Japan Introduces New 3D Holographic Banknotes

Tags: International News

Japan will start issuing new banknotes on July 3.

An Overview of the News

  • These banknotes feature cutting-edge holography, making the portraits of historic figures appear to rotate in 3D.

  • The new technology allows visually impaired people to feel and discern the banknotes they are holding.

  • Tactile marks will make the banknotes recognizable by touch.

  • By the end of March next year, nearly 7.5 billion new banknotes will be printed.

  • Existing banknotes will remain valid after the introduction of the new banknotes.

About Japan

  • Capital: Tokyo

  • King: Prince Naruhito (The reign of the 126th king will be known as 'Riwa'.)

  • Prime Minister: Fumio Kishida

  • Currency: Japanese Yen

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