Renowned Wildlife Biologist A.J.T. Johnsingh Passed away in Bengaluru

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A pioneer and eminent wildlife biologist in the field of wildlife conservation in the country, A.J.T. John Singh died on 7 June in Bengaluru at the age of 78.

An Overview of the News

Early Career and Education:

  • Began his career as a Zoology lecturer in Sivakasi in the early 1970s.

  • Johnsingh's passion for wildlife led him to pursue a Ph.D. in wildlife studies, driven by his extensive field trips to forests.

Contributions to Conservation

  • Pioneered research on elephants in the early 1980s, which played a crucial role in the formulation of Project Elephant by the Government of India.

  • Organized an international conference on elephants at Mudhumalai wildlife sanctuary, gathering experts from around the world.

Affiliations and Associations

  • Associated with esteemed organizations such as the Bombay Natural History Society, the Corbett Foundation, and the Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysuru.

  • Served as a member of the National Wildlife Board and Tiger Conservation Authority, contributing his expertise to policy-making and conservation efforts.

Recognition and Awards

  • Johnsingh was honored with the 2004 Distinguished Service Award for Government by the Society for Conservation Biology.

  • He received the Carl Zeiss Wildlife Conservation Award in 2004 for his lifelong dedication to Indian wildlife.

  • In 2005, Johnsingh was recognized with the ABN AMRO Sanctuary Lifetime Wildlife Service Award.

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