Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar inaugurates National Maternal Health Workshop

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Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar inaugurates National Maternal Health Workshop

Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar inaugurated the National Maternal Health Workshop in New Delhi on 14 December. 

Important facts

  • The theme of the workshop was “Striving for zero preventable maternal mortality”.

  • During the event, Dr. Pawar unveiled the Midwifery-Led Care Units (MLCUs) brochure and Standard Operating Protocol poster for the labour room.

  • She also introduced the Maternal health guidance booklet for community health officers (CHOs) and SUMAN community linkages brochure. 

  • India has achieved a momentous milestone in reduction of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) registering a significant decline from 130 in 2014-16 to 97 per lakh live births in 2018-20.

  • India is on a positive path towards maternal health and child health and the Government of India is determined to meet the new challenges.

  • For the implementation of “Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan”, doctors pledge one day of service per month for this campaign.

  • More than 3.6 crore pregnant women have received comprehensive antenatal care under this program across all states and union territories.

Awards to states for remarkable efforts and achievements in the area of maternal health

Intensive efforts in reducing MMR:  1st position: Kerala and 2nd Maharashtra

  • Performance as per the NFHS-5: Antenatal Care services & Institutional deliveries

  • In 4 ANC services

1st position- Madhya Pradesh; 2nd position Rajasthan

  • Increase in Institutional Delivery in large states-

  • 1st position West Bengal; 2nd position Uttar Pradesh

  •  Roll out of SUMAN:

  • In bigger state category, highest SUMAN notification

  • 1st position- Punjab; 2nd position- Tamil Nadu

  • In smaller state category, highest SUMAN notification

  • 1st position – Goa; 2nd position- Tripura

  • Quality certifications under LaQshya:

  • In the Bigger state category, Karnataka bagged the first position.

  • In the small state category, Chandigarh was the winner.

  • In absolute numbers of certifications, Madhya Pradesh holds 1st position.

  • Gujarat won the state with the highest number of medical colleges prize. 

  • High-risk pregnancy management under PMSMA.

  • Tamil Nadu was the best performing state.

  • Manipur bagged the first prize for rapid rollout of extended PMSMA.

  • Bolstering the teamwork among the frontline workers, the best ANM- ASHA teams went to the State of Uttar Pradesh.

  • Midwifery initiative: Best performing state was Telangana.

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