G20 One Health Workshop inaugurated in Bengaluru

Tags: Summits

Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shobha Karandlaje inaugurated the G20 One Health Workshop in Bengaluru.

An Overview of the News

  • The workshop focused on the theme “One Health - Opportunities and Challenges”.

  • Representatives of G20 member states and invited countries are participating in the three-day event.

  • India's G20 chairmanship is focused on the theme "One Earth, One Family, and One Future".

  • Its goal is to create a harmonious system for sharing knowledge, experience, and resources among nations.

About the G20

  • It is an international forum of the world's leading economies established in 1999.

  • Its primary objective is to promote international financial stability and sustainable economic growth.

  • The G20 serves as a forum to discuss and coordinate policies related to a wide range of economic and financial issues such as trade, investment, employment, energy, and climate change.

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