Current Affairs search results for tag: person-in-news
By admin: Oct. 18, 2022

1. Sri Lankan author Shehan Karunatilaka wins Booker Prize 2022 for his novel ‘Seven Moons of Maali Almeida'

Tags: Awards Person in news

The “Seven Moons of Maali Almeida'' by Sri Lankan author Shehan Karunatilaka has won the Booker prize 2022.  He is the second Sri Lankan to win the prestigious literature award .The Booker award was presented to Shehan Karunatilaka by Camilla, the United Kingdom’s Queen Consort on 17 October 2022.

The ‘Seven Moons of Maali Almeida; novel is about a photographer who wakes up within a week after death and asks his friends to find his photos and expose the brutality of the civil war. 

The writer said he decided in 2009 to write "a ghost story where the dead could offer their perspective" after the end of the Sri Lankan civil war, "when there was a raging debate over how many civilians died and whose fault it was during the civil war".

The winner gets £50,000(British Pound Sterling) as prize money while the other five shortlisted writers are awarded prize money of £2,500 each.

Booker Prize 

  • The Booker Prize which was earlier called Man Booker was established by a British multinational company Booker McConnell in 1968. 
  •  The first prize was given in 1969. PH Newby was the first winner of the prize in 1969 for his wok “Something to Answer For”. 
  • It is awarded to the best novel written in English and published in the United Kingdom or Ireland   in the same year which is considered for the prize.  
  •  The first Indian to win this prize was Arundhati Roy for her book: The God of Small Things, in 1997.
  • Other Indian winners are; Kiran Desai for her book The Inheritance of Loss in 2006, and Aravind Adiga for his book The White Tiger in 2008.

International Booker Prize 

  • It is also given every year by the Booker foundation. 
  • But unlike the Booker prize it is given to a single book that is translated into English and published in the United Kingdom or Ireland in the same year which is considered for the prize.
  • Geetanjali Shree became the first Indian author to win the International Booker Prize 2022. Her Hindi novel ‘Tomb of Sand’ (रेत समाधि)won the prize for her.

By admin: Oct. 17, 2022

2. President appoints Justice D Y Chandrachud as the 50th Chief Justice of India

Tags: National Person in news

In a tweet on 17 October 2022, the Union Minister for Law and Justice Kiren Rijiju said that the President Droupadi Murmu has appointed Supreme Court Judge. Justice D Y Chandrachud as the 50th Chief Justice of India (CJI) with effect from 9th November 2022. 

The incumbent Chief Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, who took charge as CJI on 27 August 2022, will retire on November 8 this year. 

Justice Chandrachud, who is set to be the 50th Chief Justice of India, would have a tenure of two years. He is due to retire on November 10, 2024.

Under article 124 clause 2 of the Indian constitution the President of India has the power to appoint the Chief Justice of India. 

Supreme Court and its Chief Justice 

The Supreme Court of India came into existence on 26 January 1950. The Federal Court which was set up under the Government of India act 1935 was converted into the Supreme Court of India.

Its first sitting was held on 28 January 1950.

The first Chief Justice of India was Harilal J.Kania.

The 16th Chief Justice of India, Yeshwant Vishnu Chandrachud, is the longest-serving Chief Justice. He was Chief Justice of India for over 7 years (February 1978 – July 1985).

The 22nd Chief Justice of India, Kamal Narain Singh, is the shortest-serving Chief Justice. He was the Chief Justice of India for 17 days (25 November 1991 – 12 December 1991).

By admin: Oct. 17, 2022

3. Nirmala Sitharaman returns to India after a six day visit to the United States

Tags: Economy/Finance Summits Person in news

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman returned to India after a successful 6 days (11-16 October 2022) visit to the United States of America. She was in America to attend the 46th Annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meeting held at Washington D.C. from 10-16 October 2022.

The minister also attended G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting. India will take over the chairmanship of the G-20 from Indonesia after a summit meeting in November 2022.

She also met the US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and World Bank President David Malpass.

Annual Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group meeting

The Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG) normally meet once a year to discuss the work of their respective institutions. The Annual Meetings, which generally take place in September/October, have customarily been held in Washington for two consecutive years and in another member country in the third year.

