PM Modi Inaugurates New Nalanda University Campus

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the newly built campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar.

An Overview of the News

  • The event was held at Sushma Swaraj Auditorium at Nalanda University.

  • External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, Bihar Governor Rajendra Arlekar, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Deputy Chief Ministers Samrat Choudhary and Vijay Sinha, along with other delegates, were present at the new campus of Nalanda University. The event was also attended by ambassadors from 17 countries.

Prime Minister Modi's Address

  • PM Modi emphasized the role of knowledge in making India developed by 2047.

  • Stressed that strengthening education and knowledge systems can help India achieve superpower status.

  • Mentioned the International Solar Alliance as an example of such initiatives.

  • The government aims to re-establish India as a major knowledge centre with a new identity in the education sector.

Remarks by Other Leaders

  • External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar:

    • Spoke on the revival of Nalanda as a global bridge of learning.

    • Highlighted education, training, and capacity building as effective ways to promote international understanding.

  • Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar:

    • Praised the glorious history of ancient Nalanda University.

    • Acknowledged the ruins of ancient Nalanda University as a World Heritage site.

Historical Significance of Nalanda

  • Nalanda University, founded in Rajagriha (now Rajgir) in Bihar in the 5th century BC by Kumararagupta of the Gupta Dynasty, was among the earliest educational institutions globally.

  • It thrived under Gupta kings like Kumaragupta, Emperor Harsha of Kannauj, and later under the Pala empire.

  • Nalanda functioned not only as a university but also as a Buddhist monastery.

  • According to Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang, the university housed 10,000 monks and 2,000 teachers.

  • Aryabhata, the renowned mathematician and astronomer, led Nalanda University.

  • Prominent figures such as Harshavardhana, Nagarjuna, and Vasubandhu were among its notable students.

  • Nalanda boasted an illustrious 800-year tradition as a center of learning.

UNESCO recognizes two world heritage sites in Bihar: the Mahabodhi Mahavihara in Bodh Gaya and the remnants of the ancient Nalanda University.

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