Kami Rita Sherpa Sets New Record with 29th Ascent of Mount Everest

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Kami Rita Sherpa, a renowned Nepalese climber and guide, achieved a historic feat by summiting Mount Everest for the 29th time.

An Overview of the News

  • Often referred to as the 'Everest Man', Kami Rita surpassed his own previous record of 28 successful ascents, which he achieved in the spring season of the previous year.

  • Kami Rita reached the summit of Mount Everest at 7:25 am (NST) on May 12.

  • He accomplished this feat while leading an expedition organized by 'Seven Summit Treks', showcasing his leadership and expertise in mountaineering.

Expedition Details

  • Kami Rita embarked on his expedition from Kathmandu at the end of May, leading a team of approximately 28 climbers.

  • As an experienced guide, he provided valuable leadership and support to the team throughout the challenging journey.

Historical Significance

  • With a climbing legacy spanning 71 years, Kami Rita now holds the esteemed record for the highest number of ascents on Mount Everest.

  • His achievement surpasses the previous record held by Pasang Dawa Sherpa, another renowned climber from Solukhumbu, who climbed Sagarmatha for the 27th time last year.

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