiyara drains into tributaries from Manipur, Mizoram and Assam.
6. World Water Week - 2022
Tags: Important Days International News
World Water Week - 2022 is being held in Stockholm, Sweden from 23 August to 1 September.
- Theme of World Water Week 2022 - “Seeing the unseen: The value of water”.
The event has been organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).
The theme of World Water Week 2022 is covered under three main approaches -
The value of water for people and sustainable development
the value of water for nature and climate change
the financial and economic value of water
The event will provide many opportunities for people around the world to unite, promote ideas, innovate and discuss the future.
Around 300 sessions will be organised under World Water Week on water related topics including food security, health, agriculture, technology, biodiversity, climate change etc.
World Water Week will attract top scientists, UN experts, local community groups, entrepreneurs, top politicians, students, CEOs and many more.
This will help in achieving reforms towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
7. World Senior Citizens Day
Tags: Important Days
World Senior Citizens Day is celebrated every year on 21st August with the aim of honouring the elderly around the world.
History of the day :
The United Nations General Assembly had announced to celebrate this day on 14 December 1990.
International Senior Citizens Day was celebrated for the first time on 1 October 1991.
In the US, President Ronald Reagan signed this resolution on 19 August 1988, and on 21 August 1988, International Senior Citizens Day was celebrated for the first time in the United States.
Ronald Reagan was the first person to introduce Senior Citizens Day.
Importance of this day :
The number of elderly people globally is projected to double in the next three decades.
According to a United Nations report, by 2050, there will be 1.5 billion senior citizens worldwide.
Government of India schemes for the betterment of senior citizens :
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana - This scheme is a social security scheme and pension plan. Launched - May 4, 2017
Varistha Mediclaim Policy - This Senior Citizen Health Insurance is a medical insurance plan for citizens in the age group of 60 to 75 years.
Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana - The objective of this scheme is to provide aids and assistive devices to those senior citizens belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) category who are suffering from age related disability or disability. Launch - Year 2017
Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana - Launched - 14 August 2014
8. World Humanitarian Day
Tags: Important Days
World Humanitarian Day is celebrated every year on 19th August in honor of those who have sacrificed their entire lives in the service of humanity.
- Its aim is to spread awareness about the need for humanitarian aid around the world.
The day is a campaign by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and Humanitarian Partners.
Theme of World Humanitarian Day 2022 - 'It takes a village'.
Background :
On 19 August 2003, a bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 22 humanitarian aid workers.
The special representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello, was also killed in the attack.
In 2008, five years after the attack, the General Assembly passed a resolution to designate 19 August as World Humanitarian Day.
Significance of the day :
The day serves as a remembrance of the sacrifices made by people for humanitarian causes and needs.
This year the day aims to draw attention to the selfless service of thousands of volunteers who provide immediate medical care, food, shelter and protection to people during crises.
Need of humanitarian service :
As per UN estimates, 274 million people will need humanitarian aid and protection in 2022.
This number has seen a significant increase since 2021 when the figure stood at 235 million, the highest in the past several decades.
The United Nations and allied organizations aim to help the 183 million people most in need of humanitarian aid in 63 countries, which will require $41 billion.
9. World Photography Day
Tags: Important Days
World Photography Day is celebrated every year on 19 August.
- The day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography.
Photography is one of the most important art forms, it is a means of expressing one's feelings and personal expression by pictures.
There is a famous saying of Henrik Ibsen in which he said, 'A picture is worth a thousand words'.
Sometimes pictures express feelings more effectively than words.
The first permanent photograph of an object was taken in year 1826 by the Frenchman Joseph Nicephore Niepce.
Theme of World Photography Day 2022 :
Theme 2022 - "Pandemic Lockdown through the lens."
This theme sheds light on how we view the pandemic-induced lockdown through the camera or lens.
The lockdown was imposed due to the Corona epidemic and during that period many people learned the wonderful skills related to photography.
History of World Photography Day :
World Photography Day celebration started in France on January 9, 1839.
At that time a photography process was announced which was called the dagorotype process and this process is today considered to be the world's first photography process.
It was invented by Joseph Nicephore and Louis Douger, who were the native of France.
On August 19, 1839, the French government announced this invention and got its patent.
To remember this forever, 'World Photography Day' is celebrated every year on 19th August.
10. World Organ Donation Day
Tags: Important Days
Every year 13 August is celebrated as World Organ Donation Day across the world with an aim to raise awareness about organ donation.
Important facts
Apart from this, “National Organ Donation Day” is celebrated on 27 November every year in India.
This year's theme is “let’s pledge to donate organs and save lives”.
This day is celebrated to dispel the myths of organ donation.
It wants to encourage people to donate their healthy organs after death as it will save more lives.
Its aim is to help people realise that many people lose their lives due to unavailability of healthy organs. Thus, voluntarily donating your healthy organs can change the lives of many people.
History of world organ donation
The first temporarily successful transplant of a human kidney was performed by Jean Hamburger in Paris in 1953.
A kidney was transplanted from the mother to a 16-year-old child.
However, the first long-term successful kidney transplant was performed in the US in 1954.
This successful transplant was performed by Dr. Joseph Murray.
For this, Dr. Joseph Murray received the "Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine" in the year 1990.