Georgia officially declares October as 'Hindu Heritage Month'

Tags: International News

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp officially declared October as 'Hindu Heritage Month'.

An Overview of the News 

  • It aims to celebrate Hindu heritage while emphasizing the rich cultural and spiritual traditions of India.

  • It recognizes and appreciates the valuable contributions made by the Hindu-American community in the state of Georgia.

  • Hinduism is accepted as the third largest religion globally, with one billion followers worldwide and about three million followers in the United States.

  • Throughout October 2023, the Hindu community in Georgia will collectively celebrate its heritage by focusing on the culture and diverse spiritual traditions of India.

Georgia's historic resolution against Hinduphobia:

  • In April 2023, Georgia passed a historic resolution condemning Hinduphobia, making it the first US state to do so.

  • The resolution condemns Hinduphobia and anti-Hindu prejudice, emphasizing the widespread and ancient nature of Hinduism, with more than 1.2 billion adherents in more than 100 countries.

  • It outlines the diverse traditions and belief systems within Hinduism, all based on the principles of acceptance, mutual respect, and peace.

  • According to the Hindu American Foundation, Hindu Heritage Month (HHM) serves as a global effort to highlight the longstanding tradition of Hinduism and its significant contributions to humanity.

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