The 2023 Annual meeting will be held in Marrakech, Morocco. 

The Annual Meetings include meetings of the Development Committee, the International Monetary and Financial Committee, the Group of Ten, the Group of Twenty-Four, and various other constituencies.

The Inaugural Meeting of the Boards of Governors was held in Savannah, Georgia, USA in March 1946. The first Annual Meetings were held in Washington in 1946.

International Monetary Fund and World Bank 

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank were set up in 1944 after an International conference held at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States in 1944.

Both the international financial institutions are also called Bretton Woods twins or Bretton Woods’s sisters.

Both the institutions were set up to perform different functions.

The IMF was set up to provide loans to the member countries facing a balance of payment crisis.

The World Bank provides loans to the member countries for development purposes.

At present 189 countries are members of the IMF. Country which is a member of the IMF, automatically becomes a member of the World Bank.  

Both the institutions headquarters are at Washington D.C, United States of America 

World Bank Group

 The World Bank was initially called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).  It was set up to provide loans to the countries for economic development purposes. Later on the World Bank created new institutions according to the emerging different needs of the member countries. 

At present the World groups includes five institutions:

  • International  Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD),
  •  International Financial Corporation(IFC), 
  • International Development Assistance (IDA), 
  • Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and  
  • International Center for Settlement of International Dispute (ICSID).

By admin: Oct. 16, 2022

4. Harshada Garud sole Indian medal winner at the Asian Weightlifting Championships 2022

Tags: place in news Sports Person in news

Junior world champion Harshada Garud was India’s sole medallist among the 12-member Indian contingent at the Asian Weightlifting Championships 2022 tournament which concluded on 16 October 2022 at Manama, Bahrain.

She won the bronze medals in the snatch section and the overall section of the women’s 45kg category. This was Harshada Garud’s first international medal at the senior level.

The Asian Weightlifting Championships was organized by the Asian Weightlifting Federation at Manama, Bahrain from 6 to 16 October 2022.

Asian Weightlifting Federation 

It was set up in 1958 in Tokyo, Japan.

It governs the weightlifting sports in Asia.

45 countries of Asia are its member

Headquarters: Bangkok, Thailand  

By admin: Oct. 16, 2022

5. Avinash Sable wins the Indian Elite race at the Delhi Half Marathon 2022 in a photo finish

Tags: Sports Person in news

The Birmingham Commonwealth Games men’s 3000m steeplechase silver medal winner Avinash Sable, won the Indian elite race at the Delhi Half Marathon 2022 on 16 October 2022, beating Kartik Kumar by a margin of 0.04 seconds. Both Sable and Kartik clocked 1:04:00 seconds. Avinash Sable was eventually declared the winner by the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) technical officials after reviewing the footage.

Avinash Sable also won the last Delhi half marathon held in 2020. The distance in the Delhi half marathon is 21.097 Kilometers, while in the normal marathon the distance is 42.195 Kilometers.

In the Indian women’s elite race, Sanjivani Jadhav bagged the crown with a timing of 1:17:53.

Ethiopia’s Chala Regasa and Kenya’s Irine Cheptai, won the international men’s and women’s elite races, respectively.

By admin: Oct. 16, 2022

6. Esha Singh, Udhayveer Sidhu win gold medals at the ISSF Rifle/Pistol World Championship 2022

Tags: Sports Person in news

Udhayveer Sidhu and Esha Singh won gold medals at the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) Rifle/Pistol World Championship 2022 in Cairo, Egypt on 15 October 2022.   Earlier Rudrankksh Patil won gold at the men's 10m air rifle event yesterday.

Medal winners. 

Today India won three gold and one bronze medal.

Esha Singh won the gold in the junior women’s 25m pistol.

Udhayveer Sidhu won two gold medals on the day. He won a gold medal in the junior men’s 25m pistol and another one in the junior men’s 25m standard pistol titles.

Another medal was won for India by Tejaswini. She won the bronze medal in the junior women’s 25m standard pistol.

At the moment, India is at the second place on the medals table with seven medals - four gold and three bronze. China leads the tally with 16 medals.

