Current Affairs search results for: "nobel prize"
By admin: June 29, 2024

1. Arundhati Roy Wins 2024 PEN Pinter Prize for Unflinching Writings

Tags: Person in news

Renowned Indian author Arundhati Roy has won the prestigious PEN (Poet, Playwright, Editors, Essayist, Novelist) Pinter Prize 2024 for her 'unflinching and unswerving' writings.

An Overview of the News

  • The prize is shared with a designated 'Writer of Courage', someone who has been persecuted for speaking out about their beliefs.

  • She will receive the award at a ceremony co-hosted by the British Library (BL) in London, United Kingdom (UK) on October 10, 2024.

Selection Process:

  • Arundhati Roy was chosen by a panel of judges: Ruth Borthwick (Chair of English PEN), Khalid Abdalla (Actor and Activist), and Roger Robinson (Writer and Musician).

About PEN Pinter Prize:

  • Establishment: 2009 by English PEN, a founding center of a global literary network promoting literature and human rights.

  • Purpose: Recognizes "Writers of Courage" who defend the dignity and rights of others through their words.

  • Namesake: Award given in memory of playwright Harold Pinter, Nobel Prize in Literature recipient in 2005.

  • Eligibility: Writers in English residing in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, or the Commonwealth.

  • Previous Winners (2023):

    • Michael Rosen (British author)

    • Rahile Dawut (Chinese anthropologist, Writers of Courage)

About Arundhati Roy:

  • Profile: Well-known contemporary Indian writer in English, screenwriter, activist, actress, and peace activist.

  • Prosecution Threat: Currently facing the threat of prosecution over historic comments on Kashmir 14 years ago.

  • Notable Works:

    • "The End of Imagination" (essay critiquing Indian nuclear policies)

    • "The Cost of Living" (1999)

    • "Power Politics" (2001)

    • "Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers" (2009)

    • "Ministry of Utmost Happiness" (2017)

    • "Broken Republic: Three Essays" (2011)

  • Other Awards & Honors:

    • Booker Prize: Won in 1997 for debut novel "The God of Small Things," the first Indian writer to achieve this.

    • Sydney Peace Prize: Awarded in May 2004 for her work in social campaigns and advocacy of non-violence.

By admin: May 16, 2024

2. Padma Shri Awardee Dr. Birubala Rabha Passes Away at the Age of 75

Tags: Person in news

Dr. Birubala Rabha, recipient of the Padma Shri award, passed away at the age of 75 in the State Cancer Institute (SCI) at Guwahati Medical College Hospital (GMCH) in Assam. 

An Overview of the News

  • Birubala Rabha was born in 1954 in Thakurvilla village of Goalpara, Assam.

  • Founded 'Mission Birubala' in 2012 to combat superstitions and raise awareness against witch-hunting.

  • Through her efforts, 55 lives were saved in Majuli, Kokrajhar, Goalpara, and Tinsukia districts.

  • Played a key role in the enactment of the Assam Witch Hunting (Prohibition, Prevention, and Protection) Act, 2015.

  • This law imposed penalties of up to Rs 5 lakh and 7 years of imprisonment for accusing someone of being a witch.

Awards and Honours

  • Padma Shri: Awarded in 2021 for her efforts in protecting lives in rural India

  • Nobel Peace Prize Nomination: Nominated in 2005 by The Swiss Peace, Switzerland under the project '1000 Women'

  • Honorary Doctorate: Awarded by Gauhati University in 2015

By admin: April 14, 2024

3. Israeli Mathematician Avi Wigderson Wins 2023 ACM Turing Award

Tags: Awards International News

Avi Wigderson, an Israeli mathematician and computer scientist, was awarded the 2023 ACM A.M. Turing Award.

An Overview of the News

  • This award is widely regarded as the "Nobel Prize of Computing".

  • He holds the position of Herbert H. Maass Professor in the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

Reason for Award:

  • Wigderson was honored for his foundational contributions to the theory of computation.

  • His work significantly influenced the understanding of randomness in computation and mathematics.

  • He was recognized for his intellectual leadership in theoretical computer science.

  • The ACM A.M. Turing Award carries a prestigious cash prize of USD 1 million.

Contributions and Career Highlights:

  • In 1986, Wigderson began his academic career as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel.

  • He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1987 and later became a full Professor at the Computer Science Institute of the Hebrew University.

  • In 1993, he assumed the role of Chairman of the Computer Science Institute at Hebrew University.

  • In 1999, he joined the faculty as a Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, New Jersey.

By admin: April 11, 2024

4. Famous Physicist Peter Higgs Passes Away at the Age of 94

Tags: Person in news

Peter Higgs commenced his teaching journey as a Temporary Lecturer in Mathematics at University College London, UK.

