Current Affairs search results for tag: international-news
By admin: Jan. 21, 2022

1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and launched development projects in Mauritius

Tags: International News

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, jointly -

  • Inaugurated the Social Housing Units Project in Mauritius
  • Layed the foundation stone for
  • Construction of a state-of-the-art Civil Service College and 
  • 8 MW Solar PV Farm
  • The event was held via video-conference.
  • All the projects are undertaken as part of India’s development support 
  • PM Modi also offered to share learnings of Mission Karmayogi.
  • The 8 MW Solar PV Farm project involves the installation of 25,000 PV cells to generate approximately 14 GWh of green energy annually, to electrify approximately 10,000 Mauritian households with an estimated avoidance of 13,000 tons of CO2 emissions every year,
  • The Civil Service College project, located in Reduit, is being financed through grant support of US$ 4.74 million, under an MoU signed in 2017 during the visit of Prime Minister of Mauritius Pravind Jugnauth to India.
  • The social housing project is developed with a grant of US$ 353 mn, which the Government of India extended to the Government of Mauritius  in May 2016 as a Special Economic Package (SEP).
  • The ceremony also included the exchange of two key bilateral agreements: 
  • Agreement for the extension of USD 190 million Line of Credit from the Government of India for the Metro Express and other infrastructure projects and
  • MoU on the Implementation of Small Development Projects.


Capital - Port Louis

President - Prithvirajsing Roopun

Prime Minister - Pravind Jugnauth

Legislature - National Assembly

Currency - Mauritian Rupee

Official Language - English and French

By admin: Jan. 19, 2022

2. Saudi-led coalition launches deadly air raids in Yemen’s Sanaa

Tags: International News

The Saudi-led coalition carried out air raids in the Yemeni capital Sanaa on 18 January 2022, killing more than 12 people. This attack comes after the Houthi rebels launched a drone and missile attack on a United Arab Emirates oil facility on 17 January  killing three people. Two Indians and a Pakistani were killed in the Houthi Attack.

  • Saudi Arabia and the UAE intervened in Yemen’s war in 2015 to restore the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who fled after Houthi rebels took over the capital and parts of northern Yemen in late 2014.
  • The Houthi rebels are backed by Iran.

 Capital of Yemen: Sanna 

President:  Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi

For more information click here.

By admin: Jan. 19, 2022

3. Rising sea levels prompt Indonesia to relocate the capital

Tags: International News

On 18th January 2022 Indonesia’s parliament passed a law approving the relocation of its capital from slowly sinking Jakarta to a site 2,000 kilometers away on the jungle-clad Borneo island.

  • The new capital will be named “Nusantara”
  • The new capital will cover about 56,180 hectares in East Kalimantan province on the Indonesian part of Borneo.
  • This was first proposed by President Joko Widodo in April 2019, citing rising sea levels due to climate change and severe congestion on densely populated Java island.

About Indonesia

Indonesia officially the Republic of Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania between the Indian Ocean and Pacific ocean. 

  • It consists of over 17,000 islands, making it the world's largest island country
  • Indonesia is the most populous Muslim-majority country in the world . 
  • Java, the world's most populous island, is home to more than half of the country's population.
  • Indonesia is a presidential, constitutional republic with an elected legislature. 
  • The country's capital, Jakarta, is the world's second-most populous urban agglomeration after Tokyo-Yokohama, Japan.
  • Delhi, India is the third-most populous urban agglomeration in the world.
  • Official language - Indonesian
  • Legislature - People's Consultative Assembly (MPR)
  • Currency - Indonesian Rupiah

By admin: Jan. 17, 2022

4. Migrants from Honduras stopped at Guatemala

Tags: International News

Several hundred migrants who had departed from the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula in hopes of reaching the United States entered Guatemalan territory where they were intercepted by the authorities who asked them to return to their homeland.


  • Some 300 migrants, mainly Hondurans and Nicaraguans, arrived in Corinto, Honduras on 15th January 2022 and crossed into the Guatemalan border province of Izabal, where they were met by hundreds of anti-riot agents from the national police and army.
  • According to the Guatemalan Migration Institute, discussions on returning the migrants to their home countries have begun. "People are being returned, everything in order, humanely," the institute's general director Carlos Emilio Morales said.
  • According to a Nicaraguan man, people were migrating in search of a better life for their families. Many had been the victims of natural disasters like floods and drought.

The administration of US President Joe Biden is considering a seven billion dollars aid package for Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, to create homegrown jobs.

By admin: Jan. 16, 2022

5. Tsunami alert in US coast as Volcano erupts in Tonga

Tags: International News

Tsunami warnings were issued on 15 January 2022 for the entire US West Coast after a massive volcanic eruption across the Pacific Ocean in Tonga, with tsunami waves triggering low-level flooding in Hawaii island.

  • The latest eruption of Tonga’s Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano lasted at least eight minutes and sent plumes of gas, ash and smoke several kilometres into the air.
  • The US National Weather Service issued tsunami advisories from the bottom of California to the tip of Alaska’s Aleutian islands, predicting waves of up to 60cm, strong rip currents and coastal flooding.
  • Similar warnings were issued by nations throughout the Pacific, including New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu and Australia as well as for coastal Chile.

