Pankaj Advani wins his 25th World title at Kuala Lumpur

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Pankaj Advani of India defeated Sourav Kothari in the final of the 2022 IBSF World Billiards Championship, to win his 25th World title. 

The final of the 2022 IBSF World Billiards Championship was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 8 October 2022.

Pankaj Advani has won the World Billiards title for five times in a row.

Pankaj Advani has now won 25 world titles. No other Indian sportsperson has won so many world titles in any sport.

Cue Sport 

Cue sport is played on a table where a cue (stick) is used to hit the balls. Snooker, Billiards, and pool are some famous cue sports in the world. 

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