An Overview of the News

  • In 1960, he relocated to Edinburgh and assumed the role of a Lecturer in Mathematical Physics at the Tait Institute.

  • Progressing steadily, he ascended through the academic ranks, culminating in his appointment to a Personal Chair of Theoretical Physics in 1980.

  • Upon retirement in 1996, he was granted the title of Professor Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh.

Awards and Honours:

  • 2015: Royal Society's Copley Medal for his contributions to the theory of the Higgs boson.

  • 2013: Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with François Englert, for their theoretical discovery explaining the mass of subatomic particles.

  • 2013: Appointed as Companion of Honour in the New Year Honours List for scientific achievements.

  • 2013: Edinburgh Medal from the Edinburgh International Science Festival and the Nonino 'Man of Our Time' Prize.

  • 2004: Wolf Prize in Physics shared with Robert Brout and François Englert.

  • 1997: High Energy and Particle Physics Prize from the European Physical Society shared with Robert Brout and François Englert.

By admin: April 6, 2024

5. Romania unveils world's most powerful laser

Tags: Science and Technology International News

Developed by a research center in Romania as part of the EU Infrastructure Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project.

An Overview of the News

  • Operated by French company Thales, this laser claims to have revolutionary potential in a variety of fields, from healthcare to space exploration.

  • At the core of this groundbreaking laser technology lies chirped-pulse amplification (CPA), a method developed by Mourou and Strickland.

  • CPA facilitates the amplification of laser power while ensuring safe intensity levels by stretching and compressing the ultra-short laser pulse.

  • This innovative technology achieves unprecedented levels of intensity, opening the door to myriad applications such as corrective eye surgery and advanced precision instruments in industrial operations.

Nobel Prize Winner Contribution:

  • Gerard Mourou and Donna Strickland were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2018 for their pioneering work in laser technology.

  • His inventions have led to revolutionary advancements by enabling precision instruments and applications.

Possible Applications:

  • Nuclear waste treatment: Laser technology can reduce the radioactivity period of nuclear waste, increasing the safety and manageability of disposal.

  • Space debris removal: Laser technology can be deployed to clear space debris, reducing the risk of collisions with satellites and spacecraft.

  • Medical Advances: The precision of lasers promises breakthroughs in medical treatments, including targeted cancer treatments and advanced surgical techniques.

Involvement of the ELI Project and Thales Group:

  • Part of the European Union Infrastructure Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project, which aims to push laser technology boundaries.

  • Operated by Thales Group, a leading global provider of aerospace, defense and security solutions, headquartered in France.

By admin: March 27, 2024

6. Abel Prize 2024 awarded to Michel Talagrand

Tags: Awards

Michel Talagrand of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France, has been honored with the 2024 Abel Prize by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

An Overview of the News

  • Michel Talagrand was recognized for his pioneering work in probability theory and functional analysis.

  • His contributions have had significant applications in mathematical physics and statistics.

  • Talagrand's achievements were deemed groundbreaking by the Academy, leading to this prestigious award.

  • Talagrand's research primarily focuses on the Gaussian distribution, also known as the bell curve, which influences various aspects of life, from birth weights to school test scores and athlete retirement ages.

The Abel Prize recognizes Talagrand's contributions in three key areas:

  • Analysis of supremum in stochastic processes, aiding in predicting extreme events like the largest wave hitting a beach.

  • Development of quantitative estimates for the concentration of measures, where different sources of randomness can lead to more predictable outcomes.

  • Application of statistics and probability theory to understand spin glass matter, contributing to the completion of Giorgio Parisi's Nobel Prize-winning work in 2021.

By admin: Oct. 9, 2023

7. 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to Claudia Goldin

Tags: Awards

American labor economist Claudia Goldin was awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics for her significant contributions to our understanding of women's labor market outcomes.

An Overview of the News

  • Hans Ellgren, Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, announced the Nobel Prize awards in Stockholm on October 9.

  • Claudia Goldin, born in New York in 1946, received her PhD from the University of Chicago and is currently a professor at Harvard University in Cambridge.

  • Claudia Goldin became the third woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics, after Elinor Ostrom (2009) and Esther Duflo (2019). 

  • Claudia Goldin will receive prize money of 11 million Swedish kronor.

Last year's Nobel Prize in Economics (2022):

  • In 2022, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to American economists Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig as well as former Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke for their research on banks during times of financial turmoil.

History of Nobel Prize in Economics:

  • The Nobel Prize in Economics was first awarded in 1969 to Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen for their work on dynamic economic models.

First Nobel Prize Winner:

  • Jean Henry Dunant and Frederick Passy were the first winners of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.

