Former CJI Raman appointed as a member of the Singapore International Mediator Panel

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Former Chief Justice of India (CJI) NV Ramana was appointed as a member of the prestigious International Mediator Panel of the Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC).

An Overview of the News

  • Justice Ramana participated in the 'Singapore Convention Week', an annual conference organized by Singapore's Ministry of Law, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), and over 20 partner organizations.

  • The letter of appointment was presented to him by SIMC President George Lim in Singapore on 29 August.

About the Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIMC)

  • It is an independent non-profit organization in Singapore.

  • It specializes in providing arbitration services for cross-border commercial disputes.

  • International Arbitrators: It maintains a panel of international arbitrators who facilitate the resolution of disputes.

  • Location: SIMC is located at Maxwell Chambers in Singapore.

  • Formation of a working group: In April 2013, a working group was formed, co-chaired by Edwin Glasgow CBE QC and George Lim SC.

  • SIMC Established: November 2014


  • It is a subsidiary body of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

  • It was established in 1966 by the UNGA.

  • Its official mandate is to promote the harmonization and unification of international trade law.

  • It achieves this through conventions, model laws, and other legal instruments.

  • UNCITRAL addresses various aspects of commerce, including dispute resolution and trade rules.

  • Its annual sessions are held in New York City and Vienna.

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