Daniel Ellsberg, Renowned Whistleblower of the Pentagon Papers, Passes Away at 92

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Daniel-EllsbergDaniel Ellsberg, a prominent whistleblower who leaked the Pentagon Papers, passed away at the age of 92.

An overview of the news

  • Ellsberg's actions, which exposed the government's deception and doubts regarding the Vietnam War, had far-reaching consequences and played a role in President Richard Nixon's resignation. 

  • Ellsberg revealed his terminal illness with pancreatic cancer in February.

  • Until the early 1970s, Ellsberg was an influential member of the government and military establishment. 

  • As a Harvard graduate and self-described "cold warrior," he served as a consultant on Vietnam, risking his life and holding the highest security clearances. 

  • He gained the trust of officials from both Democratic and Republican administrations.

  • The Pentagon Papers, a comprehensive study commissioned by then-Defense Secretary Robert S McNamara in 1967, became the catalyst for Ellsberg's whistleblowing. 

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