India's WPI Inflation Rate Rises to 3.36% in June 2024

Tags: Economy/Finance

India's WPI inflation rate rose to 3.36% in June 2024, according to data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI).

An Overview of the News

  • This rate is provisional and represents an increase over June 2023.

  • The positive inflation rate is mainly due to rising prices in food articles, crude petroleum, natural gas, mineral oils, and other manufacturing sectors.

  • This marks the third consecutive month of significant sequential increases.

  • Consecutive Monthly Increases:

    • March 2024: 0.3%

    • April 2024: 1.2%

    • May 2024: 2.6%

    • June 2024: 3.36%

  • The WPI for June 2024 was compiled at a weighted response rate of 87.8%.

  • The WPI Food Index increased to 190.3 in June 2024, up from 185.7 in May 2024.

  • The annual rate of inflation (year-over-year) for the Food Index rose to 8.68% from 7.40%.

  • The month-over-month change in WPI for all commodities increased by 0.39% in June 2024 compared to May 2024.

Wholesale Price Index (WPI)

  • WPI tracks wholesale goods prices and reflects inflation.

  • India now uses the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for inflation measurement.

  • The U.S. reports the Producer Price Index (PPI) instead of WPI.

  • WPI affects stock and fixed price markets.

  • WPI is published by India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry and focuses on prices in industry and manufacturing.

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