Telangana Govt begins distributing financial assistance to farmers under Rythu Bandhu Scheme in state

Tags: Government Schemes State News

The Telangana Government has initiated the distribution of financial assistance to farmers for the Kharif season under the Rythu Bandhu Scheme.

An overview of the news

  • On the first day of distribution, an amount exceeding 640 crore rupees was directly deposited into the bank accounts of more than 22 lakh 55 thousand farmers who own less than one acre of land.

  • According to official data, the 11th edition of the scheme will provide financial assistance totaling over 7720 crore rupees to around 70 lakh farmers for their Kharif crop.

  • The Rythu Bandhu Scheme has, so far, contributed a cumulative amount of 72,910 crore rupees to farmers' accounts.

  • Approximately five lakh new beneficiaries, including 1.5 lakh Podu farmers who own 4 lakh acres of Podu lands, will receive 10 thousand rupees per acre per year under the scheme.

  • This additional support for Podu farmers will amount to around 300 crore rupees, which will be borne by the government exchequer.

  • Podu cultivation is a form of shifting cultivation commonly practiced by tribes residing in the forests of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, involving techniques like slash and burn.

What is the Rythu Bandhu scheme?

  • The Rythu Bandhu scheme is a program implemented by the Telangana government.

  • The term "Rythu Bandhu" translates to "Friend of Farmer" in English.

  • The scheme provides financial assistance to land-owning farmers in Telangana.

  • The support is given at the beginning of the crop season through direct benefit transfer.

  • The announcement of the Rythu Bandhu scheme was made by the Chief Minister of Telangana in February 2018.

  • This scheme is the first of its kind in India, as it directly transfers cash to farmers as an investment support.

  • The objective of the scheme is to alleviate the financial burden on farmers and provide them with necessary funds for agricultural activities.

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