First Indian Nobel Prize Winner:

  • Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize specifically in Literature in 1913.

About Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences:

  • The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was established in 1968 by Sveriges Riksbank, the central bank of Sweden, in memory of Alfred Nobel. It is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences following the same principles as the original Nobel Prizes.

Indian Nobel Prize Winners in Economics:

  • Amartya Sen is the only Indian economist to receive the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1998.

  • Indian-American economist Abhijit Banerjee shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2019 with Esther Duflo and Michael Cramer for their experimental approach to addressing global poverty.

By admin: Oct. 6, 2023

8. Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi wins Nobel Peace Prize 2023

Tags: Awards

The Swedish Academy in Stockholm awarded the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize to Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi.

An Overview of the News

  • Nerges Mohammadi is known for her courageous fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her unwavering commitment to promoting human rights and freedom for all.

  • Narges Mohammadi, a 51-year-old Iranian author and human rights activist, currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC).

  • She is currently imprisoned in Tehran's Evin prison, and is facing multiple sentences totaling 12 years for "spreading anti-state propaganda".

  • Her activism primarily focuses on abolishing the death penalty in Iran and advocating for women's rights.

Notable achievements and persecutions of Narges Mohammadi:

  • Over the past decade, Narges Mohammadi has been in and out of jail due to her activism, which led to her being arrested 13 times, convicted five times and sentenced to 31 years in prison and 154 lashes.

  • Her Nobel Peace Prize win makes her the second Iranian woman to receive the prestigious award, following Shirin Ebadi's recognition in 2003.

Nobel Prize and historical context:

  • The Nobel Prize was established in honor of Alfred Nobel's testamentary wishes, with the aim of rewarding those who have made significant contributions to the betterment of humanity.

  • The Nobel Foundation was established in 1900 and the first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901.

  • The Nobel Peace Prize, awarded 104 times between 1901 and 2023, has recognized 141 individuals and organizations.

  • Notable recipients include the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which has received the Nobel Peace Prize three times, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, awarded twice.

  • In 2022, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Ales Bilyatsky of Belarus, Memorial (a Russian human rights organization) and the Ukrainian human rights organization Center for Civil Liberties.

By admin: Oct. 5, 2023

9. Nobel Prize in Literature 2023: Awarded to author Jon Olav Fosse

Tags: Awards

Norwegian author John Olav Fosse awarded 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature

An Overview of the News

  • The Swedish Academy has selected John Olav Fosse for the Nobel Prize in Literature 2023 for his innovative literary contributions.

John Olav Fosse: a brief biography

  • He was born on September 29, 1959 in Haugesund, Norway.

  • He is a prolific writer with a diverse body of work including plays, novels, short stories, poetry, children's books and essays.

  • Fosse's first novel, "Raud Svart", was published in 1983.

  • Notable novels such as "Stengd Gitar" and "Skuggar" (2007), as well as the short novel "Morgon og Kveld."

  • Recognition as a finalist for the International Booker Prize in 2022 for "A New Name: Septology VI-VII".

Norwegian Nobel Prize winners in literature

  • John Olav Fosse has become the fourth Norwegian to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

  • Previous Norwegian laureates: Björnstjern Björnsson (1903), Knut Hamsson (1920), Sigrid Undset (1928).

About Nobel Prize

  • The Nobel Prize was established in 1900 in honor of Alfred Nobel, and the first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901.

  • The Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded 116 times to 120 recipients from 1901 to 2023.

  • The first Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Sully Prudhomme of France in 1901.

  • The Nobel Prize for Literature in 2022 was awarded to France's Anne Ernaux.

  • Rabindranath Tagore is the only Indian to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, which he achieved in 1913, making him the first Asian to receive the prestigious award.

By admin: Oct. 3, 2023

10. 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine won by Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman

Tags: Awards

mRNA pioneers Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman will be jointly awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

An Overview of the News

  • Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman will be awarded the Nobel Prize for their groundbreaking work in messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which was crucial in the development of COVID-19 vaccines.

  • His contributions led to the rapid development of vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic, saving millions of lives and reducing the severity of the disease.

mRNA Technology Revolution:

  • mRNA vaccines such as those from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech were approved in December 2020.

  • These vaccines provide genetic instructions to cells, simulating infection and training the immune system.

  • The technology, which was initially experimental, has now been administered to millions of people globally and is being explored for other diseases as well.

Honors and Upcoming Celebrations:

  • Kariko and Weissman, both from the University of Pennsylvania, have received multiple awards for their research, including the Lasker Prize in 2021.

  • They will officially receive their Nobel Prize at a ceremony in Stockholm on 10 December 2023, coinciding with the anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, who founded the Nobel Prize.