Dick Schoof Elected as New Prime Minister of Netherlands

Tags: International News

Dick Schoof, former head of the Dutch intelligence agency and counterterrorism office, is sworn in as the new Prime Minister of the Netherlands by King Willem-Alexander.

An Overview of the News

  • The Netherlands has a new Prime Minister for the first time in 14 years.

  • The new government was sworn in seven months after the far-right Party for Freedom won the largest share of seats in the elections.

  • First non-party-aligned PM since World War II.

Formation of Government:

  • Took 223 days to form a government after elections.

  • The elections were dominated by Geert Wilders’ far-right, anti-Islam Party for Freedom.

  • Wilders’ party won the largest share of seats but did not secure the PM position due to opposition from coalition partners.

Coalition Parties:

  • Party for Freedom (Geert Wilders).

  • People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (Mark Rutte’s center-right party).

  • Farmer Citizen Movement (populist party).

  • New Social Contract (centrist party).

Government Agenda:

  • Coalition agreement titled “Hope, courage and pride.”

  • Strict measures on asylum-seekers.

  • Scrapping of family reunification for refugees.

  • Reduction in the number of international students.

Controversies and Negotiations:

  • Wilders backpedaled on extreme views, including banning mosques, Islamic schools, and the Quran.

  • Ronald Plasterk, Wilders’ first choice for PM, withdrew due to allegations of medical patent fraud.

Cabinet Ministers:

  • 15 other ministers installed alongside PM Schoof.

  • Femke Wiersma, agriculture minister, made her declaration in Frisian.

About Netherlands

  • The Netherlands, also known as Holland, is a country located in northwestern Europe.

  • Monarch: King Willem-Alexander

  • Prime Minister: Dick Schoof

  • Capital: Amsterdam

  • Currency: euro

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