The International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Championships Rifle/Pistol is being held in Cairo, Egypt from 12 -25 October 2022.

By admin: Oct. 15, 2022

7. Rudrankksh Patil bags gold medal at ISSF World Championship in Egypt, Qualify for Paris Olympic

Tags: Sports Person in news

18 year old Rudrankksh Balasaheb Patil won the gold medal in men's 10m air rifle event at the ISSF World Championship on 14 October 2022.

The International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Championships Rifle/Pistol is being held in Cairo, Egypt from 12 -25 October 2022.

In the gold medal match, he defeated Italy's Danilo Dennis Sollazzo 17-15 and also booked a place at the 2024 Paris summer Olympics. 

He is only the second Indian to achieve the feat after Olympic champion Abhinav Bindra, who had won the gold in this event in 2006 in Zagreb, Croatia.

International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF)

It is an international body which governs International shooting.

It was founded in 1907 as International Shooting Union and later renamed as ISSF in 1998.

Headquarters: Munich, Germany

President: Vladimir Lisin 

By admin: Oct. 15, 2022

8. British PM Liz Truss sacks Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng, Jeremy Hunt appointed new Treasury chief

Tags: Person in news International News

British Prime Minister Liz Truss sacked Finance Minister Quasi Quarteng on October 14, 2022, ahead of the announcement of the economic package.

Important facts

  • In his place, former cabinet minister Jeremy Hunt has been appointed finance minister.

  • For the past several days, there was a demand to remove Quarteng from this post, he remained in this post for about a month.

  • Tax cuts were announced during his tenure, this caused a sharp drop in the pound's exchange rate.

  • Recently, the Mini Budget of the Liz Truss government was presented, which proved to be a failure in controlling inflation in the country.

  • After this, MPs gave an ultimatum to Truss that if Finance Minister Kwasi Quarteng is not removed, he may face a rebellion.

  • Quasi became the shortest-serving chancellor in Britain since 1970, a position he held for just 38 days.

By admin: Oct. 14, 2022

9. Abdul Latif Rashid elected as new president of Iraq

Tags: Person in news International News

On 13 October 2022, lawmakers in Iraq elected Kurdish politician Abdul Latif Rashid as the country's new president. He will replace Barham Saleh.

Important facts

  • After two rounds of voting, 160 votes were cast in favor of Rashid, while Saleh got 99 votes.

  • Rashid, 78, is an engineer and was Iraqi Water Resources Minister from 2003 to 2010.

  • He has 15 days to invite a nominee from the largest parliamentary bloc to form the government.

  • The country had seen months of political stalemate after powerful Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr emerged as the biggest winner in a parliamentary vote last year but failed to garner enough support to form a government.

  • Al-Sadr withdrew his lawmakers from the House and announced in August that he would quit politics, which was followed by violence in Baghdad.

By admin: Oct. 13, 2022

10. IAEA chief Rafael Gross calls for protecting Zaporizhzhia nuclear power in a meeting with President Putin in Russia

Tags: place in news Russia-Ukraine Person in news International News

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Gross met the Russian President Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg, amid concern over the safety of the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

Rafael Gross met Putin after his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv last week. 

Rafael Gross called for setting up a protection zone around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant and asserted that they cannot lose any more time. He emphasised that Russia and Ukraine must do everything to help in ensuring that a nuclear accident does not occur during the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.

Concern over the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant 

The 6000 MW Zaporizhzhia nuclear power complex is the largest European nuclear power complex which has been occupied by the invading Russian forces since early March 2022.

The area has been heavily fortified by the Russian military and the Ukrainian forces are also launching a counter attack. This has led to the fear that the nuclear complex could be hit in an attack which could lead to a nuclear catastrophe in the area. 

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

The IAEA was set up in 1957 as an agency of the United Nations.

The IAEA was set up to work with the member countries and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies. 

The International Atomic Energy Agency is the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field.

Member Countries: 175

The IAEA headquarters is at Vienna, Austria and it has two regional offices located in Toronto, Canada and Tokyo, Japan,

Director General: Rafael Gross