CWC Wins 'Water Department of the Year' at Global Water Tech Summit

Tags: Science and Technology

Central Water Commission (CWC) received the GEEF Global WaterTech Award for 'Water Department of the Year' at the Global Water Tech Summit 2024.

An Overview of the News

  • The award was presented by the Global Energy and Environment Foundation (GEEF) in New Delhi.

Award Categories

  • Focus Areas: Recognizes achievements in water, wastewater, and desalination sectors.

  • Criteria: Awards emphasize innovation, technology, conservation, and sustainable development.

CWC’s Contributions

  • Hydro-meteorological data collection

  • Flood forecasting

  • Reservoir storage monitoring

  • Water quality monitoring

  • Coastal area management

  • Appraisal and monitoring of water resources projects

  • Resolving inter-state water issues

New Initiatives

  • Enhanced Collaboration:

    • Interaction with State/UT Water Resources/Irrigation/Jal Shakti Departments to improve synergy.

  • Capacity Building:

    • Development in Urban Hydrology and Extended Hydrological Prediction (EHP).

  • Public Engagement:

    • Launch of the mobile app ‘Floodwatch India’ for flood information dissemination.

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