National Conclave on Sickle Cell Disease Awareness

Tags: National News

National Conclave on Sickle Cell Disease Awareness about Sickle Cell Disease was held at AIIMS, New Delhi.

An Overview of the News

  • Union Tribal Affairs Minister Jual Oram emphasized that sickle cell disease (SCD) is not limited to tribal communities and can affect anyone.

  • Oram stressed the importance of widespread awareness and the need to approach treatment from a human development perspective.

  • Grassroots Efforts: Called for initiatives at Gram Panchayats and Anganwadis.

  • Inter-Disciplinary Cooperation: Stressed the importance of cooperation among ministries and departments.

  • Patient Interaction: Oram interacted with SCD patients.

  • Conclave Details: One-day event at AIIMS with top hematology experts discussing SCD treatment and research.

Overview of Sickle Cell Anemia

  • Sickle cell anemia is a type of inherited disorder under the umbrella of sickle cell disease.

  • It affects the shape of red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body.

  • Some red blood cells become sickle-shaped (like crescent moons) and are rigid and sticky.

  • These malformed cells can slow down or block blood flow.

Normal Red Blood Cells:

  • Typically round and flexible, allowing easy movement through blood vessels.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Anemia:

    • Sickle cells break apart easily, typically dying in 10 to 20 days, compared to the usual 120 days for normal red blood cells.

    • This leads to a shortage of red blood cells, known as anemia, resulting in fatigue due to insufficient oxygen.

  • Pain:

    • Known as pain crises, these episodes occur when sickle-shaped cells block blood flow to the chest, abdomen, and joints.

    • Chronic pain can occur due to bone and joint damage, ulcers, and other factors.

  • Swelling of Hands and Feet:

    • Blocked blood circulation by sickle cells causes swelling in these areas.

  • Frequent Infections:

    • Damage to the spleen by sickle cells increases infection risk.

    • Babies and children with sickle cell anemia often receive vaccinations and antibiotics to prevent serious infections, such as pneumonia.

  • Delayed Growth or Puberty:

    • The shortage of healthy red blood cells affects oxygen and nutrient supply, slowing growth in babies and children and delaying puberty in teenagers.

  • Vision Problems:

    • Blockage of tiny blood vessels supplying the eyes can damage the retina, leading to vision issues.

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