The Post Office Act of 2023 Officially Takes Effect

Tags: National News

The Post Office Act, 2023 officially took effect on 18th June 2024, replacing the Indian Post Office Act, 1898.

An Overview of the News

  • Under the new Act, the government is empowered to intercept parcels transmitted through India Post under specific circumstances such as state security and public order concerns.

  • Interception can occur during public emergencies or to ensure public safety or tranquility, authorized by the central or state governments or designated officers.

  • Officers in charge can detain or dispose of intercepted shipments and have authority to open, detain, or destroy parcels containing prohibited items as per the Act or other laws.

Appointment and Powers of Director General of Postal Services

  • Appointment: Director General of Postal Services will lead India Post.

  • Regulatory Powers: Empowered to make regulations on various matters, including tariffs for services and supply of postage stamps.

Legislative Process

  • Bill Passage: Post Office Bill 2023 passed by Parliament in December.

  • Presidential Assent: Received assent from the President of India on 24th December 2023.

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