India improves its rank on Democracy Index 2021

Tags: National News

India has improved its ranks by 7 places to move to 46 rank in the Democracy Index 2021 released by the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) on 10 February 2022. It was ranked 53rd in the Democracy Index 2020.

India  was categorised as aflawed democracy along with the U.S.

Highlights of the Index 2021

  • The Democracy Index 2021 ranks167 countries and territories  of the world .

  • The EIU democracy Index ranks the country on the rating of 0 to 10. Country which scores 10 is a perfect democracy and a country scoring 0 is an Authoritarian country.

  • The top ranked country was Norway with a score of 9.75 and Afghanistan was ranked at the bottom,167th  with a score of 0.32.

  • India is ranked 46 on the global index with an overall score of 6.91. It has the lowest score of 5 on political culture and the highest score of 8.67 on electoral process and pluralism. It scores 6.18 on civil liberties, 7.22 on political participation.

  • Economic Intelligence Unit has divided the world into four types; Full democracy, Flawed democracies, Hybrid regimes, Authoritarian regimes. 

  • The top ranked Democratic countries were (rank wise ); Norway, New Zealand,Finland , Sweden , Iceland.

  • The bottom ranked countries: 167 ranked Afghanistan , 166 th  Myanmar ,165th  ranked  North Korea, 164 ranked Congo and 163 ranked Central African Republic.

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EIU : Economic Intelligence Unit

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