Tsunami is a Japanese word which means giant waves . It is  created due to earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under seas.

By admin: Jan. 15, 2022

6. Tesla to accept dogecoin as payment for merchandise

Tags: International News

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Friday said the electric carmaker will accept meme-based digital currency dogecoin for merchandise.

  • Products such as the "Cyberwhistle" and "Cyberquad for Kids" could be bought using the cryptocurrency, according to the Tesla website. 
  • Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency invented by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who decided to create a payment system.

By admin: Jan. 13, 2022

7. POWERGRID and Africa50 will jointly pioneer Africa’s first transmission PPP project in Kenya

Tags: International News

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) has signed a Joint Development Agreement with Africa50, the pan-African infrastructure investment platform to continue to develop the Kenya Transmission Project on a public-private partnership basis.

POWERGRID and Africa50 will jointly pioneer Africa’s first transmission PPP project in Kenya

  • The project entails the development, financing, construction, and operation of the 400kV Lessos – Loosuk and 220kV Kisumu – Musaga transmission lines under a public-private partnership (PPP) framework. 
  • Once completed, the project will be the first Independent Power Transmission (IPT) in Kenya and will set a reference point in Africa as the first financing of transmission lines on a PPP basis. 
  • In this development partnership, POWERGRID, will provide technical and operational know-how to the project, while Africa50 will bring its project development and finance expertise and will act as a bridge between the Kenyan government and private investors.

About Africa50:

  • Africa50 is an infrastructure investment platform that contributes to Africa’s economic growth by developing and investing in bankable infrastructure projects, catalyzing public sector capital, and mobilizing private sector funding, with differentiated financial returns and impact.
  • Africa50 currently has 31 shareholders, comprising 28 African countries, the African Development Bank, the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), and Bank Al-Maghrib.

By admin: Jan. 13, 2022

8. NATO- Russia talk fails

Tags: International News

The talks between the 30 member western military alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Russia held at Brussels, Belgium on 12 January 2022 ended in a deadlock.

NATO- Russia talk fails

  •  The talks were held under the NATO-Russia Council Platform .The Secretary General of NATO, General Jens Stoltenberg said that it was impossible to meet the Russian demands regarding expansion of NATO and threat to Ukraine.
  • The Russian delegation was led by deputy foreign minister, Aleksandr V. Grushko.

Russia had earlier submitted a list of demands to the United States which leads the NATO military alliance before the NATO -Russia Council platform meeting 

The Russian demands were:

  • A formal halt to NATO’s eastern enlargement. It means that NATO shall not make Ukraine, Georgia and Finland its members.
  • A permanent freeze on further expansion of the alliance’s military infrastructure (such as bases and weapons systems) in the former Soviet allies which are now a part of NATO(these countries are Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro) 
  • End to Western military assistance to Ukraine and a ban on intermediate-range missiles deployment in Europe.

Gen. Stoltenberg said it would be impossible for the 30 NATO members to agree to Moscow’s core demands for a new security order in Europe, and in particular added that Russia would have no veto on Ukraine’s right to eventually join the alliance.

Russia has already deployed around 100,000 troops at the Ukraine border and Western intelligence agency has warned that Russia plans to invade Ukraine. Russia denies that it has such a plan.

Kindly also see 3 December 2021 post 

By admin: Jan. 12, 2022

9. India agrees to allow import of U.S. pork products

Tags: International News

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced on 11 January 2022, that the Government of India has agreed to allow imports of U.S. pork and pork products into India.

India agrees to allow import of U.S. pork products

  • This is a part of a deal with the Government of India where India will import Pork and pork products, Alfalfa hay and cherries from the US and will export mangoes and pomegranate to the US.
  •  This news follows the successful revitalization of the U.S.-India Trade Policy Forum held in New Delhi in November 2021 during the visit of Katherine Tai to India.
  • The  export of Indian mangoes has been restricted by the USA since 2020 as USDA (US Department of Agriculture) inspectors were unable to visit India for inspection of irradiation facilities due restrictions imposed on international travel because of Covid-19 pandemic,” 
  • In 2019-20, India exported 1,095 MillionTonnes  of mangoes  worth $4.35 million to the United States.

By admin: Jan. 12, 2022

10. U.S. announces $308 mn in aid for Afghanistan as crisis grows

Tags: International News

The United States has announced $308 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan as it edges towards a humanitarian crisis since the Taliban takeover in 2021.

U.S. announces $308 mn in aid for Afghanistan as crisis grows

  • The United States will donate an extra $308m in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, the White House has announced, bringing the total of US aid for Afghanistan and Afghan refugees in the region to nearly $782m since October.
  • The aid will be channelled through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to humanitarian organisations providing shelter, healthcare, and emergency food aid, among other services.
  • In August 2021 the US government froze nearly $9.5 billion in assets belonging to the Afghan central bank and stopped shipments of cash to the nation after Taliban took over the country. The US has designated the Taliban in its sanction list and no funds can be provided to the Taliban government by the US government or by its banks.
  • No country in the world recognises Taliban government in Kabul.

United Nation’s biggest appeal:

  • Meanwhile, the United Nations said that it needed $5 billion in aid for Afghanistan in 2022 to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and offer the ravaged country a future after 40 years of suffering.