Current Affairs search results for tag: international-news
By admin: Sept. 23, 2022

1. First India-Australia-Indonesia foreign minister’s trilateral meeting held in New York

Tags: place in news Summits Person in news International News

External Affairs Minister S.Jaishanker held the first trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of India, Indonesia and Australia in New York on 23 September 2022.


  • In a tweet the minister said that he discussed the maritime issue, blue water economy with the Indonesian foreign minister Retno Marsudi and the Australian foreign minister Penny Wong and emphasized the centrality of ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • World leaders are in New York to participate in the High Level Week at the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). 

By admin: Sept. 23, 2022

2. Quad foreign minister sign an agreement to operationalise Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief at New York

Tags: place in news International News

The foreign ministers of the Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) signed an agreement in New York, United States on 23 September 2022 to operationalise Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) in the Indo-Pacific area.

Foreign ministers of India(S.Jaishanker), Australia(Penny Wong,), United States(Anthony Blinken) and Japan(Hayashi Yoshimasa ) signed the agreement  to operationalise, which was announced by the  Quad Leaders in Tokyo on 24 May 2022, as part of a shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific that is inclusive and resilient.

Under the HADR, the member countries will coordinate their disaster response operations in the region with other National and International agencies, private ,non-governmental organisations .

Next  Quad foreign minister’s meeting  to be held in New Delhi

They also agreed to hold the next foreign minister’s meeting of the Quad in India in early 2023.

The concept of QUAD was given by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007 for maritime cooperation between these countries after the Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster in 2004. 


Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) :

  • It is a group of Australia, India, Japan and the United States to promote cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • The first in person summit meeting of the Quad leaders was in Washington, United States  in 2021.
  • The second in person summit meeting was held in May 2022 in Japan 
  • The third summit meeting will be held in Australia in 2023.

By admin: Sept. 23, 2022

3. Foreign Minister Jaishankar attends high level L-69 group meeting in New York

Tags: place in news Summits International News

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar attended the High Level Meeting of the L.69 Group on "Reinvigorating Multilateralism and Achieving Comprehensive Reform of the UN Security Council” in New York, United States of America on 23 September 2022.


  • The L.69 Group consists of developing countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Caribbean and Small Island Developing States, focused on reforms of the UN Security Council.
  • Dr S. Jaishankar is on an official visit to the United States from 18-28 September 2022. He is leading the India delegation for the High Level Week at the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). 

By admin: Sept. 23, 2022

4. BRICS members endorse South Africa's presidency in 2023

Tags: International News

The BRICS Foreign Ministers held their annual meeting on the sidelines of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 22 September.


  • The foreign ministers of BRICS member countries Brazil, Russia, India and China extended their full support to South Africa for the presidency of BRICS in 2023 and to hold the fifteenth summit.
  • The Ministers welcomed the Transforming Education Summit convened by the United Nations Secretary-General from 16-19 September 2022.

  • Member countries also welcomed the first "BRICS Anti-Corruption Ministerial Meeting", which was held virtually on 13 July.

  • The Ministers encouraged cooperation against corruption among BRICS countries on the basis of full consultation and consensus.

  • The Ministers reiterated their commitment to further strengthen cooperation within the BRICS Anti-Drug Working Group in accordance with the existing International Drug Control Regime.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development :

  • The Ministers called for the implementation of its three dimensions - economic, social and environmental - in a balanced and integrated manner by mobilising the necessary tools to implement the Sustainable Development Agenda in 2030.

  • They reaffirmed that the BRICS countries are committed to implementing the UN Education 2030 Agenda.

  • UN Education 2030 Agenda - promoting education accessibility and equity, accelerating the development of quality education and training, encouraging exchanges among the youths, strengthening knowledge on sustainable development, and providing BRICS contributions for global governance.

By admin: Sept. 23, 2022

5. 2023 Breakthrough Prize winners announced

Tags: Science and Technology Awards International News

On September 22, the winners of the 2023 Breakthrough Prize, called the Oscars of Science, totaling more than $15 million, were announced.


  • This year three awards were given in the Life Science category while one award each for Mathematics and Physics.
  • Daniel Spielman of Yale University was awarded the Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics for his many discoveries in theoretical computer science and mathematics.

  • Clifford Brangwyn and Anthony Hyman (British scientist) won the Life Science Prize for their discovery of a new mechanism of cellular organisation.

  • Other life science prizes were awarded to Demis Hassabis (British scientist) and John Jumper (USA) for developing AlphaFold, which predicts the structure of proteins, and Emmanuel Mignot (France) and Masashi Yanagisawa (USA)  for discovering the causes of narcolepsy.


About Breakthrough Prizes :

  • The Breakthrough Prizes were started in 2010 by a group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

  • These Prizes were founded by Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, Yuri and Julia Milner, and Anne Wojcicki. 

  • These prizes are the most richly endowed prizes in science, the prize money of which exceeds that of the Nobel Prizes.

  • Breakthrough has an amount of $3 million in each prize, which is more than $1 million in prizes awarded to the winner of the Nobel Prize.

  • The awards are presented in the fields of life sciences, fundamental physics and mathematics.

By admin: Sept. 23, 2022

6. G4 group express concern over slow pace of reform on Security Council

Tags: place in news International News

The foreign ministers of Group of 4 (India, Japan, Brazil and Germany) met in New York on 22 September 2022 and expressed concern about the lack of meaningful progress in the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN) on United Nations Security Council (SC) reform. They met on the sidelines of the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly being held in New York, United States.

The meeting was attended by Indian External Affairs Minister S.Jaishanker, German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock, Brazilian foreign minister Carlos Alberto Franco Franca and Japanese foreign minister Yoshimasa Hayashi.

The G-4 was formed in 2005 to reform the UN Security Council and include four countries as the permanent member of the United Nation Security Council.


China not in favour :

  • According to the government of India, as told to Lok Sabha on 22 July 2022, only China is opposing India’s candidature for the UN Security Council membership while the other permanent members of the Security Council, Russia, France, United Kingdom and the United States are in favour of India.
  • China is also opposed to the membership of Japan and Germany.
  • It has a difficult relationship with India and Japan and consider them as its rival while it opposes Germany as it is not a developing country.

UN Security Council :

  • The UN Security Council is the main UN body which is responsible for maintaining peace and security in the world.
  • It consists of 15 members. 10 members are non-permanent and are elected for 2 years. 
  • Five members are permanent members and they have veto power.  The five permanent members are China, Russia, France, the United Kingdom and the United States.

By admin: Sept. 23, 2022

7. India and 4 other South Asian countries set up Asian Palm Oil Alliance (APOA)

Tags: Economy/Finance International News

The five palm oil importing countries of South Asia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal have announced the setting up of Asian Palm Oil Alliance (APOA) at Agra, to strengthen their bargaining power and make oil imports sustainable.


First chairman of the APOA :

  • Atul Chaturvedi, President, Solvent Extractors’ Association of India (SEA) has been appointed as the first chairman of the APOA.

Aim of the APOA :

  • Elaborating the aim of the APOA, Chaturvedi said that “we aim at safeguarding the economic and business interests of the palm oil consuming countries and will work towards increasing the consumption of palm oil in member countries,” 
  • He said that membership of APOA would be further expanded to include companies or industry bodies associated with production or refining of palm oil across the continent.
  • The next meeting of the APOA is expected to be held in Indonesia early next year.
  • India is the largest importer of palm oil in Asia and in the world , accounting for 15% of global imports, followed by China (9%), Pakistan (4%) and Bangladesh (2%).

Palm Oil and India :  

  • Palm oil is used in a wide variety of products from cooking to making shampoos, breads, Ice creams etc.
  • India imports about 8.3 million tonnes of palm oil including crude palm oil (CPO), Palmolein and PFAD (Palm Fatty Acid Distillate),
  •  Around 4 million tonnes of palm oil comes from Indonesia with Malaysia being the second largest source of palm oil (3.8 million tonnes) and Thailand accounting for the remaining half-a-million tonnes.
  • Indonesia and Malaysia jointly produce 84 % of world palm oil.
  • The largest producer of palm oil in India is Andhra Pradesh followed by Telangana.

By admin: Sept. 22, 2022

8. First ‘Global Clean Energy Action Forum -2022’ starts at Pittsburgh, United States

Tags: place in news Summits International News

The  three day (21-23 September) ‘Global Clean Energy Action Forum -2022 organised by the United States government’s Department of Energy and Carnegie Mellon University, started on 21 September 2022 at Pittsburgh, United States .

Under the Global Clean Energy Action Forum a joint meeting of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM13) and Mission Innovation (MI-7) are being held.

It is being attended by energy and science ministers from 31 countries to discuss ways to achieve a net zero carbon target for the world.

 India is being led by Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh.

He met US Energy Minister Jennifer Granholm and other important dignitaries.

The theme for CEM13/MI-7 is Rapid Innovation and Deployment.


  • Pittsburgh is also known both as "the Steel City" and as the "City of Bridges".
  • Jamshedpur in India is also called as Pittsburgh of India.

By admin: Sept. 22, 2022

9. 10th IBSA Trilateral Ministerial Commission meeting held in New York

Tags: International Relations Summits International News

The 10th India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA) Trilateral Ministerial Commission meeting was held in New York on 21 September. 


  • The meeting was chaired by External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar.
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil Carlos Alberto Franco França and Minister of Health of South Africa Dr Joe Phaahla were also present during the meeting.

  • The Ministers reviewed the entire gamut of IBSA cooperation.

  • The aspirations of African countries to have a permanent presence on the UN Security Council were endorsed by the ministers.

  • They also supported the efforts of India and Brazil to obtain permanent membership in the Security Council.

  • India will host the sixth IBSA summit on the sidelines of the G20 summit in November this year.

Agenda of the meeting :

  • The agenda of the meeting was on mutual interests including cooperation in multilateral organizations, South-South cooperation, UNSC reform, 2030 agenda, Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, countering terrorism, and financing for developmental activities.

  • They held discussions on regional issues like the African Union, the Middle East peace process, and the situation in Ukraine.

About IBSA Trilateral Ministerial Commission :

  • It is a trilateral, developmental initiative between India, Brazil and South Africa to promote South-South cooperation and exchange.

  • This grouping was formally renamed the IBSA Dialogue Forum when the foreign ministers of the three countries met in Brasilia (Brazil) on 6 June 2003 and issued the Brasilia Declaration.

By admin: Sept. 20, 2022

10. Priyanka Chopra advocates children's rights in an address to the United Nation General Assembly

Tags: Person in news International News

Indian actress and the Global UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Priyanka Chopra addressed the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on 19 September 2022 in New York.


  • Priyanka Chopra who was appointed UNICEF Goodwill ambassador in 2016 talked about Children's rights at the 77th UNGA High Level Week.
  • The 77th UNGA opened on 13 September 2022 and the High Level Weeks will be held from 19-23 September in New York.
  • High Level weeks is a five day event where invited speakers, speaks on topics selected by the United Nations like Sustainable Development Goals, Transforming Education Summits etc.
  • Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is leading the Indian delegation at the 77th UNGA.